- 28 September 2010
@marqisspes6 quoting you here, in order to not completely derail the other thread.Could it be useful, as for combined stats there was a break down of the formula here
Well it seems i am a little bit dumb, cause i read again your post, amd it seems my reply doesn't add at all.l, it's just philosophy bullshit 😜.
So i understand now, you search straight tenacity. The closest i can find in modern PES, is not a value, it's a special skill, called fighting spirit, player performs better under pressure and fatigue.
It's the last one here. My problem is, in modern PES, it's more binary, due to being a skill and not a stat, and if the translation by KONAMI is accurate, it's like a trigger effect, player must first be fatigued in order to make it work, while Tenacity is more dynamic and universal.
Finally, the link you posted is super-very helpful and thanks for it, but again i feel KONAMI is getting lost in translation, for example: For Ball Retention, which in my head i translated in in Tight Possession in modern era, they do use: Dribbling+Balance (OK)+ lofted pass????.... I mean wtf? What's the connection of lofted pass ability and Retention of the Ball???
I mean it doesn't make sense Football Wise. It only makes sense in Software Engineering sense, I don't know the exact terms to describe it, maybe i will say something stupid now, but I've seen something similar in Pokémon, having to do with HEX codes? Or bytes/bits, or something like that, where some RNG values were coming of combination of stats that were irrelevant to the final stat, due to programming language. I mean a Pokémon had EV stats, Effort Vallues, that you could spread to the six stats, and could have a maximum of 510, and the best Spread was 255 to two values.
Than due to the integer division by 4 limitation, they did the spread 252+252+6, cause for every Stat you should have multiples of 4, IE for every 4 EV you get +1 stat point. So the 2 EVs with 252 are divided by 4, and for the last stat that leftover is 6 EV, you get the 4EV and your have 2 without any impact.
Honestly don't have knowledge if it is the same in PES stats, but maybe is something similar, and they use irrelevant stats to calculate some combined ones.
Additionally i recall by @SiuMing online teditor you could edit some hidden values, like ML reputation, which is not editable via the game, but i can't recall anything hidden in the data that resembles Tenacity. Although it's been years since the last time i checked, but i am sure there's not something there, i. Relation to Tenacity.
Here's is the Teditor and i strongly suggest it.