The TV Thread

Nevermind Ash, just rang the shop and they are selling refurbished versions (samsung factory refurbished), thats why it has the cheap price. Ill just wait for the 2007 model to hopefully come down some more in price as there is hardly any difference in price with the regular 2006 model, and i like the look of it more aswell.
Need a TV for my bedroom. Either:

Sony's 32S2530 approx £510:

Toshiba's 32C3030D approx £450:

Is the Sony worth £60 extra?

My plus point so far for the Sony is the styling, I don't like those funky silver legs on the Tosh tbh! But, regardless, PQ is the main requirement - so which will you pick?
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In my experience, Toshibas are pretty sweet. I've seen a few manufacturer's TVs now, as the whole family has seen ours and gone to buy their own, but the Toshiba stands out as the best one (this is a different model to the one you mention though).

There's a Toshiba 42WLT68 in the living room, which is spectacular (the freeview quality is unbelievable compared to the others, and Gears Of War looks frightening on it), there's a Toshiba 26-something (possibly 27-something) in one of the bedrooms which is pretty much the same, and there's a Samsung LE26R74BDX in my room (I had to be greedy and look for something even better), which is the worse of the three. It's still an excellent TV and the contrast beats the Toshiba, it's very bright and very colourful, but the freeview quality is poorer and you can see motion-blur occasionally in HD formats.

A friend of the family has a Sony and honestly, the Toshiba mentioned above beats it on all fronts, so I would personally look up a few reviews for the particular model you're after and go for that one. But I suppose I'm just one story and you're going to hear stories from everybody.
Tiger, wait a week, you haven't recieved your wage packet yet have you? :P

You really should look into the Panasonic the other guy in this thread brough, 32LDX70 or LXD70 something like that, great TV. I would save a little harder and get it.

And that Toshiba 32C3030 is the wrong picture, look again :)

back to revision.... and to check out the new fake WE11 news.
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I don't get it, lol. Are you looking for hte living room, or bedroom?

And DB? DragonBall? :shock: :lol:
I know what DB is lol! Posting at 00:36 means you are tired, and your sarcasm detector isn't working.

Yeah, give me a week. YOou save for one more week as well LOL, hint: Panasonic model ;)
I've had my 360 plugged into a 1080p television briefly, and the difference was barely noticeable in my opinion. I asked the same question in this thread last year and was told it would kill jaggies (the car aerials in PGR3 that turn into disappearing and reappearing thin black lines do my head in) - it doesn't. On a smaller TV (up to 32"), it looks gorgeous at 1080i. Not sure about bigger screens as I've never had the pleasure of sitting down with one and putting it through it's paces.
I asked the same question in this thread last year and was told it would kill jaggies (the car aerials in PGR3 that turn into disappearing and reappearing thin black lines do my head in) - it doesn't.


I was told the exact same thing! TBH, that was my only reason for wanting to go 1080p - I was convinced that it was the 720p's fault that I was getting jaggies.

I think I might go for that panasonic you know...I was reading through a few reviews and they mentioned that both their LCDs and Plasma's are highly rated.
As someone said at the time of me testing it, "the jaggies are still there, they're just really really sharp jaggies". :lol:

Panasonic is the best make of the lot, I reckon (but the more expensive; personally I'd go for the Toshiba because it's cheaper and not a lot worse, but if you've got the money and you want perfection - which is perfectly reasonable - then it seems hard to go wrong with Panasonic).
Read a comparison between multiple tv's on cnet with the differences between hd ready and full hd when viewing 1080p content. They could hardly see the difference as professionals with it mostly being very small elements still being rendered clearly as opposed to slightly blurred on hd ready. And even then they had trouble spotting it. As well as no tv companies actually broadcasting 1080p with all of them using 720p. Im looking, as you may have noticed, at a reasonbly cheap price to size ratio for hd ready. After a few years (3/5) when 1080p is more common place ill probably go for a full hd set when they are a lot cheaper. Thats the problem with getting the latest technology ( my parents bought a sony 40inch hd ready just before xmas at 1500euro and its now 1000e) that the prices go down so fast, 6 months and the tv is 33% cheaper, with cnet predicting 40 to 50% price drops in 2007 alone. And the full hd sets are also looking like they are going down quickly, im sure i saw sony ones for 2500 to 3500 earlier in the year and i can now find them for 2000. So thats 500e in 6 months and 20& cheaper. Just doesnt seem worth it to spend so much more.
The difference with 720p/1080i/1080p will be minimal when viewing it from a TV that's smaller than 40 inches and larger. So unless you have a big rear projection or flat panel tv, you're okay with something less expensive.
tiktiktiktik, true but some people don't plan on changing TVs every year, I know a lot of people who keep their TVs for 5 years, or until it breaks down before they upgrade.

Obviously us lads, being gadget freaks will upgrade yearly if we can afford it as can been seen by rk, who wants an upgrade already LOL!
Agree, but even so with the annual price cuts on technology you can end up spending less by getting 2 cheaper tv's which arent top of the line then having bought a top of the line tv now that in 3 years will be a "secondrate" tv at half the price (if not more). Meaning for the same price, or even a bit less you can get the same top of the line tv for in total the same price but instead of being 3 years old its new. Which then with the sale of your previous tv which is 3 years old i can become even cheaper. Atm im trying to sell my sony 32inch wega which cost a total of 600euro 2 years ago (again not top of the line because they had the crappy lcds back then aswell for 3 times the price, or top of the line sony wega at 1000euro) and im looking to get 200 to 300 euro for it (already recieved a bid after only placing it on the dutch ebay today). Meaning ill be able to buy the new samsung for 850e which with the sale of the wega might only cost me 550 to 650 euro. How much would one of those had been 2 years ago? They were about 1500e only last year meaning i can have a new good quality tv every 2 / 3 years for less (600+650=1250) then spending full price on a top of the line and having to have it for 5/6 years and watch it get cheaper and cheaper.
Although it does depend on what you can spend and how willing you are to upgrade. But for me personally buying slightly cheaper tv's at a higher ratio ends up being cheaper and you get added bonues of them always being reasonably new.
my panasonic TX32LXD70 is being delivered tomorrow - Can't wait.

They say that lcds should last 40,000 hours By my calculations it should over 10 years - Thats what I'm hoping for!

Hopefully I don't need to change it every 2 -3 years?
Hey guys, managed to sell the sony within one dy :D

So im going to get the samsung 37 2007 model. My question is which hd connection is best? pc-input (vga) or the component one? Ill only be playing 360 games (no BC issues).
VGA, by a country mile.

VGA is a lot sharper, component is a lot more colourful - but now, thanks to the last Xbox 360 dashboard update, there is a "HDTV colour fix" for VGA connections which means you can have the sharpness and the colour - at last, pin-sharp graphics plus pitch-black blacks. VGA all the way (it's practically the same quality as HDMI, whereas component gives everything a fuzzy edge).
Got My panasonic TX32LXD70 today - Plugged my Digi box - dvd and PS2 in and the picture is top notch on all 3. Pro Evo plays very well and I haven't noticed any blurring etc. All devices plugged in with gold scart leads (Cheap ones).

Not an Expert but at the moment I am really please. My dad is impressed and he loves his gadgets, he is thinking of getting one aswell.

Just got to wait until the wife gets home and see what she thinks. She will find something wrong with it though - its in her nature.
Can you post a picture please! My reward :D

See if the 100hz technology is switched on, play around to see if it is better on or off, propably the first.

And I'll set you some settings to use :)
Can you post a picture please! My reward :D

See if the 100hz technology is switched on, play around to see if it is better on or off, propably the first.

And I'll set you some settings to use :)

I will post some pics - but it will have to be after the weekend I'm afraid. I'm off for a stag weekend now so can't have a proper play around yet.

I think the 100hz is always on - but I will double check.

Thanks for your advice and help and for the others that gave their thoughts and opinions. I'm a very happy bunny.

Should do the pics for Tuesday.
i just bought 32" Sony KDL32U2000U HD Ready LCD TV Freeview, and it's superb. I'm using the component 360 hd cable at the moment, and it's the nuts although i'm going to upgrade to the vga cable as per jack's recommendation. I'm more than happy with my purchase, and the virtual surround sound is the nuts
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