UEFA Champions League 05/06 Thread

Re: UEFA Champions League 04/05 Thread

Let's just wait and see. Football is strange, and funny things can happen. Like a crappy AC Milan winning from a world-class PSV. ;)
Re: UEFA Champions League 04/05 Thread

It's a pity for PSV Eindhoven (and Jefferson Farfán); at the final match I think AC Milán will win the Cup in Istanbul.
Re: UEFA Champions League 04/05 Thread

You just lost my registration:D....keep supporting Milan boys, because Liverpool play better as underdogs.
Re: UEFA Champions League 04/05 Thread

congrats milanista.

i feel really devistated. after that goal of ambrosini i went trough the ground for a sec. still cant really believe it. i feel so sorry for the psv players who did everything they could this season, for some of them it was their last chance of reaching a final in a psv shirt, for others it was proberly a once in a livetime chance. i wish i could turn back time so that farfan could run along with kaka, and van bommel marked ambrosini with the last powers they got. too bad it has to end this way. but im proud of the club and many people wont forget this so thats worth a thing, over time.

it was a great game. a good halve final. kaka was of invaluable importance. in a way it showed milan class, but i dont think u can simply say they did their job. altough im sure after the match Ancelotti was grinning in the dressing room looking like this: http://www.buyersmls.com/americantv...ure - How to Catch the A-Team_files/han1.jpeg
things did not went as planned, the plan was fucked with, and milan shit their pants. :) and it good liverpool could see it. all they have to do now is put the defence under pressure and concentrate for 90+!! minutes, not 85. PSV knew it this too, but its a hard lesson to learn in a weeks time, and they picked it up good, i mean 3-1 isnt bad, we lost it in the away match.

lets hope the final is just as exciting. good luck against liverpool.
Re: UEFA Champions League 04/05 Thread

Only caught the last half and hour, but PSV looked great, although in the end their legs where going, especially noticed it when two players sat heaped on the floor (little Korean and Alex possibly), I did think then their legs had totally went.

I did smell it coming in the end as Milan where starting to continually push them, although I was amazed when Cocu hit straight back.

Re: UEFA Champions League 04/05 Thread

Milanista said:
What about Italy-France 1-2 Euro 2000, Milan - Ajax 3-2 :D... thers many but thats what makes football painful.

yes maybe PSV play better than Milan all the game ;)

Italy vs France and Milan vs Ajax it's 50% 50% games
Re: UEFA Champions League 04/05 Thread

What a great semi final last night was, well done milan but youve just got to feel for PSV fully deserved more!
Re: UEFA Champions League 04/05 Thread

Great match, the better team went out...i guess it's why Milan are one of the best Italian sides...they are lethal with one big chance and certainly at the end of a half (against Inter, two times against PSV...watch out Liverpool). Probably the best team in Europe but i really don't like their football.
PSV was great, discovered a great player: Park.
Like FD, somehow i knew it was gonna happen the one counter and goal (by the one player who was there because they wanted to play defensively...mut be great for Ancelotti).
Italy: the most beautifull land of Europe, the best food in the world, i like the people and i am fond of their passion for football (if positive)...but: GO LIVERPOOL!!!!

Nevertheless: congratulations Milanista.
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Re: UEFA Champions League 04/05 Thread

I would call AC Milan far from the best team in Europe. They're not as good es everybody seems to think. They actually play German-style football: 10 players behind the ball, and nick one in in the last minute. A style I really dislike. Also, Milan seems to rely more in intimidation through their big reputation than the actual play itself.

What I saw last night was just a very bad team, bearly worth of UEFA-cup football. I would say Liverpool makes the most chance if they wheren't so bloody bad against Chelsea. And I still think PSV is the best team in Europe, at least now. Not in name, not in goals, but the two games I saw them play last week where the best I've seen any side play this year.

And here ends my shameless PSV-praising.
Re: UEFA Champions League 04/05 Thread

And that brings up the question of when one is succesful. Of course, winning the trophy and all brings you short fame and glory. But if you play so well without winning, won't that become even more of a legend? Won't people talk even longer about you when you loose spectacular, rather then win medicore?

Or is this all just loser-talk? I guess it is. As the immortal loser-motto goes: "Ah, what does it matter anyway?"
Re: UEFA Champions League 04/05 Thread

Not really I dont think. Unfortunately many performances such as PSV's last night will not be remembered as much as Milan winning the competition in about 5 years from now unless reminded. I doubt anyone remembers the game where Milan beat Deportivo 4-0 in Riazor with a Pippo hat trick, the year they won the CL, or the couragious clash of the titans against Real Madrid where Sheva netted the decisive goal on a beautiful pass by Rui Costa in the same season.

Unfortunate that most teams who have a terrific run in a big competition get stripped - look at Monaco and Porto, I hope PSV dont get stripped.
Re: UEFA Champions League 04/05 Thread

Its been a while since I last posted here, but with yesterday´s game I felt like I needed to say this: Congratulations PSV

I´ve never seen a club playing such a great match against an italian giant as AC Milan. They completed took over the entire game (almost 70% ball possession), changed passes wisely and put up a big pressure that I´ve never seen AC Milan suffer before.

They only lost because AC Milan is a deadly team and they scored a late goal in both matches.

And maybe because of Gus Hiddink. I´m sorry to say that, because I think the man is a genius, but maybe he got a little bit cockier than he should.
Replacing Bouma with a striker when he was going to extra-time and exposing his defence like that? PSV was playing a perfect match by that point, and they could even score the 3rd without subbing a CB.
Bouma would have been Ambrosini´s shadow in that cross... That´s exactly what they lacked.

But still, congratulations to the whole PSV squad and coach... and specially Phillip Cocu. A great match by a great player. Most likely he won´t have a chance like that in his career. Hope I´m wrong.

Nothing against AC Milan ;)
Re: UEFA Champions League 04/05 Thread

Well, that also depends on what side you're looking at. The Netherlands, despite it's undenyable and seemingly unending supply of heavy-talented players and coaches, have little international succes to look at. Sure, we've had the 1995 Ajax, but that's a rare succes. The only great international prestation result-wise was, of course, 1988. Holland fought itself to a deserved EC win, just after PSV had snatched the EuropeCup I.

With so few results, we go look at the "almost"-moments. When a team was very near a prize, and despite it's enourmous efforts, misses. That's why we still have legends of '74, '78, '90, '92, '98 and even 2000. Whith few prizes, you get to appreciate the smaller accomplishements.

As it seems, luck was always against "us". Doesn't matter, makes it all the more a nice story. I think it is time to turn myself to the wise statement that is my sig...
Re: UEFA Champions League 04/05 Thread

Sad, AZ lost as well, and just like PSV, in the final minutes of the game. If they hald on seconds longer, they'd be in the final. A real sad week for Dutch football, although AZ and Spoting where equally matched.
Re: UEFA Champions League 04/05 Thread

Dont worry you Dutch dudes, Van Basten will coach the Dutch national team to victory in Germany 2006.
Re: UEFA Champions League 04/05 Thread

Ofcourse, he was a champion at Milan with 3 Ballon D'ors, he knows winning tactics that he learnt from Milan :D
Re: UEFA Champions League 04/05 Thread

Milanista, i know you as a fair guy...why this last stupid remark???
Do you have any merits in AC Milan success??? I don't think so...
I hope for you that Liverpool don't win the final.
That's what i hate about some football forums: the glory hunters who gloat when their team wins,(always a superstar team)...i always tought you were a real fan Milanista...would you support Milan when they would relegate???? I don't think so.
Their bigget ever player relegated with them: Franco Baresi. to me he is far greater than all the other superstars of Milan...
He should be inspirational for you...it's in victory that man can show his greatness by staying humble...you didn't Milanista.
Re: UEFA Champions League 04/05 Thread

For the good of the comp Milan must will, LFC are pretty sh*t this year, hence them not being good enough to qualify for the CL in the right way, they are closer to the bottom of the table than they are to the top, we had a pretty average team win last year we dont want another one...

Re: UEFA Champions League 04/05 Thread

Glory hunter? I was a fan before I knew milan had won anything. Ive been a Milan fan since i liked football, its been passed from my dad who was born in Milan. And the wink at the end of my post meant that i was joking... so it isnt really fair to judge from a wink is it.

When i started liking Milan they werent a very strong European team as they are now, i remember we couldnt even qualify for the UEFA cup, and we had a change of 4 coaches in 1 year. If Milan got relegated why would I want to change if they have been my team for the last 10 years? I wasnt a fan of football yet when Milan had the problem in the early 80's, yes the one where they got relegated.

you're much older than me i gather from other posts, so you can say Baresi easily - ive only lived to be a fan of his milan for 2 years at most, ive always looked up to Maldini,and still do.
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Re: UEFA Champions League 04/05 Thread

That was no stupid last remark, it's the truth. Clubs like AC Milan win easily. If you happen to live in Milan, or have always supported it, you picked the right club if you look for succes.

What I can say about Milan, is that in it's Dutch time (Van Basten, Gullit & Rijkaard), it was one of the better teams. And the name "AC Milan always spoke to my imagination because of it's many prizes. So Milanista, you where right about the "winning tactics" thing, even if it was meant as a joke. The club somehow always seems to win... unlike certain Dutch clubs I know.
Re: UEFA Champions League 04/05 Thread

imo Dutch midfielders fit well in Milan, and possibly italian football. Van Bommel for example can be an ideal midfielder for Milan, hes like Pirlo. Milan's actually been linked to him too.

Even Cruijff passed some of his career as a Milan player, too bad it was when he was about to retire.
Re: UEFA Champions League 04/05 Thread

Cruijff never played for Milan. He played for Ajax, Barcelona and Feyenoord in Europe and for The Los Angeles Aztecs and the Washington Diplomats in the USA...

And Milanista, apparently i was wrong...sorry.
Maldini is a player like Baresi, he's always been a Milan player...somehow i respect one club players more than others...
Re: UEFA Champions League 04/05 Thread

Cruijff HAS played for Milan, for a month. It was right at the end of his career, so i think 1984/85. He only played 3 official games I think because he then decided to retire.
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