The Random Crap Thread

I am really, really loving cous cous. I want it with everything it seems. I tasted it last year at my mum's BBQ for the first time - it's amazing!
Disgusting food, has the most disgusting texture I've ever known. It's like eating spiders eggs.
I like cous cous, not as much as I like rice but it's a good alternative.

But chips beats everything. Eat more chips, don't let the salad win! :)
Oven chips are the greatest, absolutely no fat and completely 100% good for you.

Yes, that's what I keep telling myself.
I'm a bugger for Chinese food, could eat that all day, wish they'd open a fucking Elements restaurant near me, I'd fucking live there with the buffet they put on :(
Jack you are right about oven chips, they are much better for you than say, chips from a chip shop.

I am eating so much better these days - my skin has never been so good (with all the water I am drinking too.)
Yesterday I ate: Bowl of Special K, a banana, burger and chips at pub.

Nothing wrong with that!
Just got DreamScape (or DreamScene or whatever it's called) working on Vista. Very very nice.

Instead of having a normal picture desktop, it uses your graphics card CPU to process a video. You can download some off the net and they're really great.

I want to see a BBC SPORT/Sky Sports News one, so it feels like I'm in the studio. "Good afternoon, I'm Jack Bauer. Leeds lost 3-0 today in the ML 3rd Division." :thumbup:
you may lose weight but it aint healthy to eat that little

Health or Weight?

*serious mode*

yup v true. You're gonna end up mashing up your metabolism eating so little. If you wanna lose weight, break down your meals into smaller 6-7 meals a day instead of 2-3.

Go to to calculate your BMR. Eat a diet based on a 500-700 calorie deficit. Focus on weight training to work the muscles and some cardio - and don't starve yourself!
Thats the spirit DJ take-aways are great.

This guy would agree with you:

He's obviously eaten a hell of a lot of take-aways, or just food in general. You only get that fat from being a pig, the odd bit of saturated fat probably won't send you to an early grave.
I never eat take-aways, McDonalds, BK, Pizza Hut etc anymore. It's just TOO bad for you. I do have the odd burger at a pub for a treat but won't eat "fast food".
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