The TV Thread

The one thats comes with SkyHD unfortunately mate. I'm assuming it's 1080p?

Hope you dont have scart lead plugged in on your Sky HD instead of HDMI cable even if you have both in just run over HDMI.

Alot of Sky Engineer been installing Sky HD with Scart cable PMSL probably thousand in the UK not getting HD picture as scart does not carry HD signal. :LOL:
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Hope you dont have scart lead plugged in on your Sky HD instead of HDMI cable even if you have both in just run over HDMI.

Alot of Sky Engineer been installing Sky HD with Scart cable PMSL probably thousand in the UK not getting HD picture as scart does not carry HD signal. :LOL:

Nah we've got HDMI running, so we get the 1080i. Dad had a go at me for taking out the scart cable, couldn't get his head around why you only need HDMI. HDMI takes over the signal anyway though assuming you select your HDMI input on the TV, so it didn't really matter.

This was more a throw-away comment to get Young_Gun SkyHD :-pp

Tis the only way you can get a non-blurry picture on a HDTV.

Dad's mad as well for having an M87 in the back room and not having a HD box (we've only got one with four HDTV's). And also for insisting that the 720p/1080i Pioneer plasma in the front room is better.
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Ah i see cool :))

Well he would be right your dad as SD would be better on Pioneer and will be better blacks but only problem is with gaming and Plasma with image retention/green tinge issues which is big put off for me.

But its not so bad these days Plasma getting better but still issues on Panasonic with green tinge etc otherwise i would have one over LCD any day of week.
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The new Samsung A-656 is out in few weeks getting some positive reviews on Avforums sounds really good nice spec. :))
FULL HD 1080P 1920X1080
Dynamic contrast 50.000:1(40",46",52")
Dynamic contrast 15.000:1(32",37")
100Hz(not the 32")
USB 2.0
4XHDMI 1.3 anynet
Crystal Design
SRS TRU surround XT
DLNe pro
Movie Plus
Ultra Clear Panel(not the 37")
4ms Response Time
Rose Black colour

Contrast Ratio should be taken with pinch of salt though dosnt list Static figure but there generally not real figure or never match the figure on LCD.


Shame not got money at minute probs would buy one.

Yes, i see this model before, thanks
i don't like so much the design with the red :((
but i waiting for preview on the latest Sony and this one
I heard the red not so in your face as the pictures make out having not seen it myself though cant really say.
Ah i see cool :))

Well he would be right your dad as SD would be better on Pioneer and will be better blacks but only problem is with gaming and Plasma with image retention/green tinge issues which is big put off for me.

But its not so bad these days Plasma getting better but still issues on Panasonic with green tinge etc otherwise i would have one over LCD any day of week.

You daren't mention gaming on the Plasma because a)He wont let me anywhere near it (despite me being the only person in the house with any technical nouse), and b) for some reason it won't accept the signal from the PS3 over HDMI. So you either have to make do with SD gaming, or nothing at all.

Thank god we've got 3 more HD sets :w00t:
No 1080p over VGA and people reporting green tinge issues apart from that its a cracking TV.

Not sure i would go over to it though image retention worries me big time.

Why would you need 1080p via VGA, unless you don't have a HDMI XBox 360.

Image retention is nothing, it goes away easily. And my screen has no screen burn at all (my Panosonic is 2 years old), they are bullet proof!
Why would you need 1080p via VGA, unless you don't have a HDMI XBox 360.

Image retention is nothing, it goes away easily. And my screen has no screen burn at all (my Panosonic is 2 years old), they are bullet proof!

I know im saying in general because some people prefer VGA over HDMI i dont mind. (Its nice though to have 1080p over all inputs)

I hear image retention is not so bad but then i hear alot of conflicting reports on this. (dont have to worry about screen burn its pretty much thing of past now unless you do something stupid)
i think it's 24 to 32. at least the the samsung is 32 (81 cm), the philips was 61 cm.

but the difference is huge. i love it!
ON a sad note Pioneer are no longer making their own panels..:((

So buy one while you can :-pp

I haven't had time to read much into it, but I think Panasonic will be making them and Pioneer can still put their image processing engine in it :))
So buy one while you can :-pp

I haven't had time to read much into it, but I think Panasonic will be making them and Pioneer can still put their image processing engine in it :))
I would if the 50' all singing all dancing Kuro was under £2500.. It's nice but not twice as nice..

Plus I have some big remodelling of the room to do first..
hi i got 500 pond and i would like to have an 40 inch or at least 37 inch hdtv with free stand. Where can i find that because i already found one but its 32 inch.

hi i got 500 pond and i would like to have an 40 inch or at least 37 inch hdtv with free stand. Where can i find that because i already found one but its 32 inch.


You're not gonna get much for 500 Pond! Its quite a niche market - you may get some money from a fish or a Frog - But they don't necesarily carry much cash on them and they can't open a bank account.

I'm sure people won't wanna do a straight swap for 500 ponds and a TV.

Give it a go though and let us know how you get on ;))
You're not gonna get much for 500 Pond! Its quite a niche market - you may get some money from a fish or a Frog - But they don't necesarily carry much cash on them and they can't open a bank account.

I'm sure people won't wanna do a straight swap for 500 ponds and a TV.

Give it a go though and let us know how you get on ;))

You are a card Bobby...:LOL:
Can you guys give me some suggestions for a 26" LCD for no more than £300, thanks.
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