Tottenham Thread

i already forgot about Modric, VDV, Pieenar, King...

VDV + Mod were very special imo. I really think Dembele + Dempsey will soften the blow. I`m not expecting to see Spurs run away with it. Still good business , Moutinho would of made a huge difference. I imagine he`ll join soon though .
Would have close to perfect if we got Moutinho and added some extra guile and craft to the squad.

Can't complain too much though, going to miss VDV.
Not sure what to think of Spurs atm.

Dembele and Dempsey are very good players but you've lost a lot of your creativity in Modric and VDV. VDV was injured quite a lot and, like the rest of the team, didn't perform towards the end of the season but I seem to remember him being central to the amazing form which saw you 3rd and in with a shout of a title challenge before you fell away. You got a good price for him tho and maybe those funds were supposed to go towards Moutinho who would have been an excellent signing (and quite possibly an improvement over Modric, imo) I expect you'll sign him in January unless someone like Barca come sniffing.

Your manager is also a complete wildcard. He could be a genius or he could be a complete joke, only time will tell.

An interesting season for Spurs.
Has any club team EVER had 4 better goalkeepers in ONE squad than Tottenham do now?! :SHOCK:

It's f'n crazy! Their 4th choice keeper could easily be #2 in most clubs and even #1 at smaller ones.

Why do they need FOUR f'n goalies?! They have more goalies than forwards! :LOL: I thought surely Cudicini or Gomes would leave after purchase of Lloris! Especially Gomes who still has many years ahead of him! Is this guy seriously content sitting on bench as #3 now? I could understand from a 21 year old's perspective but him? He must have lost ALL confidence, motivation and ambition which is sad!

I can't recall the last time I saw 4 keepers of that calibre in ONE squad.

Closest thing to this was last season when Lille had Landreau and Enyeama already on their books but also went and bought Steve Elana! Since then Enyeama has left of course and so you're left with two good goalies which is a great luxury to have but anything more than that is ridiculous.

And yes Cudicini is past it and Gomes makes many mistakes but nonetheless he's got great reflexes, a cap or two for Brazil and played CL football many years with PSV and was actually one of their better players. All these 4 keepers could be doing better. I'd say this is a clear case of TOO MUCH depth! and TOO much competition which can be harmful just like TOO LITTLE competition.
It seems that Lloris has already fallen out with AVB.
Man management does not seem one of his specialities. Spurs have a good squad, but i'm rather pessimistic for this season...
Have you ever heard of "Levy Time" Sina? Well, when you put the whole market in hold and start making deals in the deadline day it really could happen. I like Daniel Levy a lot, he's a cracking negotiator, financially speaking he's one of the best, but football wise some weird things like that tend to happen more often. I guess they weren't expecting Lloris to be available at that point but that's a deal you really have to do. He's obviously an upgrade over their current state and at that price it's a no-brainer to me. Problem is, you don't have time to get rid of two keepers and sign one within 24 hours (let alone sign a CM and striker which they were looking at). You don't have it at all! But hey, look at the bright side! There's always a transfer window next jan to sort this out. Besides, you can get shitload of money getting rid of Gomes and Cudicini in FM13! :LOL:

Talking about the transfer window, imo, Spurs should add a striker this coming january. They have to as matter of fact coz Ade will be called to play in the African Cup of Nations with Togo.

I'm very pessimistic for this season too Gerd. Tbh, I'm afraid AVB won't be in charge much longer... Levy won't hesitate if he's asked to make a call.
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Is Levy really that smart?

Restructuring your side two months after preseason begins each year is hardly the wisest thing to do.
He's surely better than Alan Sugar! Daniel Levy as settled Spurs into a top tier club with a stable financial policy, has built a top training facility and is going to get a new stadium. As I said, financially speaking, Levy is one of the smartest guys in the business. When it comes to negotiate deals Levy takes advantage of everyone (well, everyone besides Pinto da Costa for sure :LOL:) He has a very peculiar approach which makes him such an unique individual in the world of football. Like SAF said "he's different". Of course his tactics are very risky and very uncertain. 2 years ago Spurs got VdV out of the blue while this season they lost on Moutinho for 4 minutes merely. Football wise I'm still not entirely sold on him.
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After all the dust has settled, I'm wondering if Spurs have actually come through the window a bit light. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe they've lost:

Van Der Vaart
Danny Rose (loan)
Ledley King
and almost sold Dawson

With Parker also unfit, does seem like the new players, while good, are going to struggle to fill up the space.

As for the keeper situation - no idea what's going on there. All I can think of is that Levy saw an opportunity to get Lloris for cheap and took it, regardless of what Friedel would think about it. He's a cracking keeper, but why get rid of Brad now? He's saved their bacon the last two matches, and remains one of hte best in the league.
Freidel is retiring in the summer to my knowledge. Lloris was brought to ease in the starting role. Freidel will be # 2 , although he`s making it hard to do so. Looking at Arsenal they have 3 young keeper w/ their 3rd choice having 2 clean sheets :CONFUSE:

I think Moutinho was a player they thought they had in the bag. What I find odd is that they had an agreement btw clubs (£22m) but later hear that he`s on the plane w/ the squad to face at the weekend. Dempsey was a name that came on the 11th hour. While everyone thought he was at Liverpool having a photo shots.

Gallas out! Dawson in ! imo....I thought Gallas 2yrs ended already?!
Spurs are going to face the same problems as Chelsea under AVB.
AVB wants his defense to play high up the field. If you do that you need lightning fast CB's: Gallas is well past it and while Vertonghen is very good, speed is not his biggest quality (IMO Vertonghen is a very good CB, but a fantastic DMF). Because of that Spurs will struggle defensively. They should have bought another CB (or indeed give Dawson another chance).

About the GK's: Friedel is good but he is hardly a long term solution.
It seems that Lloris has already fallen out with AVB.
Man management does not seem one of his specialities. Spurs have a good squad, but i'm rather pessimistic for this season...

I don't know whether something was lost in translation or whether someone somewhere is playing games but is it really hard to fathom that a manager would continue to play a GK who in the past two matches has made important saves and arguably been the team's best player?

AVB's man management skills don't come into play here.

Having said that, Fridel isn't perfect and I expect Lloris to replace him sooner rather than later. His quickness has naturally gone, the way he stays rooted to his line is very frustrating and his positioning is getter worse. For me he's declining very fast. He should have saved Ba's goal and one of the goals we conceded in the last two matches.

In general though, I don't understand why the vast majority in this country hate AVB with a passion and want to see him fail at all costs. I can understand Chelski fans hating him but the rest is just petty and frankly embarrassing.

Regarding the squad, we are missing two key components a true playmaker and a penalty box striker.

The Sig > Kranjcar
Dempsey > Pavlyuchenko
Van Der Vaart
Naughton > Danny Rose (loan)
Vertonghen > Ledley King
Caulker > Dawson

We are stronger in goal, defence and (arguably) upfront but we are definitely weaker in midfield. Having four GK's in a 25 man squad is embarrassing and a bit funny but you don't pass up an opportunity to sign one the best GK's in Europe, a player that along with the first choice four in front of him can be the mainstay in your defence for many years to come just because you don't want to upset the Uncle in goal.

Once the players get used to the new system and we switch to 4-3-3 we'll be fine.

I'm very excited about this new season, I hope we sign one more player in January and convince someone to take Bentley from us :PRAY:
Tobi, i don't hate AVB, if i'm prejudiced by him, than it's rather in the positive way. I liked his Porto team and i also appreciated what he tried to do with Chelsea. Chelsea with the current crop of players would be marvelous to watch with AVB as a coach. If you see how many players Chelsea have let go this transfer window, then you realize that they know damn well AVB was boycotted by the players.


I have my doubts (since Chelsea). At Chelsea he didn't get the players he wanted. But do you think Spurs have bought the players AVB needs? I'm not sure. Spurs have bought my two favourite compatriots, both are great prospects, but i'm not convinced Spurs are the right club for them and that they are the right players for Spurs. That might well be the traditional pessimism of fans (and in this case i'm twice a fan, so maybe i'm way too much pessimistic).

I'm also not so sure about our new Icelandic player. He was brilliant for for Swansea, but flopped in Germany.

As for Dempsey: brilliant player, but i'm not sure if he is the player Spurs needed (isn't he interchangeable with Sigurdsson?).

Most of all: AVB should have had another CB.

Now about his man management. If all i read is true (if!) then he already made two mistakes. I read that he made Dawson captain and then wanted to transfer him (and on top of that i think Dawson is still at the club).What is that all about? Imagine you are Dawson...

Now about LLoris and Friedel. If you buy a GK like Lloris, you buy him as first choice. The guy is the captain of the French national team. Players with that status are immediate starters until they make mistakes. Why did Spurs buy Lloris? That's obvious: because they don't have faith in Cudicini and Gomez and because Friedel isn't a long term solution. Friedel was brilliant in his last match Was he better than usual? I don't think so. He played as good as last season. The fact that he was brilliant is not a new element.

Do you seriously think that Lloris would have come to Spurs if AVB would say to him that next season he would be first choice because Friedel will stop playing after this season? I don't hink so. Conclusion: if you are fair towards Lloris you let him play, no matter how god Friedel is. Lloris is the future...

Two man management mistakes.
AVB said that Dawson would start the season as captain and then once the transfer window closes he'll make a final decision and that the players would be involved also. Sure he should have handled it better by not committing to him as captain full stop but his words have been twisted to fit different agenda's. Also I disagree about needing another CB, Caulker is back and ready to play.

Moutinho was the player he wanted most of all and for whatever reason it didn't happen, in some ways we have to compromise until January.

I have no doubt that Lloris came here to be the undisputed No.1 but in this situation AVB can't win because people will question him both ways.

Dembele will be an excellent box to box midfielder in a 4-3-3 and I'd love to see him play from the right as a wide forward too. In a dream scenario, I want someone to turn him into a complete striker :PRAY:, he needs to develop a consistent shot first.

Vertonghen was always going to happen regardless of who the manager was (Harry wanted him too), that deal has been worked on for a long time. His attributes coupled with the way AVB wants to play, I doubt he would say no. Playing him as a sweeper or DM would be very interesting.

Sigurdsson wasn't linked with us last season so I make him to be a player AVB wanted.

Dempsey looks like an opportunistic buy but one that makes sense if he's seen as a forward (he listed under strikers on the website). Compared to Defoe and Adebayor he offers movement, anticipation, finishing ability and team play. Major upgrade on Defoe in every sense.
Dembele to become a striker? Didn't he only manage 7 league goals at Fulham despite starting out as a striker, becoming a winger before finally dropping into midfield?
Seriously I really dont think that spurs have gone backward with the sales of modric and VDV over dempsey and Dembele.

VDV was a slow lazy midfielder with gifted technical ability! Hes style doesnt suit EPL. You remplace him with Dempsey who if far less technical but have more mouvement, anticipation and teamplay than VDV, I say its a great replacement!

Dembele is a great talent! The guy never waste a ball in midfield and always find his way past 2-3 defenders. Some say he need to turn into a striker I`d say turn him into a complete midfielder and he will be on his way to become a top CM suitable for EPL, with great physical asset!

Spurs only need to settle down in their defensive side of the game and they`ll be fine!
Making a midfielder of Dembele is perhaps the best thing Martin Jol even did for Spurs. It's weird to say this after his first match with Spurs, but Moussa just can't score...

There is a very intriguing stat about last season: Dembele was the EPL's best tackler and this for a very skillfull player. IMO Moussa can become as good if not better than Luka Modric (but don't expect it this season).
Making a midfielder of Dembele is perhaps the best thing Martin Jol even did for Spurs. It's weird to say this after his first match with Spurs, but Moussa just can't score...

There is a very intriguing stat about last season: Dembele was the EPL's best tackler and this for a very skillfull player. IMO Moussa can become as good if not better than Luka Modric (but don't expect it this season).

I agree 100% but now lets see how Spurs player will do with the new AVB regime. Spurs do better as a free form team but they will need alot of time to adapt to the style of AVB thats for sure.
Great win for Spurs. Rode their luck in the second half, but deserved at least a draw from dominating the first half.

AVB is a bit over the top. They 'created history' tonight? Erm, win a trophy, that's history AVB. Like yours with Porto. Beating a team away that you've beaten many times is not actually that shocking.
Great win for Spurs. Rode their luck in the second half, but deserved at least a draw from dominating the first half.

AVB is a bit over the top. They 'created history' tonight? Erm, win a trophy, that's history AVB. Like yours with Porto. Beating a team away that you've beaten many times is not actually that shocking.

as a United fan you should be rather flattered about that words..

remember Roy Hodgson said our win against Everton in his spell was a "famous win" lmao...
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