The Random Crap Thread

2:05 of that nearly made me wee laughing.

I'm just imagining a big fat fart perv in the corner with a glint in his eye and a pervy grin on his face, and at the end where they run off I imagine him running arse-first towards them laughing manically and parping violently.
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I knew you guys would appreciate that video! It's genius - the first time I saw it I was literally ROFLMAOLOLINGATHONING!
My only problem with the people in London is how they drive.... they drive like complete arseholes! You have to watch every single junction and turn to make sure some prat isnt going to drive straight into the side of you.... plus there are lots of impatient twats out there too!

Oh and welcome back Plan M.

My Virgin Media days are over too! I told them where to shove their services after all the fuckin about. I will go back with BT and get them to transfer my old line to my new house. That way I should be online before the new year.
Oi, you cunt!


Haha I was only kidding mate. I just had the misfortune of bumping into some right arseholes at the weekend - everyone was going mental in the shops because Xmas is round the corner and everyone is panic buying.
lol @ youtube error

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Yeah rock n roll.\\:o/
My sister had some of those a few years ago.

They're the most stupid thing ever.

Expensive, ugly and dangerous.

You should get them, Jay. I'll call Santa.
They're brilliant, when they were at their peak hype over here you could sit in the park and watch 100 kids roll down a pavement and crack their head open on the floor. Brilliant, free entertainment.
Who remembers the PC Engine?! I always wanted one but didn't know ANYONE who owned one. Who actually made it?

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