The Random Crap Thread

I apologise if I sound funny or I'm short with anyone over the next few days. I've been feeling lightheaded for a while so I've been recommended to do a "detox" and it's killing me. Had to starve myself for three days. :| Just about through that bit now thank God but now I'm on water and carrots (amongst other similar things) for a week. But if I'm short with anyone or I say things out of character (or perhaps in-character seeing as I've been a bit of an arse lately) I sincerely apologise. I swear to you I'm seeing white blotches on the screen as I type this...

I'm most likely going to take a break for a few days, possibly a week, and try to get my head back to normal. So if you notice the distinct lack of moaning, sighing and generally being depressed about something, don't worry. I'll be back soon. (Although I am going to try to be a better person from now on.)
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I seriously think this is a genius idea.

Aunt Bessie's have come up with an idea because it's always cold in England...


Yes, sold from vans... sausage, mash, peas and gravy in snack sized form.

I would gladly pay 99p for that on a cold day. Something to replace the cone might be better but by God that is genius.
I apologise if I sound funny or I'm short with anyone over the next few days. I've been feeling lightheaded for a while so I've been recommended to do a "detox" and it's killing me. Had to starve myself for three days. :| Just about through that bit now thank God but now I'm on water and carrots (amongst other similar things) for a week. But if I'm short with anyone or I say things out of character (or perhaps in-character seeing as I've been a bit of an arse lately) I sincerely apologise. I swear to you I'm seeing white blotches on the screen as I type this...

I'm most likely going to take a break for a few days, possibly a week, and try to get my head back to normal. So if you notice the distinct lack of moaning, sighing and generally being depressed about something, don't worry. I'll be back soon. (Although I am going to try to be a better person from now on.)

Have a lovely 16oz steak you poof!

Something i do often and thought i'd share

The next time you jump on a pc - and probably would work best if its a public pc that isnt turned off regularly

Press Ctrl and V in google or somewhere where you can type and see what pops up - sometimes its shite like google or a random site like - but often i end up coming across some right weird stuff

I had this last week in Mcdonalds ... from memory it was something like www.sprayedbarechests.... or baresprayedchests

fear of churches!?

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is The Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee."
I'm the opposite, I remember going into a church on a school trip and quite liking having a look around, it was like being in Oblivion. I'd love to go back in one now but I fear that when I step through the door the statues will come alive, point at me and chant "eeeeeeeeeevillllllllll".

Seriously though, I'd love to nose around my local church, but I'd feel out of place - and I wouldn't know what to say if the vicar came up to me. "Y'alright mate?"
Neither do I, I've stated my reasons, wars and such, but of course you can argue that it's man and not religion that starts wars.

But I just think churches are a bit eerie, in a good way. Like stepping back hundreds of years when the vast majority were religious, so much so that they built something so huge and so beautifully decorated for what they believed in, when it was a lot harder to accomplish than it would be now.
They give me the heebie jeebies, my heart feels like its going to pop just going near one, when we go off places like Prague n stuff I always miss going in them and I can appreciate the art but the bigger they are the worse it is... Stupid I know
Not at all, I know people who fear stranger things than that. Freaky Eaters had a guy on it who was scared witless by fruit and veg. You put it anywhere near him and he'd run. How the hell do you develop something like that?

And I am petrified of all creepy-crawlies. If I "feel" something on my leg (usually imaginary) I will start kicking the crap out of my own leg.
I'm the opposite, I remember going into a church on a school trip and quite liking having a look around, it was like being in Oblivion. I'd love to go back in one now but I fear that when I step through the door the statues will come alive, point at me and chant "eeeeeeeeeevillllllllll".

Seriously though, I'd love to nose around my local church, but I'd feel out of place - and I wouldn't know what to say if the vicar came up to me. "Y'alright mate?"

You should go to Jerusalem - They have a spectacular church - that is meant to have been built over where Christ got Crusified and then cleaned and put in a cave!!

I don't believe in it - but you can't help but feel something when you go in there - its really something special. You can go and pray on the exact spot where he got crusified (am I spelling that right? it doesn't look right to me?)

Jerusalem is a fantastic place.
"Crucified" :)

Sad fact for you, I've never been outside of the UK. England, Wales, Scotland and the Isle Of Man - never any further than that. I've only just got a passport, but there's loads of places I want to go. America, Japan, Italy, Spain, France and now (thanks to you) Jerusalem.
"Crucified" :)

Sad fact for you, I've never been outside of the UK. England, Wales, Scotland and the Isle Of Man - never any further than that. I've only just got a passport, but there's loads of places I want to go. America, Japan, Italy, Spain, France and now (thanks to you) Jerusalem.

Really?! You need to get yourself out there. I haven't been to many places. I really want to go and travel - but My work is giving me a great opportunity and paying for me to become an accountant and paying for everything. So I have to stay put for 4 years while I get qualified.

I will move to Israel aswell at somepoint in the future - for the wifes sake.

I can't stress enough how beautiful Israel is - Its a shame more people don't visit. It is safe if you stay in the right places. Its an amazing place and the people are brilliant to. You need to visit if you can.

Ive been to;


I think thats it - I am hopefully going to Australia in January for a mates Wedding aswell - which will be great!!
Not at all, I know people who fear stranger things than that. Freaky Eaters had a guy on it who was scared witless by fruit and veg. You put it anywhere near him and he'd run. How the hell do you develop something like that?

And I am petrified of all creepy-crawlies. If I "feel" something on my leg (usually imaginary) I will start kicking the crap out of my own leg.



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Bobby will love this one.

Had to nip to the shops before and this thought just popped into my head; I wonder if somewhere in the world, anywhere, ever, two unrelated people have got half-way round the shop buying the exact same things, then gone off with the other person's trolley by mistake, never realising it wasn't their trolley to begin with.
I wonder if somewhere in the world, anywhere, ever, two unrelated people have got half-way round the shop buying the exact same things, then gone off with the other person's trolley by mistake, never realising it wasn't their trolley to begin with.

Don't be fucking stupid.

I bet it's happened to you though grim, quite a lot of people buy whipped cream, chocolate sauce and vaseline at the same time...
That makes me think it has happened now, surely.

In other news, God, I really really love a Welsh accent. Especially Stacey's (of Gavin And Stacey fame). Of all the accents to love that's a pretty weird one.
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