The Random Crap Thread

Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

AAAAAAHAHAHA, that's fantastic. "You were confused already weren't you bitch? Well work this one out! Shove your USB pen drive up your arse and see how you like it!"
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Eating a Muller Healthy Balance Red Berry yoghurt is like eating pot-pourri. Blergh.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

So is having anal sex with a Chuckle Brother dressed in a Superman costume. We all know your little fetish.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

I had some Kelloggs Special K once and it was like eating potpourri. Yuck, never again.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

So is having anal sex with a Chuckle Brother dressed in a Superman costume. We all know your little fetish.
Yep he does that every night whilst screaming "To me! To you!" :lol:
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Get some branflakes in you !!:D
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

I wanted to start a new thread on this because I could talk about the guy for hours, but I didn't want to look like El "I Have A Life, My Trained Monkeys Post The Spam Through My Account For Me" Diego...

Is Derren Brown real?
(or rather, is what he does real)

How the hell does he do what he does? For those unfamiliar with him or who haven't caught his latest series, so far he's had someone fall asleep in a phonebooth in London and wake up in Morocco (after being shipped there on a plane), with no idea what's going on, he's had a man switch places with a dummy (truly believing that he was in the dummy's body, and when the dummy was put in a box he started crying to be let out, screaming "that's enough"), and he's trained a 78-year-old woman to win a cash prize at a world championship poker game. He also paid for a $4,500 ring with PAPER, with the jeweller looking straight at the paper and accepting it as real money.

Previous to that, he's played Russian Roulette live on TV (with a blank, although that wasn't revealed until after the show and it still could have seriously injured him), and he's convinced four middle-managers to perform a robbery (not knowing that the van driver they were told to steal the case off was an actor).

There's a small demonstration of the talent that he has HERE... But THIS ONE is the one that, after seeing it for the first time, made me want to watch every single show of his. Incredible.

I've been recommended his book, Trick Of The Mind, and I can't wait to get stuck into it. The dummy episode of the latest series was literally one of the most stunning television programs I've ever seen (I urge you to watch it, if you haven't seen it, HERE). I believe it 100%, I don't think you could fake it for this long without being found out, but the missus hopes it's fake (see edit below) and if it turned out to be fake, I'd be so disappointed.

EDIT: One simple little thing that it's taught me is that you always believe what you want to believe, and that comes through in everything that you do. Example - I believe what Derren does is real, rather than fake. Now if you thought what someone was doing was fake and you wanted to start a discussion on it, you would say "is Derren Brown fake" - but what did I ask? I asked, is Derren Brown real... Such a small detail but it's just one thing that it's taught me, and it's really true. If someone says to you, just one sentence, "is Derren Brown real", then you know they think he's real, if they say "is Derren Brown fake", you know they think he's fake.

A real-life example of this - my girlfriend said to me "do you think it's real though", and then after saying for ten minutes "I think it's fake", and being convinced that she was lying because she first said "real" rather than "fake", I managed to get out of her that she does actually think it's real - she just hopes that it's not, because what he can do is so frightening.

Just writing that sends a shiver down my spine.
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Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

I am, from this moment on, an egg chasing fan. Football is for puffs, just overpaid primadonnas kicking a bag of wind about. Cunts.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

I've been recommended his book, Trick Of The Mind, and I can't wait to get stuck into it.
I bought the book a while back but havent got around to reading it yet. Read the first few chapters and its pretty good. Lots of interesting stuff in there.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

It's my joining-Evo-Web 4th anniversary in two weeks... Do I get cake?
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Its my joining-Evo-Web 2nd anniversary tomorrow... Do I also get cake?
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

I have found out that I have the most posts in this thread, 3 more posts than JB at the time of writing. I think he should buy me a cake.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Wahey, free food!

I'm going to have Evo-Web iced onto the top of it, might cost you a few bob CW... So generous... ;)

I have found out that I have the most posts in this thread, 3 more posts than JB at the time of writing. I think he should buy me a cake.
Give me a week (my PSP is selling for a quid, 360 is on the way out, am I the only one who prefers rain to this heat) and it'll be even stevens...
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

I reckon CW should buy me a cake.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Can we stop mentioning him please?!
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

I agree we should, because he is the most annoying cunt in the history of Evo-Web. And in other news, because some people on here are such a bunch of tightwads, I have had to buy my own cake. Its not fair. :(
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Yeah, agreed, I won't mention him/it again.

I still haven't got my cake, I refuse to leave the house on a Sunday (or a Monday, or a Tuesday, or a...) - but I'll take a photo of it when I get it. It'll be the grandest cake of them all.

Totally off-topic (and that's how we like it in Random Crap III), CW, are you still enjoying UEFA CL?
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Totally off-topic (and that's how we like it in Random Crap III), CW, are you still enjoying UEFA CL?

Its one of 2 games I am playing at the moment. The other one being Rainbow 6 Vegas

Yes I am still liking it. While it can be frustrating at times it is ultimately enjoyable
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Just when will Man Yoo fans realise there are more teams out there with the name "United" in them? Fucking wankers. :roll:
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