The TV Thread

Had some bad feedback on Aldi stuff and found a lot of stuff on service! My local Aldis don't have it it but I'd always go for a good brand product, even knowing your paying for the name, they are going to be be around in a few years time and they generally give better after sales service... There are a quite a few screen manufacturers out there but the further down the line you get the poorer the quality of screen they have. The manufacturers will cherry pick and manufacture the best screens for their products..;)

Thanks for the reply. I went and got it anyway :D
Best to get the better known brands like Samsung, LG, Panasonic & Sony.... My mate bought a DUAL LCD TV and the image quality is fookin rubbish and also a View Sonic TV and they suffer from serious ghosting issues and the colours appear washed out.
I've got a ViewSonic monitor, when I bought the PC I was told they were fantastic. After a few months a big stonking white line appeared at the top thanks to burn-in. They seem to do that very easily, it's not like I don't have a screensaver and it's never happened to me before...
Nick, if you dont mind can you recommend the best plasma I can get for around £1-£1,300. Will mainly be used for watching TV, but also HD gaming and I'll probably get SkyHD in a couple of years if a few more channels come out so I want it to last. Been looking at LG's and Panasonics mainly but I'm not against another make.

Also, would I be better waiting til January to get it pricewise?
The other probable make of note is Pioneer.

I seen a Panasonic Plasma running last year, it was stunning, I was so tempted, but I couldnt live with the guilt of dropping 900 quid on a tv, so ended up getting a 32inch Panasonic LCD at 550.
Yeah of course, like I said I wasn't discounting other makes, just mainly looked at those 2. I've just been looking now and reckon I might be better dropping my price range a couple of hundred. Don't think I really need to spend that much.. or do I?
Nick, if you dont mind can you recommend the best plasma I can get for around £1-£1,300. Will mainly be used for watching TV, but also HD gaming and I'll probably get SkyHD in a couple of years if a few more channels come out so I want it to last. Been looking at LG's and Panasonics mainly but I'm not against another make.

Also, would I be better waiting til January to get it pricewise?
Jumberto, The Pioneer in it's larger 50" form with the full 1080p, is the best picture i have seen in any shop set up, on any screen Plasma or LCD... It was stunning, the Pioneer below is just falling below £1400 and though not full 1080p it the same model, the blacks are fantastic...

Pioneer PDP428XD 42" PLASMA TV Kuro

The Panasonic which you are probably aware is full 1080p and a very good choice and price now, you can pick one up for under a grand, spend the rest on a good surround system ;)

Panasonic TH-42PZ70 42" Full HD 1080p Viera Plasma TV

This is a link to the Kuro range, I'm an LCD fan myself but when they bring out the 42" or a 46" Kuro in 1080p I'll be putting my name down for one...

As for waiting, the prices are falling all the time on Plasmas and LCDs so they will be cheaper after Crimbo, if your lucky they will be in the sales too though the sales are pretty much all year round now... As for spending on a TV, I guess it comes down to what you want, and what your prepared to pay, you can get a good screen for a lot less than the ones I've shown..
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Cheers Nick, I'm glad you suggested that Panasonic cos it's the one I'm gonna get I think.
999.99 and the missus knows a website that'll get her 10%of and then 2%cashback. So it works out about £880. Not certain yet, but it's looking most likely.
Is it good? :)

It's decent I guess. I'm still fiddling with the settings to try and get the best sharpness. I notice a lot of pixelating when watching certain Sky channels through the Scart though which can be a little off-putting. Before, I had a Beko 20" LCD and it was very good. The picture was great. On this Tevion though, it seems blurry.

Won't be able to test the full HDness until I get my PS3 next month. Looking forward to that.

Plus it's far too big for my room, it's hilarious. So in that respect, I love it.
It's decent I guess. I'm still fiddling with the settings to try and get the best sharpness. I notice a lot of pixelating when watching certain Sky channels through the Scart though which can be a little off-putting. Before, I had a Beko 20" LCD and it was very good. The picture was great. On this Tevion though, it seems blurry.

Won't be able to test the full HDness until I get my PS3 next month. Looking forward to that.

Plus it's far too big for my room, it's hilarious. So in that respect, I love it.
You will notice more pixelation anyway if you are jumping to 32 from 20", and sitting at the same distance, should be a big difference playing PS3 stuff on there though ;)

"Your TV can never be too big, only your room is too small"
Nick, if you dont mind can you recommend the best plasma I can get for around £1-£1,300. Will mainly be used for watching TV, but also HD gaming and I'll probably get Sky HD in a couple of years if a few more channels come out so I want it to last. Been looking at LG's and Panasonics mainly but I'm not against another make.

Also, would I be better waiting til January to get it pricewise?

£99 + £30 installation - link

Lol, thanks.. but I'd have to get SkyTalk (I dont have a BT line) and then its tenner a month for Sky HD which I cant really afford on top of the rest of it. Still a rip off if you ask me, it only broadcasts in 1080i aswell.
1080p TV broadcasts are a long way away.

The £10 charge is going to be removed very soon.

Come January I'll be able to watch Lost n hopefully 24 in glorious HD.

Sky only broadcast in 720p I think, and from what I have been told have said they wont go above that as there wouldnt be a need.
They also broadcast in 1080i, I think its 720p for sports and 1080i for movies as default but they can be changed by the user.
So I went into my Dad's office room earlier

"Gee us ma PS3 ya bass!"
"Naw!" he says.


While he lay unconscious for an hour or two, I took the PS3 and set it up in my room.*

To my utter astonishment, my Tevion HDTV which, according to the website and manual, can do 1080i at the most, can actually do 1080p with no problems at all! I was in awe at the graphics and quality of the screen (which I found out is a Siemens screen). Played a few games of COD4 and PES2008 then put it back in the box. Delighted.

*Dramatization - may not have happened.
Put it like this, if your monitor resolution is 1280x960, and then you view a picture that's 2560x1920, Windows will scale it to fit your screen when you double-click it.

1080i and 1080p aren't that different really, 1080p is supposed to completely eliminate jaggies in games. And from what I've seen, it doesn't most of the time (PGR's jaggies do my nut, disappearing and reappearing car aerials because they're so thin, but I played the game on a 1080p screen and it was exactly the same).

So it sounds like you've got a decent telly for HD stuff, which is all I use mine for really. Apart from football, which is a bugger because football will never be perfect on an LCD. But I'm more than happy.
Bah. #-o

Got excited for a bit then. What does that actually mean? It says 1080p up in the corner. So it's just taking that and showing 1080i really?

NOt even 1080i, it is more likely to be 1336x768 i.e. your TVs native resolution.

It should still look good!

Anyway played Assasin's Creed on their HDTVs, it looks :shock: amazinb.
I meant to ask this ages ago...

My dad's TV is 1080i, but the 360 can output at 1080i AND 1080p and the TV will downscale it. But is there an advantage in outputting at 1080p when the TV only supports 1080i? Will it look better or will it look the same?
Which TV mate?

Cos what you are saying doesn't make any sense. Because anything you see on your TV is progressive... not interlaced.
1080p TV broadcasts are a long way away.

The £10 charge is going to be removed very soon.

Come January I'll be able to watch Lost n hopefully 24 in glorious HD.


Lost and 24 aren't in HD as far as I can tell.

None of Skys programmes except their sports when indicated are actually in 720p/1080i.

The few programmes you do get (there are only 11 HD channels I think) are pretty stunning, but they are all too rare, and the box is slow as hell and annoyingly loud (sounds like an old PC)
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