Tottenham Thread

Yeah good buy.

Bit weird Harry saying that Bayern offered 18mill for him and Real completely saying that is false?

Why would Harry say that? because it just highlights that he is a wheeler dealer....which he definately doesn't want to be ;))
Good player and will good option for them when they go 4-5-1 in Europe. Could have done with a Suarez or Forlan though
Suarez would have cost a lot plus he is cup tied and regarding Forlan Daniel Levy tends to sanction transfers where the players have a good resale value. It's hard to question the man given the amazing job he has done during his reign.

The Sevilla chairman hates us and was playing hard ball, we didn't get the striker we wanted but that situation will be looked at again in January. Keane will be gone (permanent transfer) as soon as the opportunity presents itself.

4231 confirmed for Europe (hopefully EPL too), we finally have a goal scoring midfielder, our midfield is loaded!

I think Harry was talking shit saying Bayern offered $18M! More than twice what he's paid. And Real and Bayern have both rejected these claims instantly.

Nonetheless, a good buy for the value. Liking the Spurs squad more and more with each passing season!

And I don't think they're as low on quality of strikers as most suggest.

For me they have 4 capable strikers. Okay, none are truly world-class but they're good enough imo. All will chip in with their fair share of goals and assists and minutes (JD with most goals) and that's important in a long campaign especially now that they're in CL as well.
Yeah I think spurs have a good set of strikers there. Their team does look good this season.

Lets see what they can do with it!
Yeah I agree, especially if the plan is to go to one striker in Europe and in big games. Defoe, Pavlyuchenko and Crouch are all good strikers and with Keane at least til January you're stocked enough.
I'd imagine London is upto scratch with Madrid on everything bar weather (and she's Dutch so it can't be too much different) so Sylvie will be happy either way.

You haven't seen Tottenham then....It's a shit hole. Especially where White Hart Lane is :))
You haven't seen Tottenham then....It's a shit hole. Especially where White Hart Lane is :))

The chip shop outside the stadium is awesome, the rest not so much. It's also a joke trying to get a bus after the games, it'll make a great documentary one day.

The stadium is going to happen, currently the local council are being idiots though, 2013 seems more likely unless something happens relatively soon.

Chigwell is a popular location to live in.
Ah good stuff, where will it be located? and how many people will fit in the stadium?

Yeah Chigwell is nice, bit pricey...but I'm sure a premierleague footballer might just be able to afford one :))
60k and I've completely forgotten where it will be.

I know it won't be called White Hart Lane though, extra revenue via naming rights.
It's not that bad if you get a good sponsor. Imagine if you had the 'Easyjet' stadium or something like that :LOL:

But I prefer having your own name. But the amount of money you can get for your team is so much, it's a no brainer really.

But yeah I think most supporter would prefer a proper name and not one determined by a sponsor.
I think is gonna be located in Haringey. I guess I heard they'll use Wembley but I'm not sure of that.

Is just me or the new stadium seems like a mix of Emirates and City of Manchester?
It's not called The Theatre of Dreams, it's called Old Trafford.

He probably said it once, it was picked up by the media and used by them and them only.

I didn't know that...i was wrong then...i'm sorry.
But the way the MUTD merchandising staff are commercialising "the mythic past" of that club is something i don't like.
I used to be a big Manchester United fan for years (and this when the club was rather unsuccessfull) and in the 90's i went on a city trip to Manchester (i think it was around 1997, i really liked the city). One of the absolute highlights should have been a visit to Old Trafford and to the MUTD shop.
I liked Old Trafford and i can understand why somebody like Charlton calls it the theatre of dreams. He has every right to do that, more than anybody else.
It was the Fan shop that put me off, the merchandising was over the top...there were videos with compilations of "past heroes"...come on...a football player, no matter how good he is or has been, can never be a hero...
It may seems strange, but there and then i became less of a fan of the club. Around the same time Cantona stopped his career for exactly the same reasons: the over commercialisation of the game.

Rant over...sorry.
I didn't know that...i was wrong then...i'm sorry.
But the way the MUTD merchandising staff are commercialising "the mythic past" of that club is something i don't like.
I used to be a big Manchester United fan for years (and this when the club was rather unsuccessfull) and in the 90's i went on a city trip to Manchester (i think it was around 1997, i really liked the city). One of the absolute highlights should have been a visit to Old Trafford and to the MUTD shop.
I liked Old Trafford and i can understand why somebody like Charlton calls it the theatre of dreams. He has every right to do that, more than anybody else.
It was the Fan shop that put me off, the merchandising was over the top...there were videos with compilations of "past heroes"...come on...a football player, no matter how good he is or has been, can never be a hero...
It may seems strange, but there and then i became less of a fan of the club. Around the same time Cantona stopped his career for exactly the same reasons: the over commercialisation of the game.

Rant over...sorry.

I think most clubs do that though? don't they?

I think it is great that great players from the past are recognised.

I think it's the perception of the word 'Hero', it is used more loosely over here (not sure if it is in other countries). But 'Hero' can be interpreted in many ways and is very subjective. One persons Hero might not be anothers etc etc. It's the same as some music artists being called hero's.

I think a clubs past should be celebrated and promoted. It is what gives you a connection to the club. You go through the rough times and you celebrate and remember the great times, because for most 'Normal' clubs the great times are few and far between.

But Manchester United have too many great times the lucky bastards! I really don't blame you for going off of Man United :DD ;))

You mention Cantona, imagine if Manchester United didn't celebrate the role he played for them in the 90's? he deserves to be celebrated and people should be able to buy videos (and other merchandise) of him when he was playing for them.

In this world there are too few real hero's, so people are substituting their Hero's for people that make them feel good and they admire. I don't see too much wrong with that?
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It was the way they were presented as heroes Bobby, i saw some books about past glories like Best were they were almost treated like saints...
My English is not good enough to illustrate it, so allow me an totally different example. I remember footage of the Heysel final. Before the match some Juventus players wanted to calm their fans and went to that section of the stadium to talk with the fans in order to calm them down. Some fans's reaction was astonishing, they were only interested in "touching" the likes of Tardelli and Cabrini...
When i was in that fanshop i had the same impression, but what made it worse that "the club" approached that sort of fans, that way purely out of commercial aims...i did not like that at went much further than praising players like Best, Cantona and (in the future) Giggs...those players are among my alltime favourites, but they are not heroes...
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