The Retro-PES Corner

I've seen that happen with the goalkeepers a few times on my mate's PS2, I don't recall it happening on my PC versions.

One time they even got stuck behind the goal netting on their way back to the pitch, leaving an open goal for the AI to score. That replay was saved onto a memory card that will never be found again, along with a bunch of other weird and wonderful goals :D.
Does anybody remember Scenarios on ISS on the SNES? If I recall correctly they had that feature on the N64 ISS as well I dont know why they dropped it from later iterations of the game, I always thought that was a good interesting feature. Take over a team at a certain point in the match and try to snatch a victory from the jaws of defeat.
Yeah, I loved them!
...and the "weekly scenario" mode was the mode I played the most in FIFA 12 too (yeah, it had weekly scenarios based on real life events: some of them looked like chores, like being 1-0 up against Real Madrid with what was like the worst team in la Liga in minute 20 and having to defend the lead, resulting in you having to keep possession to save your life because if you dared hoof it up once they'd score no-matter-what) but many of them were absolutely brilliant.

I also wish they brought them back (I don't really care if in FIFA or in PES; I'd play them anyway).
Fredriksson, as eccentric as ever, was often caught doing that on my PES08 ML. I posted here one of his glorious trips a while ago. Reminds me of this:

Even virtual players have needs.
Here is a question for the PES 3 enthusiasts out there, what camera angle do you play the game on?

Always played on Wide in pretty much every PES since the dawn of time. The angle changes with the weather, but usually the middling setting. As @miguelfcp said, Wide on a 16:9 is great for PES2. However, I've found myself dropping back down to 4:3 on bigger TVs which really stretch the resolution.

The growing trend for human, broadcast-style cameras doesn't sit well with me. How they're fixed instead of tracking the action, trail the play like they've lost the flight of the ball, and move from stadium to stadium as per the real life camera position. Looks very pretty but it's impractical. In more recent PESes the Wide angle just isn't wide enough and no angle quite matches the vantage.

Does anybody remember Scenarios on ISS on the SNES? If I recall correctly they had that feature on the N64 ISS as well I dont know why they dropped it from later iterations of the game, I always thought that was a good interesting feature. Take over a team at a certain point in the match and try to snatch a victory from the jaws of defeat.

Loved them. Always remember one on ISS 64 or 98 where you were Norway and had to score from the corner you were presented with straight away. About 70% of my goals in that game were scored by Dan Eggen for that very reason, part of many failed attempts. Think the last time they appeared in a Konami game was MLS ExtraTime 2002 - I stand to be corrected though.

I was sold on 2008 the moment i played it, I thought it was a vast improvement on the previous iterations, I bought PES 2009 when it came out and PES 2010 too, but continued to go back to PES 2008, cant remember if 2009 or 2010 was the last iteration released on the PS2.

PES 2014 is actually the last on PS2, bought by yours truly earlier in lockdown, sealed, much to my bank balance's chagrin. Still to play it to any great degree but the changes seem very, very marginal from 2008 to 2014.

I bought a ps2 memory card with it pre-installed last year some time. Was every useful for transferring files and a plethora of other things you can't do with a standard ps2

I see. Easy to shift save data about? Having looked at tutorials I can't find anything clear cut enough for this idiot. I actually had my PES3 option file in mind, for the likes of Mr De La Pena's benefit. I thought it was still straightforward enough to get a Max Drive or similar - how wrong I was. Whereas Free MCBoots are easy to come by. Can they do the same job?

I already have a MCBoot card bought to play Football Kingdom from USB after a region-free PS2 I had lined up fell through. I don't think it supports patched games, though, which is unfortunate as I would love to play a translated FK on my PS2, and WE6: FE.

Just curious. Did it ever happened to you guys? I think it's the first time I was able to score on the keeper saving the penalty (with a diving header nonetheless), at the very least in the Ps2 era.

I think I've had that relatively recently in my Amador save, where keepers spilled penalties for fun. They often went haywire in PES6.
I see. Easy to shift save data about? Having looked at tutorials I can't find anything clear cut enough for this idiot. I actually had my PES3 option file in mind, for the likes of Mr De La Pena's benefit. I thought it was still straightforward enough to get a Max Drive or similar - how wrong I was. Whereas Free MCBoots are easy to come by. Can they do the same job?

I already have a MCBoot card bought to play Football Kingdom from USB after a region-free PS2 I had lined up fell through. I don't think it supports patched games, though, which is unfortunate as I would love to play a translated FK on my PS2, and WE6: FE.
Yes from memory.
I was actually trying to find a max drive at the time but couldn't so came across the mcboot as an alternative. I managed to install Amador mod for PES6 onto my PS2 fairly easily so yeah it is pretty useful. It is just a glorified DOS style menu system really for transferring files etc, it's simple enough to use. uLaunchELF

I can't figure out how to add that as a link, but that is a screenshot of the file browser thing.

Hope that helps?

Edit - once I presses post reply, it turned into a link lol
Ulaunchelf is the only application that use the mcboot, it's very easy to transfer files with this tool. I don't have the console modified and I tried to play games through the usb with OpenLoader, but the game freezes at any time.
Yes from memory.
I was actually trying to find a max drive at the time but couldn't so came across the mcboot as an alternative. I managed to install Amador mod for PES6 onto my PS2 fairly easily so yeah it is pretty useful. It is just a glorified DOS style menu system really for transferring files etc, it's simple enough to use. uLaunchELF

I can't figure out how to add that as a link, but that is a screenshot of the file browser thing.

Hope that helps?

Edit - once I presses post reply, it turned into a link lol

I'll give it a go - I'm sure I won't break anything! Would also make backing up option files, replays, etc a lot easier for me as I have PS2 PES and FIFA coming out my lugs right now and Max Drives can be a bit fiddly.

By Amador mod do you mean option file? Not sure whether there was ever a PS2 patch made of it which is why I ask.

Ulaunchelf is the only application that use the mcboot, it's very easy to transfer files with this tool. I don't have the console modified and I tried to play games through the usb with OpenLoader, but the game freezes at any time.

I had an issue with Football Kingdom where it was freezing at the intro screen. My fix? Smash all the buttons quickly before it got to the freezing point! After that the game plays fine, and it's only my total lack of Japanese that holds me back.
After watching those funny goalkeeper walkabouts i just had to post this.

First season in yet another ML for me and I thought I would check the Champions League table.

The first season is always random teams.


But check who got Wolves' goalscorer...


:LOL: I have never ever seen a CPU goalkeeper on the score sheet in PES.

Maybe he took one huge kick out as i can't imagine him coming up for a corner as Wolves won 1-0.

Or it could be because they only have 19 players so maybe he was brought on to play up front.
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Did you know that World Cup 1998, except for the well-knows EA sports title and the Road To World Cup fifa 98, had also two itterations by KONAMI:
One titled:
Jikkyou World Soccer: World Cup France '98 (N64)

And one :
World Soccer Winning Eleven 3 - World Cup France '98 (PS1)

Guess who won again the battle between KCEO and KCET. :P
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Update on my PES 5 ML. I blitzed through almost two seasons in the last few days. I was more consistent in 2009, finishing 4th compared to 6th in 2008. I only lost twice all season, but drew thirteen again. Chelsea seem to be getting stronger, they've won the league every season so far, though in 2009 Man Utd were running them close. With two games left Man Utd still had a chance, and I was their final opponent of the season. I had decided that if they went top with a game to go, I would basically throw the game to stop Chelsea winning again :P. Alas, Chelsea didn't drop anymore points and so won the league with two games remaining, and I had a happy 4-0 win over Man Utd. I did, however, win my first trophy in 2009 since the 2005 D2 league title- I beat Chelsea in the D1 cup final.

My strikers weren't getting many (I seem to have lost the knack of scoring from corners and crosses), but Minanda was my top scorer with 9. Castolo bagged 6, Huylens a paltry 4 (and two of them came in that final Man Utd match). Interestingly, Man Utd were the top scorers in the league that year, yet a check of Van Nistelrooy's stats showed he had failed to score all season!!!


This year, Chelsea became more dominant, thrashing big sides left, right and centre. I think it may be due to the way player stats develop over time; after several seasons you end up with too many superhuman players in the game with ridiculously high stats, and Chelsea start with a lot of pacy and skilful players, and added John Barnes last season. I also think some of their players of the time, like Duff and Joe Cole, were a bit overrated by the game. I have had many clashes with them in recent years in the cup as well as the league. I had often fared well, but this season in the league they beat me both times- the first meeting being a humiliating 4-1 defeat. I had gone ahead early, only to give the ball away on the edge of my area with Valeny just before half-time, which Crespo punished. After they put a second past me early doors in the second half, I lost my cool and it was as good as over. Later in the year it was a close 1-0 defeat.

My general league form got a bit shaky late on. I still have two matches to play, but nothing much should change. I'm currently 3rd, Man Utd 2nd again. Chelsea won it ages ago, they are about 21 points clear of me. I was in 2nd for much of the middle portion of the year, but then I lost four games in the space of six! With two games left I've lost eight, worse than any other season, though I've rarely drawn so it is not as bad a year points-wise as 2008. My best performances were generally in the cups, indeed I won both the D1 cup and the CL final- both against the hated Chelsea! I might have been a bit mentally drained by all the concentration I put on the cups, I don't know. D1 cup final was my best performance of the two; 2-1, and if my finishing had been a bit better it could have been 4-1. However neither side was good enough at finishing in the CL final, and it wasn't until a tired defender gave the ball away to my flying winger Murray that a goal was scored. Murray charged past Ferraira, drew the keeper and saw Gazza coming in. He simply rolled it across and Gazza sealed it- a silver goal in the 115th minute. As soon as Chelsea kicked off it was over.

So, Chelsea were denied the treble, a feat only Milan have achieved in this playthrough (I think they've won the CL most seasons, beating Chelsea in the last two finals), and I got two cups in one year. It's surprising though that my very first season in D1 has been my best so far, when I finished 2nd.

Huylens is due to retire at the end of the season, and I was glad in my latest match to score a hat trick with him against Bolton. It must be the first hat trick he has had in at least 4 years, a nice way to end the season. He is now on 9 just like Castolo this year. My midfielders haven't scored a lot in the league either, I've been less prolific from free kicks and haven't quite been as accurate with shooting from the edge of the area with the likes of Minanda, Gazza, Mauro Silva and Fouque. I've netted quite a lot in the cups in comparison though. Ordaz, a strong performer in the cups, has been disappointing in the league despite increasing playing time, and has scored only once all season. For someone with such great finishing skills, it is hard to swallow. At 25 he should be enjoying the best years of his career. Next year Ordaz will be first choice up front along with Castolo.

Something interesting happened in the quarter finals of the CL this year. I beat Juve 2-0 at home, then ended up losing 1-0 at the Delle Alpi to go through 2-1 on aggregate. But late on in the second leg, when I was already a goal down and only needed to avoid conceding to win overall, I won a corner- and Peter Shilton, my keeper, came into the box. The game had obviously gotten a bit confused with which team needed to score! I was already swinging it in by the time I realised who that strangely-jerseyed fellow was, and they cleared it. Fortunately I was able to stall their midfielders so Shilton could get back to where he belonged, but it was an amusing incident that could have cost me the tie.

EDIT: I impatiently finished my 2010 season in bad form. Lost the penultimate game to Newcastle, didn't even have a shot! I fouled my way through it angrily and was lucky to only lose 1-0, I couldn't make any chances. I drew with Everton, while not really playing better, and doing plenty more fouling to relieve my stress :)). Late equalizer by Mauro Silva, a lovely strike from 25 yards. The league top scorer this season was Owen with 18, by quite some way (Park Ji Sung of Man Utd was next with 13, he also had the most assists), though Chelsea had a number of scorers around the 9-12 goal mark, and their team goal count was the highest in the league at over 80.

Barcelona won the Uefa Cup, beating Man Utd in extra time after what must have been an exciting 3-3 draw.

Huylens retired with a total of 66 goals and 21 assists in 159 appearances under my reign, which began when he was already 34. By year, his league goals came as follows:

2005: 11 (Div 2)
2006: 15
2007: 6
2008: 6
2009: 4
2010: 9

His career total in domestic cups was 3, and in the Champions League (including qualifying stage) it was 12.
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Did you know that World Cup 1998, except for the well-knows EA sports title and the Road To World Cup fifa 98, had also two itterations by KONAMI:
One titled:
Jikkyou World Soccer: World Cup France '98 (N64)

And one :
World Soccer Winning Eleven 3 - World Cup France '98 (PS1)

Guess who won again the battle between KCEO and KCET. :P
I had no idea those existed, interesting stuff! Would never happen with the way licensing is today...

The KCEO games were more advanced in some ways, it's a shame they didn't continue - they had 360 degree (or at least analog) movement in ISS 64 in 1996 which only got implemented in PES 2011 almost 15 years later. The camera angles and the way transitions to set pieces happened in real time without a black screen was cool as well. I played ISS2000 on PS1 so much at the time.
I'll give it a go - I'm sure I won't break anything! Would also make backing up option files, replays, etc a lot easier for me as I have PS2 PES and FIFA coming out my lugs right now and Max Drives can be a bit fiddly.

By Amador mod do you mean option file? Not sure whether there was ever a PS2 patch made of it which is why I ask.

Yes I got some help from somebody on here, it might have been @geeeeee but I might be misremembering so apologies if I am. They helped show me how to convert the pc version to one that worked on PS2 via the option file editor (I think). I then installed it using the mcboot.

You can back up your option files etc so if you mess it up somehow you can just replace it with the original.

I'd say it's definitely worth a buy, especially for £8 or whatever the price currently is on ebay as it sounds like it will do what you need. Also, once you have it, you can create a backup of the whole mcboot memory card if you have a spare one knocking around so you never have to buy another.
I had no idea those existed, interesting stuff! Would never happen with the way licensing is today...

The KCEO games were more advanced in some ways, it's a shame they didn't continue - they had 360 degree (or at least analog) movement in ISS 64 in 1996 which only got implemented in PES 2011 almost 15 years later. The camera angles and the way transitions to set pieces happened in real time without a black screen was cool as well. I played ISS2000 on PS1 so much at the time.
Exactly what I thought. What a year, for football video games, and how it will never happen again!
Copy paste from the World Cup 1998 Wikipedia page, marketing/ video games topic:

In most of the world, the official video game was, World Cup 98 released by EA Sports on 13 March 1998 for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation, Nintendo 64 and the Game Boy. It was the first international football game developed by Electronic Arts since obtaining the rights from FIFA in 1997 and received mostly favourable reviews.[68][69][70]

"In Japan, Konami was granted the FIFA World Cup licence and produced two distinct video games: Jikkyou World Soccer: World Cup France 98 by KCEO for the Nintendo 64, and World Soccer Jikkyou Winning Eleven 3: World Cup France '98 by KCET for the PlayStation. These games were released in the rest of the world as International Superstar Soccer '98 and International Superstar Soccer Pro '98, without the official FIFA World Cup licence, branding or real player names.

Also in Japan, Sega was granted the FIFA World Cup licence to produce the Saturn video game World Cup '98 France: Road to Win.

Many other video games, including World League Soccer 98, Actua Soccer 2 and Neo Geo Cup '98: The Road to the Victory were released in the buildup to the 1998 World Cup and evidently were based on the tournament. FIFA: Road to World Cup 98, also by EA Sports focused on the qualification stage."
Anyone who still plays PES 2013 on the PC knows how to change the net texture while using stadium server?

Literally figured out how to solve every other modding riddle with this game due to trial and error and deep diving through the fossilised archives in the forums
Yes I got some help from somebody on here, it might have been @geeeeee but I might be misremembering so apologies if I am. They helped show me how to convert the pc version to one that worked on PS2 via the option file editor (I think). I then installed it using the mcboot.

You can back up your option files etc so if you mess it up somehow you can just replace it with the original.

I'd say it's definitely worth a buy, especially for £8 or whatever the price currently is on ebay as it sounds like it will do what you need. Also, once you have it, you can create a backup of the whole mcboot memory card if you have a spare one knocking around so you never have to buy another.

Was playing around with the file browser tonight. So, so simple! No idea why I was so wary. It'll be really helpful to manage the myriad saves that are building up. I think I paid £5 for mine - definitely worth the investment (FAO everyone).

Elsewhere, there are signs of life when I try to boot up WE6: FE via USB. The red analog light comes on but the screen's black. There must be a way to get it to work!
So I managed to get into WE6: FE this morning. It's glorious. Japanese still a stumbling block but I've been playing enough PES2 lately to get myself around easily enough.

An utterly ludicrous decision to try it minutes before starting work, though. Roll on 5.30pm.
So I managed to get into WE6: FE this morning. It's glorious. Japanese still a stumbling block but I've been playing enough PES2 lately to get myself around easily enough.

An utterly ludicrous decision to try it minutes before starting work, though. Roll on 5.30pm.
WE6:FE is the PES game that had the biggest effect on me personally, I think.

Football games were my only connection to my dad as a kid, and while I saw big improvements from each PES to the next, he would always moan and say he couldn't see much difference. Then I joined this place, read more about Winning Eleven, and took the plunge (with him being my taxi) to go and get my PS2 chipped - and at the next computer fair, found a copy of WE6:FE.

That game, to this day, remains the only PES (or WE) he ever played and said "this is great, isn't it". Possibly just because it was a little more responsive, but either way - we hammered that game to death and loved every minute of it.
I've never encountered that in thousands of PES 6 games, well at least I've never noticed if it did happen! @geeeeee posted a similar video a little while back if you remember, in his 2008 ML where his keeper had headed over to the sidelines. Must be some bug that's triggered by some set of circumstances I would imagine??
WE6:FE is the PES game that had the biggest effect on me personally, I think.

Football games were my only connection to my dad as a kid, and while I saw big improvements from each PES to the next, he would always moan and say he couldn't see much difference. Then I joined this place, read more about Winning Eleven, and took the plunge (with him being my taxi) to go and get my PS2 chipped - and at the next computer fair, found a copy of WE6:FE.

That game, to this day, remains the only PES (or WE) he ever played and said "this is great, isn't it". Possibly just because it was a little more responsive, but either way - we hammered that game to death and loved every minute of it.

Nice one. And I dare say if you're going to stick to any PES or WE for a lifetime it's a great shout!

My modding experience amounted to burning WE9:LE and the top loading flip cover. Only because at the time there was a frenzy around it on here/PES Fan/PES Insight/the moon and I got major FOMO. Then, and still today, I think that game's overrated and the difference between it and PES5 overstated. Of course, it's still truly magnificent.

I've played WE6:FE only recently and sluggishly via emulator. But playing it on the box at fully speed is a new ball game. And other than load times I notice little to no delay or lack of responsiveness for playing on Free MCBoot and USB. At this rate I'm going to be ripping a lot of ISOs and my originals will be left pristine to pass down to my children. I don't have any children, but your post has made me realise it's my best chance of having a Player Two, whether he or she likes it or not. "Best team from five randoms..."
Anyone who still plays PES 2013 on the PC knows how to change the net texture while using stadium server?

Literally figured out how to solve every other modding riddle with this game due to trial and error and deep diving through the fossilised archives in the forums
As far as I remember (not sure though, I'm playing PES 2010 at the moment) there's a file in dt07 which holds the textures of goalposts, net and such. It's between unnamed_55 and unnamed_60 IIRC, can't remember more precisely than that. There you can decide whether to have hexagonal nets or square ones. It's a single file and gets loaded for every stadium unfortunately.
Around there, there should also be the file with the net patterns (there should be some coloured in yellow and red which get re-coloured dynamically when needed, and some "fixed" ones like all green and all black).
I don't know if stadiums used with stadium server could load personalized variations of those files though, but if it doesn't work, I guess you could always load them "manually" via afs2fs when needed. It's a bit of a PITA but I think it's gonna work.
Nice one. And I dare say if you're going to stick to any PES or WE for a lifetime it's a great shout!

My modding experience amounted to burning WE9:LE and the top loading flip cover. Only because at the time there was a frenzy around it on here/PES Fan/PES Insight/the moon and I got major FOMO. Then, and still today, I think that game's overrated and the difference between it and PES5 overstated. Of course, it's still truly magnificent.

I've played WE6:FE only recently and sluggishly via emulator. But playing it on the box at fully speed is a new ball game. And other than load times I notice little to no delay or lack of responsiveness for playing on Free MCBoot and USB. At this rate I'm going to be ripping a lot of ISOs and my originals will be left pristine to pass down to my children. I don't have any children, but your post has made me realise it's my best chance of having a Player Two, whether he or she likes it or not. "Best team from five randoms..."
After our chat about Free McBoot & your comments about WE6:FE my interest is piqued. I have never played WE6:FE, I think I may have played WE6 at the time it came out as we could always get that before ISS/PES in those days. Even if it was in black & white if we didn't have the right RF unit.

Anyway, WE6:E is downloading now so I can run it off USB later this evening to give it a go. Is there a way to swap the menu language out for an English one like you can with PC versions do you think? Obviously you can't usually if running it off disc, but as it is an iso file I was hoping maybe you could?
After our chat about Free McBoot & your comments about WE6:FE my interest is piqued. I have never played WE6:FE, I think I may have played WE6 at the time it came out as we could always get that before ISS/PES in those days. Even if it was in black & white if we didn't have the right RF unit.

Anyway, WE6:E is downloading now so I can run it off USB later this evening to give it a go. Is there a way to swap the menu language out for an English one like you can with PC versions do you think? Obviously you can't usually if running it off disc, but as it is an iso file I was hoping maybe you could?

So I've managed to get the translated/patched version to work thanks to OPL Manager, which I wish I discovered earlier. This video was awfully handy.

Ideally I'd find a translation only. I hate the edited menus and music. Anyone have any suggestions?

I really should be working...
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So I've managed to get the translated/patched version to work thanks to OPL Manager, which I wish I discovered earlier. This video was awfully handy.

Ideally I'd find a translation only. I hate the edited menus and music. Anyone have any suggestions?

I really should be working...
That's what I usually use to load ISO's anyway so I was going to try that first, looks like that works a treat so I will deffo give it a go later, cheers.
That's what I usually use to load ISO's anyway so I was going to try that first, looks like that works a treat so I will deffo give it a go later, cheers.

Feel like a right tit doing what I was doing when OPL Manager was out there, ready to do it all with half the effort! Ah well, live and learn. There are some folks on here that really know their patches, though, who might be able to shed light on getting a translation and nothing else.


Feel like a right tit doing what I was doing when OPL Manager was out there, ready to do it all with half the effort! Ah well, live and learn. There are some folks on here that really know their patches, though, who might be able to shed light on getting a translation and nothing else.


My biggest problem with that patch for we6:Fe is that the master league defaults have had their names edited, I hate it when patch makers do that. Wendetta did it on Pes 3 I think and I spent ages undoing it. I don't mind the music so much but I know what you mean.
The other problem I have is a ps2 issue, it's so slow running games off usb as they are usb1 ports I think, even on my slim. I might have to revisit using opl network options as I did that last year and it worked like a charm.
Finally...I now can't decide whether to play we6:Fe, Pes 3 or pes4 this evening...?
My biggest problem with that patch for we6:Fe is that the master league defaults have had their names edited, I hate it when patch makers do that. Wendetta did it on Pes 3 I think and I spent ages undoing it. I don't mind the music so much but I know what you mean.
The other problem I have is a ps2 issue, it's so slow running games off usb as they are usb1 ports I think, even on my slim. I might have to revisit using opl network options as I did that last year and it worked like a charm.
Finally...I now can't decide whether to play we6:Fe, Pes 3 or pes4 this evening...?
How do you undo the ML defaults editing to pes3 Wendetta?
I don't think there's any PES 3 editor with the 'OF2' option. As far as I know it only became mainstream (and now it is almost a "must have") when Compulsion released his PES 5 OF editor.
I guess that you either do it via hex (a thing that I probably couldn't do to save my life) or opening two OF's side by side and editing all the values by hand.
How do you undo the ML defaults editing to pes3 Wendetta?
I had to find another patched version and take the option file from that.
Then I opened the pes3 option file editor twice and opened up each option file. You can export players (original ML) and then import them over the Wendetta edited ones. Bit of faff I won't lie, but it works...just make sure the import/export IDs are the same so you don't overwrite someone else by mistake.
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