The Random Crap Thread

Don't go there often. Once a year lol! And never tried that, nor do I plan to!

I HATE the rain. I love the winter but I hate the rain. I have to walk a mile in it everyday cause I don't drive and the missus is into the environment and not having to use the car unless it's a long trip somewhere or shopping. I am gonna look like a drowned rat later. Why wasn't I born in Portugal or Spain?
I have a job interview tomorrow... Wish me luck. If you do you may never see me on here again :thumbup:
Good luck, Chris. I seriously hope we will get to see you less around here. :)

Plan M, today the weather has been sunny again. Still raining there, mate? :p I really hate cloudy and rainy days. :|
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Plan M, today the weather has been sunny again. Still raining there, mate? :p I really hate cloudy and rainy days. :|

It is really sunny here in Swansea today mate. Just been for a wonderful walk. You are such a lucky guy living there! :)
It popped up on Monday I think, replaced UKTV History (or perhaps it's still on at night, no idea because I never watched it and I don't think I'll be watching Dave either).

I didn't get the job, anyway. :( Terrible interview, they asked specifically which job they thought qualified me for the role and I kept mentioning work experience, which isn't very impressive. They rang a few hours ago and said "it's horrible when you need experience but nobody will give you a chance to get that experience ... well, bye." Yeah, cheers for that.

"Hey kid with cancer, it must be horrible to have cancer. Well, bye."
Yeah I'd like to wish you a happy birthday but you haven't had enough to gain the experience required to wish you a happy birthday... Come back in a few years.;)

Only kidding Happy BD for today....
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When the hell did the channel called "Dave" appear?!

I just spat my tea everywhere. :lol:

I noticed this the other day. Apparantly, it's a channel targeted at men aged between 18-35 and it's called 'Dave' because "Everyone has a mate called Dave".
Kids should be locked up in school permanently, they get too many fuckin holidays
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