The Random Crap Thread

Chat show host Maury today broke some "shocking" news to Super Mario. Click the picture for the full heartbreak.


I always called her Princess Beatch. Because she always used to beat me on Mario Kart DS. But I had no idea...

Drugs much?

(That is 100% real)
Right, first off, there's no way this is a man named Jon!?!?!?!?!?


And second, my scroll wheel on my USB Street Car mouse wasn't working when it was plugged in via USB, so I have swapped it with my keyboard and it's now plugged into the PS/2 port using a USB to PS/2 adapter. The scroll wheel now works, and when I click it in, anywhere on the screen in any application, I get a quality view of all my open windows with a preview of them all!



EDIT: And before anyone asks, no, it's not just for Safari!
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I left my stubble to grow a few weeks back and i noticed blonde bits on the tip of my chin and on the sides --- if i left it id end up with a blonde goatee!

In other random shite

Haha, those Mario stars are awesome! Especially Big Marlon. Here's one more.


Robbie Rotten from Lazy bastard Town and Waluigi
i fking hate lazy bastard town - i hate that wario jumps around for no reason while brushing his teeth (god knows why they think its a good idea to show kids its cool to do backflips while brushing your teeth... i wonder if any of those idiot kids who copy everything on tv have tried that?)

Look out .. Peppers coming for you!

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