The Random Crap Thread

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1. I am not now or never have been with Abbey National
2. When I do hover over the HERE the address that pops up is not Abbey National

I wonder how many people actually fall for this kind of thing
jumberto... I wouldnt say idiots mate. I would say people that arent in the know about how these things work. Someone might assume that this has something to do with Abbey National if they banked with them. I know people who have had this sorta scam before involving Ebay and Western Union. It aint good!
you are all very strange cats, why are you all talking shite in a forum for pro evo?

hutch was your dream about your college being mcdonalds a view into the future i.e when you graduate??
Is it fucked up that every time I see this avatar I get aroused?


If that doesn't confirm the "strange cats" post above nothing will... At least I'm not into midgets like Jay though. Now that's a fetish.
I just went to have a swig of my drink and it's empty. I have absolutely no recollection of drinking it, I'm sitting here now staring at the glass and wondering what happened to it.

EDIT: On the subject of being mad/being driven mad, EVERY TIME THE MISSUS HEARS HOLIO'S VOICE, SHE SWOONS. Bitch. No more voice messages mate, just stick to text ones.

She's in love with the Irish accent, she said she could listen to Holio talk about football all day, but if I mention Tranmere she switches off. :(
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I just went to have a swig of my drink and it's empty.

Has anybody ever had two cans of drink infront of them and ones empty and the others full.

You go to drink the heavier full can but you pick up the empty one by mistake thiking its the other one and you dont quite realise the power in your arms when you go to grab it and you almost lob it behind you,

its weird
Has anybody ever had two cans of drink infront of them and ones empty and the others full.

You go to drink the heavier full can but you pick up the empty one by mistake thiking its the other one and you dont quite realise the power in your arms when you go to grab it and you almost lob it behind you,

its weird
HAHAHA, oh God, I've done that about three times in my life and showered myself with a can of Cola. Once in public as well. They shouldn't let me out.
On the subject of being mad/being driven mad, EVERY TIME THE MISSUS HEARS HOLIO'S VOICE, SHE SWOONS. Bitch. No more voice messages mate, just stick to text ones.
She's in love with the Irish accent, she said she could listen to Holio talk about football all day, but if I mention Tranmere she switches off. :(

tell her to listen to nadine coyle for 5 minutes - that'll put her off it..
It was a joke, hence the smiley and the fact that you're not banned...

People must think I am genuinely going to go and ban everybody on the site, I had no idea I had this reputation. I thought people saw me as an 80-year-old who repeats everything rather than a FIFA-playing Hitler. :|
It was a joke, hence the smiley and the fact that you're not banned...

People must think I am genuinely going to go and ban everybody on the site, I had no idea I had this reputation. I thought people saw me as an 80-year-old who repeats everything rather than a FIFA-playing Hitler. :|

Next you will be banning all the Jewish members of the site...
It was a joke, hence the smiley and the fact that you're not banned...

People must think I am genuinely going to go and ban everybody on the site, I had no idea I had this reputation. I thought people saw me as an 80-year-old who repeats everything rather than a FIFA-playing Hitler. :|
Don't worry, i know you won't dare ban me. ;)
She's in love with the Irish accent, she said she could listen to Holio talk about football all day, but if I mention Tranmere she switches off. :(

Can I call your missus? Maybe you could call mine and we could kind of fantasy roleplay, kind of like wife swapping except we aren't married and its done through the phone. You'd need to talk to my girl about something other than FIFA and Tranmere though, especially if we experimenting sexually here, think more of you taking a powerful stance in the bedroom and expand on that, she likes things like hair pulling and getting spanked so that may get you started on a few ideas, how about your girl? Does she like getting tenderised by a good shank of meat before you prepare the stuffing and leave her basting in a nice marinade?
Can I call your missus? Maybe you could call mine and we could kind of fantasy roleplay, kind of like wife swapping except we aren't married and its done through the phone. You'd need to talk to my girl about something other than FIFA and Tranmere though, especially if we experimenting sexually here, think more of you taking a powerful stance in the bedroom and expand on that, she likes things like hair pulling and getting spanked so that may get you started on a few ideas, how about your girl? Does she like getting tenderised by a good shank of meat before you prepare the stuffing and leave her basting in a nice marinade?

I think she like's Battlefield games?
I think her shows are fantastic it's like the cooking upper class version of the goodlife. "Look in your fridge and take out some Avocado and wild boar patty" Yeah, I've got out of date milk and half a pizza, will that do?

I watched The Simpsons last night and I saw one of the only episodes I've never seen fully from start to finish.

I am Frank Grimes.

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