Tottenham Thread

I think 'Arry needs to start rotating a little bit so we don't fade away like we did last season. Considering JD didn't feature against Everton last night, I assume he will start against Wolves as he definitely won't at the Etihad.

Would be incredible to win the title given our start, but can't see it. As an ever pessimistic Spurs fan, I'm more worried about those below us as we have a testing couple of months coming up and if we can keep Le Arse, Chelski and Liverpool at arms length after that, I'll be delighted.

3rd place (and possibly a go in the FA cup) for me :-)
I'd like him to rotate more but the first team for the most part have played once a week during the first half of the season.

Then again its obvious that Harry doesn't trust players like Niko, Pienaar, Bassong etc despite signing them!

The trial will have an impact on the club but not the squad. If he's found guilty Levy will be pissed because Harry assured him that it was nothing. The fact that its gone to trial is somewhat telling.
Yeah the trial could be interesting and like Gerd said have an effect.

In regards to those players, you're right, it's obvious Harry doesn't trust them. Pavlyuchenko should be on that list too.

Niko and Pienaar should be trusted in my opinion and I'm surprised Harry doesn't and so doesn't utilize them well either or near enough. Very good players both of them and proven. Bassong can be shaky at the back and have lapses of concentration and Roman isn't having his best period right now but it's nice to know you have Niko and Pienaar ready to jump in should they be needed. Very few clubs have that luxury.

p.s. For me, Kyle Walker should already be set as England's #1 Right-back and considering the age advantage and the fact that he can be England's #1 for years to come, I'd give him an even bigger edge in terms of picking him consistently for starting 11 and supporting him ahead of the likes of Glen Johnson (not that he's old) and others. The lad's the REAL deal! Very impressive and just gets better and better!

And he may just be one of if not the FASTEST player in the premier league!
Kyle Walker is doing fantastic, but right now Micah Richards should be Capello's first the beginning of the season i thought RB was City's weak spot, but IMO Micah Richards has developed enormously this season...he's the only player that gives City real width.

As luch as i like Walker, Richards is better IMO...
Richards is having a very good season, no doubt! And yeah I feel he's improved a lot this year too which is nice to see because when he first emerged onto the scene, he was a force to be reckoned with and big things were expected of him, then he had a couple so-so years combined with some real inconsistency and an injury here and there and people stopped talking about him... this year he's back and doing great!

I would take Walker over Richards though. In my opinion he's better and will get a lot better than Micah, Glen and co. (They're all older than him and have much more EPL experience and still not better imo) But yeah Richards would be my 2nd choice and has turned out to be a very good player after all.
I think 'Arry needs to start rotating a little bit so we don't fade away like we did last season. Considering JD didn't feature against Everton last night, I assume he will start against Wolves as he definitely won't at the Etihad.
I'm just wondering - isn't Adebayor on loan from Man City, hence he shouldn't be eligible to play against them? Thus making Defoe a starter. It's very essential for Spurs whether Adebayor plays or not, especially against City, imo.
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Well, there goes our (somewhat ridiculous) title hopes!

That's three seasons in a row that Wolves have taken the lead at White Hart Lane. Steven Fletcher always seems to score against us as well! I guess you can't win 'em all!
Just glad that douche Frimpong didn't score against us (he shouldn't have been on the pitch at that point.)

I really believe we can get something at Citeh next week even without Ade. COYS!

P.S. Adebayor is ineligible foe next weeks match as part of the loan deal. I don't think Defoe will start in his place. 'Arry will probably play Pav alongside VDV.

Don't understand why Defoe didn't start today. I guess HR doesn't want to upset Rafa? If we are to keep Jermain Defoe, he needs to be given a few starts. Today was an ideal opportunity to pair him with Adebayor. Lack of rotation will see us struggle over the next few months.
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Its far from over, haven't seen anything from the game yet but people say we had a legit goal disallowed?

Sandro would have put Frimpong in his place.

Harry is going to scout Remy tomorrow, midway through the season and he still can't make up his mind.
Remy won`t leave now , maybe the summer. CL footy atm plus Euro in the summer. Too much of a risk to leave I`m not sure why Arry would even both. He couldn`t convince Cahill to move there. The best option would be to make room for the summer I would have players to sell themselves n have a good 2nd half ,that way more money comes in and the preparation for next season will start.
Not that Spurs were fantastic, but the corner that led to Wolves goal, was never a corner and Adebayor's disallowed goal was perfectly valid.
So no reason to panic...
Yeah exactly, Its such a thin line between winning and losing and I didn't see anything from that game that would give me doubts about Spurs still going for the title (As much as it pains me to say it)
After tonights result, really think we might have to beat City on Sunday to stay in this title race.

Although a draw wouldn't be bad. We don't have the worst record at the Etihad.

As I say that, we'll probably lose as pessimism consumes my life :-(
This defeat is a litle bit unfortunate.
I don't say that this was undeserved win by City, but Spurs come back was great and after the 2-2 it looked as if only Spurs could win it...and then that penalty (and let's be honest, it was a penalty).

Shame...let's go for a top 4 in this fantastic season.

Ps: Bale's goal was fantastic.

there's the goalscorer.
Sod's law.

Balotelli should've been off and he scores the winning goal.

Spurs should've been 3-2 up and then City immediately go up the other end and score to win.

I hate football at times.
I've seen the match and i'm pretty sure Balotelli did not do this on purpose. He was falling, what looked like a deliberate kick, could also have been a foot desperately seariching for ground to avoid falling, or maybe he did this instinctively. I'm a Spurs fan, but i'm far from convinced that he did that on purpose...IMO this is much, much less worse than the infamous Rooney elbow against Wigan last season...

I think i was the first o post about that match in here and i didn't even mention a possible red card for Balotelli. If you only look at the clip showed in here it looks like a sure red card, but if you see the whole sequence of play, this is far from a sure sending off...the person posting the clip here has manipulated IMO...

Spurs played very good when 2-0 down, but before that Man City were the best team...I blame Redknapp, if you want to be champions you got to try and win against City and attack them. Spurs played very conservative until the 2-0. In a way they got what they deserved. Let's not be melodramatic about this match and let's focus on the positive things for Spurs: a very good last 40 minutes.

In order to do the one step up which separates Spurs from both Manchester teams, they need better strikers and a better used bench. I'm not sure about the actual strength of the back-up players, they might be good enough, but Redknapp hardly ever uses them...
Oh and another thing, if you only watch wilkymeister's clip, there should have been two red cards: Modric also seems to kick Parker...

Wilkymeister, you are a big fraud...i hope Man City wins the title 5 times in a row, by that time you will be a City fan...
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Oh and another thing, if you only watch wilkymeister's clip, there should have been two red cards: Modric also seems to kicks Parker...

Wilkymeister, you are a big fraud...i hope Man City wins the title 5 times in a row, by that time you will be a City fan...
You got me! I manipulated the clip, hate it when I get caught out like this.

As a Spurs fan i'm very prejudiced in favor of Balotelli of course...
I did not say you manipulated that clip yourself. What i mean is that you posted an isolated clip. You can't see what happened just before. Look at that clip and it seems Modric also kicks Parker...Eiter you haven't seen the match or you just found that clip and used it to manipulate.

IMO there was no injustice in this match. Spurs were just a litle bit unlucky and in a way got what they deserved because they started the match far too conservative.
I've not trying to manipulate anyone, most of the opinions I've heard or read have said it's a definite red card. I didn't create the .gif, I could of posted a longer YouTube clip in which you could analyse it, but I didn't think that was even necessary given that the general consensus was he was lucky to still be on the field.

But OK, if that posting that in a Spurs thread makes me a fraud and future Manchester City fan, then I shall dread that day from this point on.
I thought Redknapp bottled it a bit, he had City on the ropes at 2-2, Van Der Vaart looked tired so I can understand taking him off, but bringing on Livermore was a negative choice. Van der Vaart was playing off the striker as an advanced midfielder, but he brought on a very defensive minded midfielder in Livermore. Why not bring on Kranjcar who could have played an identical role to Van der Vaart and so the system could have been the same. Or if he wanted to be more attacking he could have brought on Pavyluchenko and put Defoé off him. Savic looked suspect in the air and the Russian could really have tested him. Instead he seemed to pick the most defensive option and even then a draw would not have been that much use to Spurs, todays game was almost a win at all costs for them.
The way Balotelli is rotating, the movement of his right foot as he lashes out for Parker is simply not natural at all - if he's not deliberately trying to kick Parker in the head, then I'm not quite sure what he's attempting with that kick, as the ball is nowhere near him. It's a shame we don't get anything from this game, but we played a poor first half. I still think a point would be fair, especially since Balotelli, obviously in my opinion, should've been sent off for an incident much, much worse than Pepe's hand stamp on Wednesday.
I will not. I'm used to Man Utd being champions with boring football. If you become champions after 38 matches you deserve it. If you win that much silverware, you are a big team. Just allow me not get excited by the football United plays for some years now...

But this is not about Man Utd. This is about today's match and about Balotelli and Parker. What Pepe did is much, much worse than what Balotelli did (if he did anything).
There is a big difference between Balotelli and Pepe.
At worst what Balotelli did was instinctive, what Pepe did was very deliberated and well thought out. At worst what Balotelli did was a reaction in a split second. Pepe is a vilain who knew very well what he was doing.

But you can't convince me that Balotelli even did this instinctive...he simply did fall over and that foot could also have been used (in that unnatural angle) to try and prevent him from falling. We will never know, but he deserves the benefit of the doubt, Pepe doesn't...

Oh, and i agree with Edmundo. As much as i hate Spurs loosing, i think over the 90 minutes City deserved towin even their winner was scored in a period where Spurs were the better team.

Mancini did not win this match, Redknapp lost it. When Spurs went for it, they were clearly the better side, but they only went for it after being 2-0 down.

In the first half most passes were lateral, whereas Spurs strength is playing through balls to quick players like Lennon, Bale and Walker. They hardly did that in the first half.
I really don't know how anyone can argue Balotelli didn't mean to kick Parker in the face.

There's a deliberate, unnatural movement towards to face, no doubt about it.
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