The Random Crap Thread

Nick, I'm surprised to read you're an ex-punk! My sister and bro-in-law (the FIFA playing one) are still punks, still dress the way they did 30 years ago, and it astounds me the way that, my sister especially, gets a security guard following her as soon as she walks into a shop. It's as if she's wearing a shirt that says "I'm going to steal every single fucking thing in your shop mate".

I went into a card shop with her shortly before Christmas, and I don't know what the manager said but immediately this kid came up to us and said "hello, what kind of cards are you looking for?" She said, I'm just looking thanks, and he said "yes but what are you looking for?" She said "I'm here for more than one card", he says "well who should we start with?" He physically wouldn't let us past without letting him hold her hand around the shop, in the end we just walked out of the place. Un-fucking-believable. What makes me laugh is that it was a CARD SHOP, and a discount card shop at that. It's not like it was Marks & Spencer, we could have set the place on fire and it only would have caused 28p's worth of damage. Cheeky twats.

It honestly shocks me, especially since she told me that it's happened all her life. When she was 18, she saw an old woman in the corner shoving food into her little wheely handbag thing and walking out the shop. She told one of the security guards (who happened to be about two feet behind her, following her every fucking move) and he took her into the back of the shop! He just said "okay love, come with me" and started looking through all the CCTV tapes.

As she says, if you're going to go shoplifting, wouldn't you want to look inconspicuous? If you were on your own, would you want to walk around with a mohawk and a hundred piercings while you're shoving Spaghetti Hoops into your pants?
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My younger brother is a punk, has been all his life. Check out this pic of two of my closest friends, Nick and Rich (photo was taken about 3 years ago):


Nick, I'm surprised to read you're an ex-punk! My sister and bro-in-law (the FIFA playing one) are still punks, still dress the way they did 30 years ago, and it astounds me the way that, my sister especially, gets a security guard following her as soon as she walks into a shop. It's as if she's wearing a shirt that says "I'm going to steal every single fucking thing in your shop mate".

I went into a card shop with her shortly before Christmas, and I don't know what the manager said but immediately this kid came up to us and said "hello, what kind of cards are you looking for?" She said, I'm just looking thanks, and he said "yes but what are you looking for?" She said "I'm here for more than one card", he says "well who should we start with?" He physically wouldn't let us past without letting him hold her hand around the shop, in the end we just walked out of the place. Un-fucking-believable. What makes me laugh is that it was a CARD SHOP, and a discount card shop at that. It's not like it was Marks & Spencer, we could have set the place on fire and it only would have caused 28p's worth of damage. Cheeky twats.

It honestly shocks me, especially since she told me that it's happened all her life. When she was 18, she saw an old woman in the corner shoving food into her little wheely handbag thing and walking out the shop. She told one of the security guards (who happened to be about two feet behind her, following her every fucking move) and he took her into the back of the shop! He just said "okay love, come with me" and started looking through all the CCTV tapes.

As she says, if you're going to go shoplifting, wouldn't you want to look inconspicuous? If you were on your own, would you want to walk around with a mohawk and a hundred piercings while you're shoving Spaghetti Hoops into your pants?
Used to get that all the time, in may extreme days I'd get stopped for photos from people... especially Japanese tourists for some reason. Always had the seat to myself on buses though, even when they were packed. Old dears would come up and ask how i got my hair to stand up like that or how do you get so many colours in it.... ahhh those were the days, now it's corporate straight jackets and mortgage chains man! :(
Does anyone ever have a good passport photo, my last one made me look like a drug dealer and French for some reason. One guy even congratulated me on my English, that was possibly why I was always pulled at every airport I went through.:shock:
The latest one has me looking like Satan on drugs... Here we go again.. :roll:
Does anyone ever have a good passport photo, my last one made me look like a drug dealer and French for some reason. One guy even congratulated me on my English, that was possibly why I was always pulled at every airport I went through.:shock:
The latest one has me looking like Satan on drugs... Here we go again.. :roll:

yeah i ](*,) pass/id photos
I slept with 2 girls last night and today I feel like a total asshole. One of them was one of my best friends and the other was her roommate. I'm such a spoon. What would Chris Davies have done is what I wonder.
How fucking expensive are driving lessons these days?! Most expensive is £22 an hour at BSM!
why you need a driving lesson mate? just drive around until you get the grip :)

Could do mate, it's illegal though isn't it? Or if I have a provisonal license can I drive my car as long as I have qualified driver with me?
you can always practice on any empty road at first then go on simple traffic roads with a qualified driver, just drive slow and obey the signs :D
I just bought two Easter Eggs (one Terry's Chocolate Orange, the other Cadbury's Dairy Milk) for £3.19 at my local shop. I am bumping into all the bargains today! (See Sopranos thread in Entertainment Section!)

It must be Friday! Wooooooooooop! :)
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