Tottenham Thread


no he´s not.

Looks less and less a red each time
he made a contact with the bottom of his foot to other player chest.... Paulinho didn´t go for the ball but for the chest of Suarez...
what is there to discous realy?
Doesn't look a red, he knew he was in trouble by Suarez's scream. Koscielny had his knee sliced by the beast , no screaming . :)
GK always fall easily ... Ref protected.
Thanks for that gif about the red card,
To me that was careless. Red card is justified.
Soldado also clearly foulard Mignolet.

We need a real left back. Then AVB can play both Chiriches and Vertonghen as CB.
That was coming... They were champion of transfers.

Maybe saying I take full responsibility of lost was writing on the wall. 'get me 0ut!'
Officially they separated by common agreement.
This is not the solution unless AVb had lost the dressing room.

What did the board and the fans expected from this season ?
Spurs used to be virtually a one man team (that is very exagerated, but in the end they played that way: give the ball to Bale and he will score from long distance or from a run from his own half) and they have bought a zillion new players most of whom had never played in the EPL before...
Those players need time to get used to the league, living in a new country and to each other...
I'm sure Spurs can play a fantstic second half of the season and if they don't change too much they could be title contender next season.
I'm sure this may sound ridiculous after a 6-0 and a 0-5 loss against title contenders, but look at Liverpool last season ijn the same period...they were a shambles too...

It is way too early to judge AVB. Besides that he never got a fair chance from the English press. IMO he did not fail with Spurs.

Good luck to him...
Doesn't look a red, he knew he was in trouble by Suarez's scream. Koscielny had his knee sliced by the beast , no screaming . :)
GK always fall easily ... Ref protected.

knee isn't as much dangerous as chest , he could have killed Suarez while Koscielny can only lose his leg :SMUG:
I'm sure Spurs can play a fantstic second half of the season and if they don't change too much they could be title contender next season.
I'm sure this may sound ridiculous after a 6-0 and a 0-5 loss against title contenders, but look at Liverpool last season ijn the same period...they were a shambles too...
Doesnt sound ridiculous at all. If Tottenham buy a proper left back and sort out the exageration of players they have, I think it is the best squad after City.
I wish him good luck as well. But I can see that Spurs had to act, I think to a degree AVB seems to have lost the dressing room as it looks like the players dont want to perform for him. It's shades of how it ended at Chelsea, where he has spats with Alex and Anelka. His whole man management strategy is very strange, in pre-season he wanted to sell Dawson, and then he makes him captain. I don't really rate Dawson, and Spurs look a bit light in central defence at the moment, yet AVB has moved both Bassong and Caulker on - did he need to sell both? Would one of them (or even both) be useful now? As others have said he's done the same with full backs, Assou Ekottu would surely have been at least worth a place on the bench yesterday?

I agree that the media treated him harshly, but I think his behaviour, which was a bit confrontational, didn't help. To an extent he can say and act how he wants at press conferences and with fans, but I think it was hugely counterproductive. He had a go at the Spurs fans a few months ago for being too silent, he had a go at journalists for having an agenda against him, and he got that Tromsoe fan kicked out last month for singing "sacked in the morning".

At a personal level you can understand his point of view and his right to reply, but I can't help feeling that by creating so much noise about these things he only fuelled the fire, it just meant even more headlines about him being under pressure - perhaps a more mature manager would have ignored some of the press coverage or the fan chants.

There are big questions about his transfer policy, of all the players he's signed (both this year and last year) there are only 2-3 who can be said to be total sucesses Verthongen*, Chiriches and Lloris. There are others like Dembele, Sigurdssun and Holtby who have been there a year but havent had enough games to judge. This summer they signed midfield players like Chadli, Lamela, Erickson, Paulinho and Capoué, add the 3 I just mentioned (Holtby, Sigurdsson and Dembélé) from the previous summer, that's 8 players but how many of them could realistically play in the same team? Probably 3. I would say that they should have signed another striker, but in the last two summers AVB's signed Adebayor* (permanently) and Soldado the former is out of favour and the latter looks to be in shocking form, so in attack it seems to be poor player judgement. Maybe some of these players (*Adebayor and Vertonghen) were signed before he joined, and maybe he didnt have that much say in transfer policy, but it looks like a very confused strategy which has massivly strengthend the squad in central midfield but left it short in defence, especially full backs.

Ultimately, the team hasn't been performing well enough and that is the reason why he has gone. They themselves havent really won big in any league games, instead they've crept past teams like Palace, Cardiff, Norwich winning generally by a single goal in tight games. And against the top-to-upper-mid-table teams; Arsenal, Chelsea, Everton, Newcastle, Liverpool and both Manchesters, they've played 7 and only managed 3 draws, the other 4 have been defeats - and two of them are record defeats for Spurs in the modern era.
Spurs never played well under AVB and parting ways with him will be good for Spurs. Last season the points came but the team was playing the same boring and predictable football as they have so far this season. Bale magic was the only reason Spurs managed to avoid mid-table last year.

To be honest I think a manager has to be completely talentless to not at least score a reasonable amount of goals with this squad. Under AVB Spurs have near even goal ratio for/against and that is nothing less than terrible. He did get a lot of time to sort things out but he looked stunned on the bench almost every match when his lack of tactics and strategy inevitably failed miserably.

Good riddance.
As I posted ages ago, it's starting to look like Porto was the exception, not the rule of AVB's management career. Hopefully he goes outside of England now, because with those two squads he really should have been doing better.

Last season he had Gareth Bale scoring weekly worldies to get his 'no chance creation' style through, but this year despite a huge outlay on attacking players, it hasn't really looked any better.

I'm a little surprised as I thought it'd make sense to at least give him til Christmas, but looks like Levy has someone else in mind. I don't understand how Capello is available (Russia?!) but I guess he could do it in his spare time.
Yeah im interested to see who they bring in? I mean I can't see an obvious person so with that in mind why get rid?

I'll wait to see who they appoint before completely saying its stupid.
I don't share your analysis edmundo.
Just take a look at the Dembele's stats for example...his stats are astonishing(bear in mind that i loved both Dembele and Vertonghen before Spurs bought them, so i'm prejudiced). The problem is that AVB or Baldini has 3 similar players in Sandro, Dembele and Paulinho (and one might add Capoue to that and i still think Vertonghen's best position is DMF). I don't know why Spurs had to buy both Lamela and Eriksen and why Assou-Ekoto had to go.
But is AVB to blame for all of this ? I don't think so.

IMO there are still no signs that he lost the dressing room. After the 6-0 at City there was a declaration from Vertonghen that the players wanted AVB to stay. The fact is that despite all the thrasfers, this team is still an unbalanced one...the injury of Rose and Vertonghen is a drama for the team (it should not be for a club that invested that much, that in itself is a serious mistake, but once again, is AVB to blame ?).

And then there is Spurs as a club. It's not the time this happens: enormous optimism after the transfer period and then underachievement (it is one of the reasons that i love Spurs, i love this sort of teams, just like Atletico Madrid...i like their imperfection). Could there be something other wrong (look how Juande Ramos fared and how good Redknapp seems he's pretty clueless, yet he led them to the CL). It remains a mystery to me...
Yeah I'm not sure why Capello is being mentioned as a candidate either. Is he available? Surely not. The guy has Russia going to World Cup this coming summer, makes no sense to me.
I don't share your analysis edmundo.
Just take a look at the Dembele's stats for example...his stats are astonishing(bear in mind that i loved both Dembele and Vertonghen before Spurs bought them, so i'm prejudiced). The problem is that AVB or Baldini has 3 similar players in Sandro, Dembele and Paulinho (and one might add Capoue to that and i still think Vertonghen's best position is DMF). I don't know why Spurs had to buy both Lamela and Eriksen and why Assou-Ekoto had to go.

I think Dembele is an excellent player, but for a variety of reasons he wasnt getting much game time, espeically this season, under AVB. In the league, he's only played the full 90 4 times this season (and of those 4 only one is since West Ham in October) - I think there were rumours he wanted to leave and or AVB wanted to sell him.

But is AVB to blame for all of this ? I don't think so.

Possibly not, it certainly seems as though Baldini had a significant say in signings. However if AVB could see that the squad was too thin in defense he needed to say something to Levy or Baldini. If you're a manager at a club which has funds and are signing players and you can't persuade the chairman (or director of football or whoever) to sign players in the positions where you a weak then you are in big trouble.
Officially they separated by common agreement.
This is not the solution unless AVb had lost the dressing room.

What did the board and the fans expected from this season ?
Spurs used to be virtually a one man team (that is very exagerated, but in the end they played that way: give the ball to Bale and he will score from long distance or from a run from his own half) and they have bought a zillion new players most of whom had never played in the EPL before...
Those players need time to get used to the league, living in a new country and to each other...
I'm sure Spurs can play a fantstic second half of the season and if they don't change too much they could be title contender next season.
I'm sure this may sound ridiculous after a 6-0 and a 0-5 loss against title contenders, but look at Liverpool last season ijn the same period...they were a shambles too...

It is way too early to judge AVB. Besides that he never got a fair chance from the English press. IMO he did not fail with Spurs.

Good luck to him...

I like AVB but if he has indeed left by common agreement then I'm not sure he has was it takes to manage a big club in a big league.

The only grounds on which him (mutually) walking doesn't make him look bad is if he had no say in the transfers in the summer.

With that said, "mutual agreement" tends to just mean the manager has been sacked but gets on well with the chairman

As for the replacement. Hiddink is available but Capello does seem likely
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If I was a Spurs fan I'd be begging for Hoddle

He has some batshit beliefs but he knows football and likes his football to be stylish.
@gerd much can be said about Spurs but they've always played funny football... with the sole exception of the period under AVB in modern times. Who's fault is that? AVB definitely. Maybe the players should have some blame, but AVB picks the team and is ultimately responsible. Don't forget that Spurs lost heavily to Arsenal last season as well, and that stuff doesn't sit well with the fans. The first line-up he could muster was incredible at worst so there's no excuse for not having 35 goals in the league so far.
I remember AVB`s Chelsea , Arsenal beat them heavenly too! at the Bridge. That high-line defending is a gamble and he`s no betting man either. I think everyone said it , his Achilles' heel is man management . Whether players admit it or don`t he does not bring the best out of his players. At least he learn ,not to force players to run towards him for a hug :) after scoring. Bale did it just to leave to RM :)
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