The Random Crap Thread

Do you know what I love? When you change channel and a conversation carries on. If you know what I mean - e.g. BBC ONE, "I woke up this morning and I thought" *change channel* "you stupid asshole". Someone should make up a name for that.

I just witnessed the funniest one I've seen for a while...

"Well we're told by the council that we need to take recycling seriously, but" *click* "they're a bunch of uneducated idiots, they need to be locked up for as long as possible"
Do you know what I love? When you change channel and a conversation carries on. If you know what I mean - e.g. BBC ONE, "I woke up this morning and I thought" *change channel* "you stupid asshole". Someone should make up a name for that.

I just witnessed the funniest one I've seen for a while...

"Well we're told by the council that we need to take recycling seriously, but" *click* "they're a bunch of uneducated idiots, they need to be locked up for as long as possible"

Haha me & the missus do that if we are really bored. :-D
The missus's nephew got home from school yesterday and said to his mum, "I think I heard a swear word today at school, but I don't know, if I tell you what it is will you shout at me?" She says "no, go on" - he looks at the ground and says...


:lol: I'm going to use that now, when I want to swear in the chatbox that's what I'll say. Ahhh pitchoo!! Beats the pitchoo out of booyaa...
Looking at the cloth now, I think it's going to be very tight for me to finish *click* perhaps a lasso wouldda been a better bet?
Haha, I like it. :thumbup:

There was one the other day during a football game...

He's got a long ball to deal with there, *click* the doctors think it may need to be amputated.
:LOL: Quality, you are obviously a veteran at this game :)). How long do you give it between channels for the sentence to finish?
It's usually just an accident mate, although if I'm reeeally bored I'll wait for people to pause for breath and then switch.
Met up with Holio last night for a drink as I was over in Belfast, he said I was taller than he thought I would be...
My provisional driving license has arrived! Yay!

Gotta put in for a test NOW, the waiting list is ridiculous. :(
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