The Random Crap Thread

Get a Henry, it comes with a face!

And even though it's called Henry, you're not gay because he's made of plastic and doesn't love Ugly Betty and the Spice Girls.


I defy any lonely single guy to reject that cheeky smile on a cold night.
They really should make the the mouth the place to put the nozzle on and not the nose..........

You make me sound thick JB!

He really doesnt need any credit

Anyway, back to robotsex......Has anyone seen those internet boxes with either a cock or a c#$t rubber mold in it? Saw one years ago, lets you control the box of the other person wehn your chatting/cybering with them.
Saw that on some Channel 5 program, looked dodgy and not very effective tbh

R.I.P Kevin Wicks

For the people like me who were confused by that, Kevin Wicks is the Eastenders character, not the actual actor...

In other news, I now know someone called Bob, who I am going to call Bobbo in a tribute to Scrubs. Oh how long I've been waiting.
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Coffee Mate is amazing. It makes instant coffee actually taste like fresh coffee (which I can't be arsed to make today).

He likes it anyway:

There's an advert for some Nissan 4x4 and the voiceover guy says, and I quote, voted safest car for adults.

Has the world gone so legally IN-FUCKING-SANE that they have to specify it's an adult car? Or is it incredibly safe for you, but incredibly unsafe for your toddler who goes flying through the windshield every time you go over a speed-bump?

Either way it's not exactly a reassuring thing to say, it just adds suspicion. They might as well say "safest car in the morning".

I'm looking forward to the next Porsche advert, "fastest car for consenting adults who stay within the speed limit and don't drink and drive".
Well to be technical, it could be that the design of the car has an effect on smaller occupants during a crash, hence other cars might be safer for younger/smaller people, hence they had to say for adults...
I realise there will be a technical reason but you don't see Coca-Cola adverts saying "the best tasting soft drink for adults - perfectly safe for adults"... It just screams "don't give it to your kids or they'll grow a third eye in their arsehole, or as we call it, safety socket"...
If you put one of your teeth in a glass of Coca-Cola overnight it won't be there in the morning (the tooth).
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