The Random Crap Thread

You forgot that you proposed to me? You bastard, you men are all the same. I hate you.

The ugliest picture of me you could find, I'm pre-sneeze there. And I've got the bastard ring on that you "forgot" about. Pig.
I have been reading through old threads (and I mean OLD threads) when I posted as ninjabreakz/El Diego and realise what an absolute cock knocker I came across as. I sincerely apologise to any of the members here that I pissed off and would like to thank you for putting up with me again!

I am very embarassed right now.
I have been reading through old threads (and I mean OLD threads) when I posted as ninjabreakz/El Diego and realise what an absolute cock knocker I came across as. I sincerely apologise to any of the members here that I pissed off and would like to thank you for putting up with me again!

I am very embarassed right now.

:applause: Yeah they were prone to bouts of idiocy... ;)
I love Fridays. I have a fridge full of beer, cupboards full of food, the missus is going over her mate's for the evening, I just had a hot shower and slipped into my dressing gown. I love my genitals being free, it just feels so right. An evening of drinking, gaming and Sopranos lays ahead!
He just comes from wales... right Mike?

I live in Swansea. I have done since I was a kid. My mum divorced my father and we left Salford to get away from him. I have lived here since I was 9 - it's my home away from home if that makes sense. I did all my schooling/college here so I inevitibly got the accent. :)
Just watched the episode of The Simpsons where Maggie drives the car. Chief Wiggum: "Awww, isn't that cute? A baby driving a car. ... And look, there's a dog driving a bus!"

Just fantastic, the picture of Maggie in the car and the Indiana Jones-style music had me in stitches. They don't make comedy like they used to.
Just watched the episode of The Simpsons where Maggie drives the car. Chief Wiggum: "Awww, isn't that cute? A baby driving a car. ... And look, there's a dog driving a bus!"

Just fantastic, the picture of Maggie in the car and the Indiana Jones-style music had me in stitches. They don't make comedy like they used to.

They really do mate! The Simpsons just doesn't crack me up like most. :)

The Royale Family is killing me at the moment!
The Royle Family is great but I love random comedies (that's not the official label, what is it, "alternative"?).

The sight of a baby driving a car is something we should see more often.
My name is Chris Wright and I hate Jehovahs Witnesses.

What other fucking religion knocks on your door and annoys the fuck out of you for no reason at all? None!

If I wanted to discuss religion you would find me in a church on a Sunday morning with all the other nutters who believe in God or some other higher power
My name is Chris Wright and I hate Jehovahs Witnesses.

What other fucking religion knocks on your door and annoys the fuck out of you for no reason at all? None!

If I wanted to discuss religion you would find me in a church on a Sunday morning with all the other nutters who believe in God or some other higher power


they're going to come back early in the morning to see what you think off their brochure and try to make you a witness :mrgreen:
My name is Chris Wright and I hate Jehovahs Witnesses.

What other fucking religion knocks on your door and annoys the fuck out of you for no reason at all? None!

If I wanted to discuss religion you would find me in a church on a Sunday morning with all the other nutters who believe in God or some other higher power

I must admit I find anyone who is religious fascinating, if not a little scary. To have blind faith in a supreme being or a Star Wars Movie just boggles the mind... I read the Bible many times when I was younger, I still don't see it? And although I still can't enter a church or a cathedral as they give me the geebies, we do have this down the road from us.... I did have friends here when I was younger, it was weird they were in training for the cloth but we would getting pissed in the dorms before going into town ;)

Religion.. it's not for everyone, but try telling them that!
My name is Chris Wright and I hate Jehovahs Witnesses.

What other fucking religion knocks on your door and annoys the fuck out of you for no reason at all? None!

If I wanted to discuss religion you would find me in a church on a Sunday morning with all the other nutters who believe in God or some other higher power

A couple of American ones came to our house when I was a kid and my dad showed them our holiday slides for about an hour and then they left. They never came back.
that's a newsworthy article if I ever saw one.

I went to a lounge bar in Okayama last night and saw this guy playing Brazilian music. The place was pretty cool and full of young arty Japanese but I'd say about 80% were women about 20-30. The thing I can't get over is they seem really interested in me. I'm not handsome by any stretch. Some of them were openly flirting and if I wasn't married I could easily have taken at least one of them home. These girls were really pretty as well. At one point I had 5 sat around me playing with my hair and touching me.
Why don't you have an avatar any more, are you too good for us?! Hm??!

That reminds me Miguel, I said in the chatbox the other day that you might not be able to talk about ongoing matches. You can, I've been ganged up on in the staff forum (nasty boys :() and been outvoted. So feel free to ruin highlights nights for many people. ;)
I'm not using an avatar purely beacuse I'm a lazy bum who can't be arsed to waste 5 minutes making a new one. Plus the fact I always think people will find me intelectually developed when they look at an avatarless (I've just created a new word, haven't I?) me.

I thought it should be fine to post football related stuff in the chatbox, but what you said made some sense. Anyway, it's easier for everyone to comment on a match in the chatbox than in a thread, so you'll have to live with it. (You can live with me if you want as well.)

I haven't been on drugs.

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