Tottenham Thread

That was a very, very bad performance.
When the LB is the most creative player of a team, then something is wrong.
Without Dembele and Sandro this team lacks creativity.
Walker is useless...Huddlestone not good enough.
Also its embarrassing when the fans in the stadium boo the manager for taking off Defoe even though he had another one of those days.

Ewan Roberts ‏@EwanRoberts
Defoe vs Wigan: 11 touches, 5 completed passes, 0 shots. Dempsey: 34 touches, 26 passes @ 85%, 3 shots. No question JD should have come off.

He wasn't isolated, he was lazy and didn't offer anything to the team.
Several Spurs fans have been injured in Rome after clashes with Lazio Ultras. Two were stabbed and are in critical condition. :(
It's disgusting, hopefully they survive.

the lazio fans will probably be racist again in the stands as well and Lazio will get fined 30,000 pounds again as a punishment. :ROLL:
The brother of a collegue at work when with Anderlecht to Milan (not this CL, but the one before that when they had to play Milan), he was attacked by Milan "fans" who tried to cut his ears off. They succeded on one side of his head. Then he got rescued by a famous pair of rescuers: former Anderlecht star Paul Van Himst and cycling legend Eddy Merckx.

My collegue's brother never goes to football matches again while the bastards who did to him were never caught...

People who do things like that should get life long bans and other repercussions...
Jesus that's disgusting, unfortunately there are a lot of parasites who attach themselves to clubs and proport to be fans but really are just mindless unhingded hoodlums.

Was that back in the days of Anderlecht having Koller and Radzlinski upfront? That was quite a team back then.
Jesus that's disgusting, unfortunately there are a lot of parasites who attach themselves to clubs and proport to be fans but really are just mindless unhingded hoodlums.

true, theese lowlives are everywhere. but that's not the real problem imo. the real problem (and also the reason why this sort of episodes seem to happen more often in italy than in other countries) is that our authorities (the government, the police, the prosecutors and the judges) don't seem to be able to address this issue (wich is unacceptable for a legally constituted state).
even the media don't seem to pay much attention to this episodes now (wich is just mindboggling to me).

i would really like uefa to stand up and take some serious measures against the italian federation (like a 2 years ban from all uefa competitions for every italian team).
this situation has really gone too far. it seems theese thugs are allowed to do whatever they want whenever a foreign team comes to italy (roma and napoli especially) for a european matchup. uefa should not tolerate this any longer.
unfortunately i can't see uefa forcing any substantial punishment..... most likely lazio will get a fine and a couple of games behind closed doors.
It was more recently edmundo.
Good post Ben. Of course it can happen anywhere.
I also heard in the Guardian podcast that it might have been AS Roma-fans too...if that is thrue it makes even less sense to give Lazio a fine and let them play matches behind close door.

It might even be possible that attacks like this have no relation whatsoever with football (fans). The only relation might be that the people are in that location because of a football match. Are incidents like that football related? I don't think so.

Local authorities should react. Of course it would be good that also UEFA would stand up against those things.

This does not only happen in Italy's fantastic that you as an Italian react and do it in a very mature and responsible way, but this can happen anywhere....unfortunately one can find morons like that everywhere.
Something needs to be done but in this instance it's not right that a football club be punished for something that happened away from the stadium.
Another booking for Bale...and this time I think it was borderline. Bale's problem is his attitude, to quote the Welshman himself:

"People keep saying I'm diving, but if there's contact it's not diving. Referees need to look more closely."

I'd of thought growing up in football, being paid a lot of money to play football and being surrounded by professional footballers Mr. Bale might have access to the rule book. Because his above statement explains why he keeps getting in trouble, and also that he's never bothered to actually learn the rules of his profession.
just because there is contact aint mean you gotta fall to the ground like a little bitch. 1 game ban is light, give him 10 games then he'll stop diving.

that quote is just fucking ridiculous.
just because there is contact aint mean you gotta fall to the ground like a little bitch. 1 game ban is light, give him 10 games then he'll stop diving.

that quote is just fucking ridiculous.

Yeah I'm sure I am by far not alone in saying that if there is anything that can make me absolutely despise professional football then it's the diving and rolling around in agony on the slightest contact as if they just had one of their limbs ripped off.

It is also a huge reason IMHO why those who don't watch football simply never will because they think it's a sport full of a bunch of crybabies. Can't say I wholly disagree with that assessment. It hurts the sport for the lovers, and the sport in general because you're scaring people off who might otherwise give it a shot.
just because there is contact aint mean you gotta fall to the ground like a little bitch. 1 game ban is light, give him 10 games then he'll stop diving.

that quote is just fucking ridiculous.

The problem is that if you don't fall to the ground like a little bitch you don't get the decision.
The problem is that if you don't fall to the ground like a little bitch you don't get the decision.

True that, still the player has the decision to take it like a girl or keep going (take Walcott's third goal yesterday as an example).
However, the problem is definitely not confined to the player alone as you more or less point out. Rather than giving refs the option to instant review plays like in the NFL, I wonder what the best way to go about minimizing this sort of "play" as much as possible. Sure we all like it when a call goes in our team's favor but in some ways I hope no goal from it when that happens. Cheating should never be encouraged, let alone rewarded.
The problem is that if you don't fall to the ground like a little bitch you don't get the decision.
+ agreed

Bassong fouled Aquero hard in the box over the weekend. He didn`t fall for the penalty as it was a stone cold penalty. He stood strong and went for the shot.

Now, Cazorla fell and got up one week and then stood on the ground the next(dove). I think players already have it in their minds before the incident. Theo fell twice, once last season at Stamford Bridge and rose up and scored and over the weekend. I believe in Theo`s mind he won`t take the free kick ,nor the penalty so why stay on the ground. * lack the brains imo

I think Bale suffers w/ carrying the team on his shoulders. He is extremely fast ,but so is Aquero! n Theo! they don`t carry the pressure like Bale imo . He will learn soon enough, he can only contribute not carry.
It was a dive, he needs to man up, Lennon gets hacked down just as many times as Bale but never does the shit that Bale is doing.
More cunning work from Mr. Levy: Spurs wanted to sign Zeki Fryers from United this summer - but United would have had compensation as he was a youth product. So Spurs convinced him to join Standard Liege for nothing, and have now bought him from the Belgian club for almost nothing.

Crafty. Would be more impressed if it was a better player though!

Edit: Now Fergie is annoyed...
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Ah Jesus, he went to Spurs. That guy was bad, hopeless, awfull...
I know he left Standard because he was homesick...this is not a EPL player (judged by what he showed in Belgium).
Very happy with this, rumours about Sissoko too, 4-3-3 next season.
I really like Spurs squad and think you have the right manager given time.

I would love to see you challenging top 4 on a regular basis.

Best side in league apart from Man Utd and Man City IMO. Chelsea will fall on their backside sooner or later, Benitez will see to that.
I'm really happy to see AVB doing well, after how he was treated by Chelsea and the media. I think he's a top young manager, I hope he spends many successful years at Spurs.

At times Spurs play some of the best football in the prem too. Not much to dislike about them to be honest. Well run, doing well and generally have pretty likeable players.
I'm really happy to see AVB doing well, after how he was treated by Chelsea and the media. I think he's a top young manager, I hope he spends many successful years at Spurs.

At times Spurs play some of the best football in the prem too. Not much to dislike about them to be honest. Well run, doing well and generally have pretty likeable players.

I agree, but i'm biased. Lots of people seem to dislike Bale.
I'm pretty sure the "diving" is a pretext...when he was (prematurely) voted football player of the year, he lost lots of sympathy...I really don't understand this, Bale himself is not to blame for that...
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