Tottenham Thread

Without Bale, last year would've been worse than this year so in reality this "awesome" Spurs statistics that everyone seem to moan about in the newspaper and elsewhere is actually an illusion.

There was nothing positive to trace about his way of playing so the option to be patient was naturally ruled out. Spurs isn't supposed to be a learning arena for a talented but slow manager, they need a big-shot right now because they won't have the economy to keep going this seriously if they don't get their hands on some serious CL money very soon.
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That first sententie of your last post could be said about every influential player in the history of football, zero...
How would Ajax have looked without Cruijff ?
Argentina '86 without Maradonna ?
Man Utd in the '90's without Cantona ?
Barcelona without Messi ?
Real Madrid without Ronaldo ?

Bale was with Spurs, so why not make him the focal point of your team ?
Ahh AVB... what can I say? I can't dislike the man. But he'll always be the guy who said Spurs controlled a match which they lost 5-2 against Arsenal. He seemed clueless at times and it was hard to understand what goes on in his head. He made a number of odd decisions, some abrupt, which cost his job at Chelsea (the club run by John Terry and other players), where he disappointed very powerful stakeholders. And now at Tottenham, I don't think he did anything too extraordinary. Of course less than 2 seasons isn't enough to judge, but after they sold Bale and they spent unreasonable amounts on the likes of Soldado, I got that feeling it was gonna go tits up. Also, players like Holtby for instance, are all round neat players, but way too overrated. Similar to Scott Parker in that respect.
Spurs already had a large squad. So when they spent the 100m they got from Bale the way they did (buying mid-weight unproven players in bulk quantity) it was a wrong move. They should have gone for a big name.
Bale singlehandedly won Spurs 18 points last season (I worked this out by taking his impressive 9 match winning goals last season and multiplying by 2, which is the difference between a draw and a win). This is as close to a one-man team as you're ever gonna get.
Without Bale and with a bunch of unimpressive players (apart from a few), there's no wonder the team's performance dipped so badly. Any manager would have suffered, but now with the recent humiliating results, AVB couldn't be kept in the job.
I'm not sure Spurs bought that bad recently.
The only player about who i think that he is really not good enough is Eriksen. I hope he does well, but i have a feeling he is overated.
The difference between the players you mention, gerd, and Spurs with Bale under AVB is that Spurs didn't play well and only won games solely because of impossible moments of individual efforts by Bale. It was an extreme anti-climax for Spurs going from the most entertaining and well playing club in the league two-three years in a row under Redknapp to play anti-football under AVB where attacking was secondary objective at best.

Under Villas Boas, several Spurs players have stagnated or regressed.


Anyway, doesn't matter if you're for or against the sacking of Villas Boas because it's done. It is however going to be incredibly interesting to see how they play in the coming weeks. I'm following this team very closely as it is definitely the most interesting thing going on in PL at the moment. There aren't any activity in the Dortmund thread either, so I can basically thank this board for my recent Spurs facination...

I wish them luck, there are several players in this squad that I adore. Holtby, Dembele and Lamela especially.
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according to some a lot of the players brought in weren't his first choice or even ones he recommended.

Apparently he wanted Bale for another year and to bring in players such as Hulk to really bolster the attacking line up.
I think Soldado is an example of money badly allocated. He cost what, almost 30m pounds? And you look at his stats and performances so far, it's embarrassing. I think he scored only penalties?

One of the exceptions I think was Paulinho, who I rate highly and been following for a while. At 17m it was a good catch.

Other guys like Chadli, Eriksen, the Romanian defender, are unknown quantities to me.
Football fans really are morons. It seems AVB has had death threats from disappointed Spurs fans.
I wonder what these people do in their professional lifes...everybody makes mistakes in his professional life, but some people get death threats or other unsaviour tweets.

To make matters worse, those nice messages never came to Andre Villas Boas. It turns out that the twitter account @AVB, belongs to Ashley Van Buuren, a 25 year old young woman from New York...welcome to the football world Ashley.

Fortunately miss Van Buuren is very intelligent and has a sense of humour, she answered the tweets with lyrics of musicals.

An example ?

"You are a motherfucking moron, i hope you die", Ashley Van Buuren's answer: The sun will come out tomorow # Annie.

Ashley Van Buuren for president and a permanent box at White Hart Lane.

Sometimes i'm ashamed to be a football fan.
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They played a lot better against West Ham. I wouldn't say they were unlucky because they've been ineffective and unable to capitalize chances all season but they had tempo and drive against West Ham. They only lost because they lacked strength in the air when West Ham started to hoof towards the end. West Ham was very lucky as the ball bounced their way.
Nice goal between Soldado and Adebayor. Lovely cross, didn't really know Soldado had that in his locker.

Generally outplayed this half though.
Nice goal between Soldado and Adebayor. Lovely cross, didn't really know Soldado had that in his locker.

Generally outplayed this half though.

Soldado has always been quite a good passer and fairly creative as well. Not many people seem to know this, but he's an accomplished trequartista. His skills inside the box is his most lethal weapon though.

How did Lamela play today?
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So now an inexperienced manager who plays in an arcaic way for which Tottenham has no players is given an 18 month contract. He has the responsability to manage the best squad in the history of Spurs and their most ambitious project. Daniel Levy is a strange president.
I think Levy is a fan of synchronized dancing.

I think this was a bad idea. Spurs will have a huge surplus of offensive midfielders if they want to revert to standard 4-4-2.

Nice to see Adebayor back as his former self. I had almost forgotten how good he was.
Not so sure about Sherwood...
Claims the players don't have the physical condition to play 4-4-2 and what does he do, he plays 4-4-2.
Suddenly i see the future very dark (but i had the same sentiment when Redknapp came in after Juande Ramos was sacked and i was proven wrong).

I wonder which players will leave in the next transfer window...
I wouldn't be surprised if the 18 month contract is nothing more than a way to get Sherwood to seem like a real appointment, both to Sherwood and the players, and to give the players the "trust" to play for him. He hasn't even got a coaching degree, so technically isn't allowed to coach the team beyond 8 weeks.

This opinion piece sums up the ridiculous of it in a way, if you take this as anything more than a temp job till the real managers are available after the wc.

Will be interesting to see how it will go, the team used to play well for Redknapp and he is simple aswell so it might work. But surely some of the 20 new attacking midfielders will leave.
Seems odd to me - he is literally not qualified for such a club. As in, he can't even coach in UEFA competitions as he hasn't completed the requisite badges.

He'll be given a pass this year as I understand it, but shows that this probably wasn't planned.
forgetting that it shows how stupid it was to sack to AVB, its as if they didn't even think before acting on impulse ;))

A year of disastrous football, despite some results, is the proof that this wasn't "impulse" at all. Not all fans like their club playing piss poor football even if Man Utd fans didn't seem to mind for a few years lately.
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