The Random Crap Thread

I love to Same things, Jesus.
Mad Dreams, Fresh Baguettes.
Reaction Depression with Constipation.

this is bringing a Tear to my eye....I can tell your delving into your inner soul for these words....Keep it coming.


You are a crap crap man. I could kick you in the nuts you fiend.

"Oh we could still make the playoffs, blah blah blah, I've bought my son and I pay him the club's money every week for being crap but it's not illegal or anything", get the hell out.

PESFAN has gone right downhill, glad I'm with evo-web these days. It's a leech haven, over 100 downloads of my patch and only 1 comment.. fuck 'em!
OI!! What do you mean WOMEN?! You will feel my wrath young man! :MAD:

Seriously though, I'd just go and tell him I needed a number 2, and if he didn't get out just do it anyway, the stink will make him move. The last thing I'd do is ask people on the internet, or anyone at all for that matter. :LOL:
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I have a random ginger part on my beard (well bumfluff) !! ginger what the hell. its just appeared
Guy next door is having a new bathroom suite put in - the old bath has been taken out and it's been lying outside, they've rang a few rubbish collection places and they've all said they can't take it.

Well this morning, these two guys turn up and ask if they can take it away.

We live down quite a long road, where you wouldn't be able to see anything from the top. The bath was placed quite far back at the side of the house, tucked away where you could only see it from where we live. So how the hell did they know it was there?

Stuff like that worries me.
Guy next door is having a new bathroom suite put in - the old bath has been taken out and it's been lying outside, they've rang a few rubbish collection places and they've all said they can't take it.

Well this morning, these two guys turn up and ask if they can take it away.

We live down quite a long road, where you wouldn't be able to see anything from the top. The bath was placed quite far back at the side of the house, tucked away where you could only see it from where we live. So how the hell did they know it was there?

Stuff like that worries me.

Every bath has a small chip implanted into it. There is a database that you can join to and if any bath is taken out into the Fresh air then this chip can sense that and this is then Relayed to the Database.

People then log on and see in what areas people have Baths ouside and have been dumped.

Gordon Brown set it up - as lots of Baths were being dumped and the cost both to the Tax payer and the Environment were great. The cost of the Chips are minimal in comparison.

Thats why I vote Labour :DD they are visionaries!!!
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