The Random Crap Thread

Mad dreams

We can come up with our own Contemporary Abstract Poem!!!

So Far we have;

I love to Same Things, Jesus.
Mad Dreams.....

I'm going to add......'Fresh Baguettes' :DD

So we have;

I love to Same things, Jesus.
Mad Dreams, Fresh Baguettes.

Who's next? I will send it off to the publishers after we are done :bounce:
I love to Same things, Jesus.
Mad Dreams, Fresh Baguettes.
Reaction Depression with Constipation.

this is bringing a Tear to my eye....I can tell your delving into your inner soul for these words....Keep it coming.
Sorry to trash your poem Bobbster but I've got some real random crap (just like the name of the thread.. arf!)

Spoon face boy breaks world record


What a twat.
Nice one Yana thanks for the advice.

You could give tips to people on here, thing like giving advise on how to talk to a real lady.
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