The Random Crap Thread

I've totally gone off cereal now. Just looking at it makes me feel sick.

Toast all the way baby.
Just been into our spare room (where my DJ'ing Setup Is) and noticed the missus has [possibly for a joke] put her Liverpool Wallet underneath one of my Needles!! I think im going to give the wallet to my cat Paolo so he can rip it to shreds.... that will teach her!! I would show a photo but my digi camera isnt working!
I've totally gone off cereal now. Just looking at it makes me feel sick.

Toast all the way baby.

I eat cereal for dinner sometimes - a huge bowl of Crunchy nut cornflakes or Cheerios.

And I agree that cereal does taste better when its not the morning.

My taste buds are funny in the morning and everything tastes shit!!!

I do like a bit of toast and butter aswell though :)
I cant eat anything first thing in the morning. Toast is too dry and cereal makes me feel sick. Both are perfecto at night, not long before you go to bed. I'm a C.N.C.F man aswell, though I'm right into Weetabix at the minute!
Changing the subject ever so slightly....

You know those adverts for 'cute girls in your area' they have on loads of sites these days.. i just saw this:

Cute my arse, she's fucking terrifying.

Might have been nice if the photographer had waited until she'd recovered from her seizure before taking the photo.
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I have one cup of coffee a day and that is when I get up. It makes me feel mental if I drink it in the day. However, I am a Coca-Cola fiend but haven't drunk a drop since New Year because I am eating/drinking healthy stuff. I fucking love coke though...and Cadbury's Picnics...and Rolo ring donuts...and that amazing looking Beligian chocolate bread & butter pudding that is featured on the latest Marks & Spencers adverts. :(
Caffeine is a must for me I'm sure my blood is part Americano part Tequila, with a bit of that red stuff in there... Dunking things in good coffee is a crime, but I do dunk in tea, but only if it's crap tea, then never anything with chocolate, I sound like a beverage snob! :roll:
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