Tottenham Thread

Eventually yes because he'll have a longer run up and he'll have more space to run into.

It would work well at home against teams that come and defend.

Wolves at home is the perfect example, when Hutton cam on as a sub he consistently bombed forward on the overlap and the defenders had to think twice about doubling up on Lennon. The game changed when he came on and we eventually won the game.
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So basically move one of your best attacking threats into defence? That makes loads of sense. He'll be knackered by the time he gets in last 3rd of pitch! While you are at it, stick Modric at CB and Gomez up front (althoght Gomez might be better away from the sticks as he makes some stupid mistakes).

I thought the United fan crying about players being eligible for Chelsea after first game got cancelled was funny but this trumps it. Sorry Tob but can't agree with you putting my fellow Cardiffian back in defence.
He'll have to improve defensively for sure but he won't have any problems getting forward, especially if Wilson or Sandro are playing. With him bombing forward, it will pin back the opposition RM/RB or at the very least, make them think twice about gambling and going too far forward.

He has a great engine so he won't tired at all, Hutton spends most of his time in the opposition half so I don't buy that argument at all.

He'll be our version of Dani Alves but with a better shot.

As I said earlier, it doesn't have to be for every game but its definitely a viable option that the manager should look at.
Looking forward to the match tomorrow, however I'm as ever downbeat over what side Harry will probably put out vs AC Milan. So far he's indicated VDV is fit and that Sandro & Palacios will be in the centre of midfield. Also that Crouch may not make it.

Now, I like VDV and good lord I appreciate his input to the scoring charts but he isolates a lot of typical Spurs play. Looking at last season, we thrived off the 4-4-2 and Rafa does what he does well, but often gets frustrated quickly, injured or out of gas due to coming out the traps like a hare on Red Bull.

When he played out on the right recently, we had a 4-4-2 going again and looked better overall going forward. More bite on the wing, better linkup to reach the strikers and more chances to score.

I really don't buy this "Crouch & VDV" up top thing long term. It's a phase-based thing where until it's broadcast around and therefore sussed by all teams in the league, they'll focus on blunting it. And they have. It's not working out, and it's just so frustrating how much I hate the principal of it. It's not football. It's hoofing. Long ball aimed at the giraffe so he can cushion it towards Rafa. Crouch is a fucking cushioned-top crane on wheels who for his age has less skill and logic than I'd expect. And on the times he's connected with the ball and gets it to Rafa (around one in 10 at best), Rafa getting it home when everyone's marking him to fuck now is as likely as Harry appearing in the San Siro tomorrow in a bikini.

It limits so much of our play and Harry seems to love it to bits. You can literally spot the pain in his face every time we're playing without the Gi-Rafa combo. Wish he'd wake the fuck up, stop playing only his favourites and forgetting what got us into the CL and drop players who are becoming ineffective game after game.

Pavlyuchenko is getting treated like a cunt, when his stats show he's (for the third season running) our most lethal forward. If Redknapp actually set the team up to play one or two-touch football around the final third and linked to Pav we'd get the right use out of him. He's a poacher / 18 yard finisher, it's what his career has been about. Lazy at times but he's added more to his game the last 4 or 5 times he's had a notable run out, yet gets dropped like a sack of spuds.

Against Milan, I'd be tempted to use Kranjcar up there with Pav, leave Defoe (and if fit Crouch) on the bench and have Lennon on the left, VDV on the right. They wouldn't expect it, Kranjcar's got his boots on, links great with Pav, VDV knows how to cross, it all fits better up front.

Defoe in my opinion, is fucked. Too many whores & blinged up nights out.

Will anything like this happen? Will it heck.
I agree that that formation would have the best chance of beating them, but I would be shocked if 'Arry started both Pavyluchenko and Kranjkcar.

He has his favourites (Crouch) and seems to stick with them despite better options on the bench.
Yeah I don't like the whole Crouch and Vdv combo upfront either. And van der vaart should not play as a second striker even if in the short-run and recent times it has been successful. I'm with you proxy. It just doesn't make a whole lot of sense and there are better options.
There still is something wrong with Spurs' attack...and Redknapp knows that damn well, look how he's been desperately searching a forward in the last transfer window.

Althoug VDV is brilliant, there is less balance in the team since he's there. I'm not too optimistic for tonight. A 1-0 loss would be a good result.
I'm confident of a good result, even more so if Pav starts.

The only things that really worry me is Ibra making mince meat of Dawson and Wilson 'I can't pass the ball ten yards' Palacios.
I think Spurs will score at least one goal. I don't believe in the victory thought but very confident about the 2nd leg. I would take a 2-1 today to be honest.

I see that Crounch isn't properly a favourite around here. Frankly, I don't take Pav as so much better than him, he is a decent/good striker but a not spectacular and decisive one. Spurs should go after a World Class striker in the Summer. As I said times and times ago Llorente would fit great in the team.
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Great win, really enjoyed the match. Wanted to snipe Gattuso around 6 times, but yeah, really enjoyed the game.

Can't hide my dislike for Crouch I'm afraid. His presence makes us take a step back from playing proper football. He's the luckiest sod in our team, even more than Palacios in "3 months of shit form" mode. The way Crouch scored basically a tap-in tonight then went running off blowing kisses and waving his windmill arms aloft grated on me when I wanted to celebrate. Lennon had just ran 14 miles and carved open Milan.

I remember seeing Crouch's tweets when the story broke about him cheating. "Don't judge me for what I did" - fuck right off. Footballers in general, especially in England are idiots at the best of times. But his arrogance, luck and his career based on his Mum shagging the Giant from Jack & The Beanstalk grinds my head. Other players such as Pav miss out when they deserve far more pitch time than this rampaging spider-crane.
Delighted for Woody returning. Dawson, Sandro, Wicked'Blud and Benny were just amazing too. Well done to them. Really hope Corluka is okay.
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I don't understand why Flamini wasn't sent off for that horrific tackle on Corluka. And surely Gattuso also deserves a suspension for his antics in the second half and after the match.

This seems a good result, but it is dangerous...what should Spurs do in the home leg: attack or defend? The best the can do is attacking, but somehow they will play catious because they have a lot to loose...

From what i've seen yesterday, Spurs can only beat themselves and somehow i think they could...but maybe i'm too pessimistic.
Flamini should've been sent off and Gattuso should get suspended. Although I thought Gattuso had a very good game.

I thought VDV and Crouch were superb in holding possession and creating smart attacks. Palacios, imo, also had a very strong game.

I fully expect you guys to qualify comfortably. Our team isn't CL material yet.
Palacios proved me wrong, it's a toss up between him and Sandro now because Luka will be 100% come the 2nd leg.

I have to give credit to Crouch too, he played well last night. I still don't understand why he is so effective in European games though. All they have to do is watch the tape and see how most defences in the EPL have figured him out.

Overall the team was very disciplined in their play and starting Pienaar over Niko was the right decision.
Sandro has a bit more energy in the center I think. I wouldn't want to be Huddlestone, don't know how he'll get back into the team. Hope he doesn't start comfort eating again :)
The Hudd has had a setback and won't be back for a while but he will get back into the team though because his understanding with Luka is superb and his passing/composure is awesome.

I'd pick Sandro too, he doesn't panic in possession unlike Palacios.
Who would you drop then in central midfield ? Assuming a one upfront Modric and Vaart are starters that leaves one defensive place (Huddlestone, Sandro or Palacios). I'd pick Sandro myself as I think he's got a lot more pace and energy than Huddlestone who looks a bit too lumbering at times.
Tottenham simply has TOO MANY Quality midfielders! It's almost scary! :LOL:

Most top teams in the world don't have half as many. Their depth and not just depth but QUALITY depth is astonishing in that regard!

It's almost like, you're glad some players get injured, or suspended, otherwise many great players would be going to complete waste rotting on the bench as Kranjcar was for example being up until recently and even Sandro who has had very limited time until recently again as well.
And surely Gattuso also deserves a suspension for his antics in the second half and after the match.

Gattuso deserves what he gets, but I think it's also unfair that he's getting vilified whereas Joe Jordan isn't. Someone outside the pitch should never interfere with players, unless they're managers or people doing their jobs, such as medics. If you watch the clips, Gattuso was provoked, and especially after a tense European game, he let it all out.

I know Jordan is a Milan fan, but still, you can clearly see him provoking Gattuso. Anyway, it seems like Gattuso will never play a CL game again, which is also quite sad considering he's done so much to help us win the cup twice.

It is also incredibly insulting and to some extent racist for some English papers to accuse us of being 'mafiosi' or 'destroying the game'. What the hell do you call Chelsea's debacle of arguing with Anders Frisk in that CL game and consequently forcing him to retiring after their fans sent him death threats? Justice?

- sorry for hijacking the thread. I'm not taking anything away from Spurs, they did great, it's just an issue that's bothering me.
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I agree with you stef.
What suspension did Gatuso get?
And concerning the English press: some of their papers are among the worst in the world, so don't worry. The maffioso comparision says more about those "journalists" than about Milanisti or Italians.
This will motivate Milan.

Gatuso did something wrong, but what he did was not the end of the world. I feel sorry for him if he would never be able to play in the CL again.
Anyway, it seems like Gattuso will never play a CL game again, which is also quite sad considering he's done so much to help us win the cup twice.

Yeah Stef, what do you mean by that? I didn't find anything about Gattuso's sanction. Although what he did is horrible behaviour, a ban for life would be preposterous.
Also, he didn't do anything all by himself. You can't have your assistant coach on the sidelines almost invading the pitch to shout into players' faces. Jordan's behaviour should be looked into.
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