The Random Crap Thread

HAHA, oh dear. That's the kind of stuff you know you shouldn't laugh at but you can't help yourself. I feel dirty now.
I am making a big cottage pie using one of Gordon Ramsey's recipes - worcester sauce in the mince, yumma!
I want it. :(

Bought some Gold biscuits the other day. God how I love Gold biscuits.

Me and the missus had this chat the other day. We were saying how good they were because we thought they'd stop making them! Alas, I am watching what I eat so no chocolate for a while. :(
Our 92-year-old neighbour Muriel LOVES Blue Ribands. They're the only biscuit she buys. She gives us a pack of them every Christmas and they just rot in the corner. I presume every other kind of biscuit is "too strong" for her.

Is "riband" a word? When I was little I used to confuse the words "ribbon" and "Blue Riband", thinking that the name of the biscuit was "Blue Ribbon".
Haha, I thought it was ribbon til about a year ago. I only found out when someone brought a pack into work for everyone to share I realised.

I also realised that it's the most dry, boring biscuit but it's disguised as a nice, fun biscuit and that you're having a treat. Give me a fucking Hob-nob any day.

The Blue Riband (pronounced like "ribbon" with a "d", rather than "rhi-band") is the award received by the ship with the record for the fastest transatlantic crossing.
What a random name for a biscuit then, it'll be Iraq War Hero Medal biscuits next.

...Now there's an idea...
We had our family portrait done today.

Talking of ideas. I think I've had a brilliant one. I'll get ripped off now but its my own fault for posting it on an internet forum.


Yes, it sounds sick.. but surely it would sell as a novelty product.

You have like four or whatever it is sections:
Number of victims
Style or something
Sexual motives or maybe just a general sickness score?... I dont know the next one yet

So you get say Harold Shipman, he'd get 1 for gore, but 10 for number of victims...

Fred West would have pretty high score for brutality and for sexual and also he's sort of the ultimate sick bastard ever. I dunno its a bit of a mess.

As you can tell I've not had time to work it all out, but I think with work, it's a winner.
I was thinking more along the lines of this sort of thing:


Nothing like trump cards I know.
Don't you hate it when you forget your team's playing, you have a pretty good day, then you remember to check the score and they lost 3-0 because they're so shit and it ruins your night...

I fucking hate you Tranmere, I swear to God.
L: So what are you up to?
J: Just doina bit of homework, well trying to LOL (laugh out loud)
L: I'd like to give you some homework
J: what you mean?
L: sexual homework
J: what do you mean?
L: put my...

I love sexual homework.

A couple of minutes later, Lxxx, who claimed to be 19, said, 'I wish you lived closer so I could take you as a girlfriend'.

I have to admit this seriously made me laugh. Worrying with the kinda of sickos out there, but that line is a cracker.
Don't you hate it when you forget your team's playing, you have a pretty good day, then you remember to check the score and they lost 3-0 because they're so shit and it ruins your night...

I fucking hate you Tranmere, I swear to God.
Ive had days like that, I had a good day one Saturday and at the time United were winning 1-0. By the end of a good day I was told we lost 2-1 to West Ham! I was a miserable cunt for the rest of the day!
Don't you hate it when you forget your team's playing, you have a pretty good day, then you remember to check the score and they lost 3-0 because they're so shit and it ruins your night...

I fucking hate you Tranmere, I swear to God.

I cant say i have ever forgot my team are playing.

there are times i wish i had though
Don't you hate it when you forget your team's playing, you have a pretty good day, then you remember to check the score and they lost 3-0 because they're so shit and it ruins your night...

I fucking hate you Tranmere, I swear to God.
i get that sometimes but is the Leafs for me... :(
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