The Random Crap Thread

I wonder what would happen if you gave a small community with no TV a standard TV and a freeview box, then after a year you switched off the digital transmission and switched on analog transmission, telling them to tune in their TVs to it and that it was the latest technology, providing a far better picture... I wonder if they would say "this is a load of crap" or if they would just accept it as the latest technology.

I wonder this because of the people who buy the latest PES without question, the people who buy the latest model of car without reading it being slated in the magazines.

One of the many thoughts that whizzes through my brain from time to time.
I wonder this because of the people who buy the latest PES without question, the people who buy the latest model of car without reading it being slated in the magazines.

One of the many thoughts that whizzes through my brain from time to time.

My response to that is that they simply enjoy it. I know people who enjoy both FIFA and PES. After all, its just another game that aims to entertain.
Nonono, not again...

I didn't mean it like that, at all. I'm not saying PES is crap and anyone who enjoys it should be ashamed.

I meant the people who don't read a review and buy it because of the name, then find themselves disappointed but instead of going "I don't like this, I won't play it", they play it anyway and anger themselves simply because it's the latest version and they don't want to play something that's older.

Like if you bought PGR4, but you hated it, and yet you carried on playing it every day simply because it's the "newer version". There's no logic in that (there will be more people online but it will still be a game you hate), and yet I know lots of people that do it.

I just wonder how far companies could push this, giving you something inferior and saying "it's the greatest thing ever, scrap your old stuff, you need this new stuff".
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As we are going thru this, here is my computer history...






Those where the days ;)
I had a C64, that I remember absolutely nothing about. Which is shocking.

I then had an Amiga 600. Silly Putty and SWOS rule OK.

Finally (before a long list of PCs and consoles) I got an Olivetti 486DX. PGA Tour 96, what a game.
I had:

Atari 2600 Junior -> ZX Spectrum +2 -> Amiga 1200 -> NES -> SNES -> N64 -> PSOne -> PS2 -> Xbox -> Xbox 360.

I never owned a Sega console. I had my Wii and PS3 for free (therefore doesn't qualify).

Atari 2600 Junior for anyone who remembers:


I LOVED that machine! :lol:
Oh yeah, I had a really old Atari as well. But then if we're including stuff like that, I had a NES too.
People who support 3 or 4 clubs really grate me. I don't why - they just do! ARRRRRRRGGGGH!

(Like some people on here who support Inter, Barca AND Man United! I mean - come on!)

[/rant over]
not me!

but i've seen some people that does , they actually support whoever is going for the title :mrgreen:

Someone in my class at school is like that he supports whichever team is top and for a while my brother supported the team that won the title previously so one year it was United, then the next Arsenal and then Chelsea. Now he just supports Ipswich (God knows why :lol:)
jumbo,you're going thru a phase where you don't know who might take the title , i understand your depression and my suggestion is to wait until 1st place team guarantees the championship around april then support that team fullest :D
Haha its not like that!!

Basically, my mum's side support Leeds, who I have a soft spot for, and my dad's not into footy so no influence that side. I was born in London, but moved when I was 5 to a small town with no good teams around. Everyone at school supported Man Utd, Newcastle, Liverpool or Arsenal for that reason. I picked United cos my best mate's brothers basically forced it on me ;). Then when I was about 14 I thought, this is crap, so I started going to watch Northampton for a couple of years. Then I moved to Manchester, and I kinda find myself supporting United again, and just following Northampton.

I feel dirty.
Someone in my class at school is like that he supports whichever team is top and for a while my brother supported the team that won the title previously so one year it was United, then the next Arsenal and then Chelsea. Now he just supports Ipswich (God knows why :lol:)
Perhaps he has been exposed for the Glory Hunter that he is and has now decided to go low down in the hope people will forget... ?
Jay, you asked politely so here you are (the missus):

EDIT: Taken photo down, Jay's had enough time to save the photo to his desktop.
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