The Random Crap Thread

Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

I have heard of TAB Clear, but was probably too young to experience it.

I haven't seen or even heard of Cherry 7UP though. Like you said Jack, It must only be dodgy petrol stations and sandwich shops that stock this mystical beverage.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Tell you what I did see in the chippy the other day that I haven't seen in shops for ages..... Diet Irn-Bru! :mrgreen:

What is funny though is that the cans of pop you get in the chippy are always in foreign, like, a can of Diet Coke..... its always "Coke Light" and the ingredients are in some language like Outer Mongolian or Kazakh. :lol:
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man



Oh my fucking God.

Go to GOOGLE IMAGES (just do it). Type in "cherry 7up". Three rows of five pictures come up. What's the last picture in the second row?


That is a sign. Of ALL THE DRINKS I could have been talking about, I've talked about THOSE TWO EXACT DRINKS.

That is a fucking sign.

Someone from Japan is coming to get me.

Bender. Bender has been built by a crazy Japanese scientist and he's coming to get me.

(Or I have a twin living in Tokyo.)

(Or that I should stop spending my life on a computer. Yeah, probably that.)
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Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Talking of 7UP, I once had a t-shirt with their mascot "Fido Dido" on..... I looked like a typical Italian uni exchange student, only without a scooter :(
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

That Curiosity Cola looks a classy bottle of pop Jack. How much of my wonga will I have to part with to live the high life mate?
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Something like 90p a bottle.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Not a bad price for a taste of yesteryear lads. Deffo worth a try at least. Though too pricey for a regular buy.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Well I'm getting a fiver's worth next time I'm down at Tesco to put away and try not to get through in a week.

Gorgeous stuff - there's a few comments on the company website saying "the perfect summer drink"... It really is. If they sell it nationwide in the summer, they will make a packet.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

I'd rather buy a bottle of that for 90p than pay 80p out of my hard-earned to the multinational overbloated corporation that is Coke. :mrgreen:
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Jack, in further response to your PM about the following post on the first page of this thread here....

Oh, I would like to share my Nan's 92nd with everyone.
We all went round to her house for something to eat and shit.
The best bit was when my Mum was in the kitchen doing the buffet/Hot Pot for all the old dears in the living room. She said,
"Does Auntie Rose want anything?"
So my Dad walks in and goes,
"The last rites by the looks of it."
I thought this was brilliant.

The funny thing is, my Auntie Rose does pretty much need the last rites now! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL.
Cancer's not funny kids. :triangle:
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

:triangle: is now the international sign for peace by the way, i've just decided.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Please don't forget the option of 2 bottles of 2 litre Dr Pop for but one of your English pounds. :mrgreen: (bar JJ as you don't like Dr Pep)

I just read up a bit on the Fentimans brand, and like what I see. Gonna give it a go for sure. It's a bummer if they only stock at Tesco however.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

My profile needs serious pimping, at the moment its fucking shit and all I got is one fucking photo on it. Must be time for me to hit that "delete profile" button :lol:
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Hutch, you're brilliant. I want your life.

You even live in a town that sells those experimental Fosters & Pringles four-packs.


Hutch drinks Pringles - he is hard.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

What flavour are those Pringles? I'm guessing salt and vinegar.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Trust me, they're salt and vinegar.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Hutch, you're brilliant. I want your life.

You even live in a town that sells those experimental Fosters & Pringles four-packs.

The people of Salford sell what they can. I bought a 4 pack of Coke the the other day and when I got home I found one of the cans was in fact a tin of beans. Crafty.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

As hutch just name checked beans, I thought I would throw this random question into the fold. Has anyone tried the Heinz Mean Beanz range? When you are packing a tin of these bad boys, the classic meal of beans on toast just got better! My personal favourite is the Mexican flavour. They also do Tikki, Jalfrezi and Sweet Chilli.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Heinz Sweet Chilli beans are brilliant. The times I've had a baked potato with those beans, a bit of cheese and some chopped up Quorn sausages. Delicious.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Liking your style mate. Heinz baked beans are great, they trounce the opposition. BTW, what are those Quorn sausages like?
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Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Well I wouldn't eat them if they were disgusting!

There's a few different kinds. The main two Quorn-like companies are Quorn (duh) and Linda McCartney. The Linda McCartney ones are like the cheap ones you used to get on toast at school/college, but they're nice with toast and on pizzas (seeing as there's no vegetarian pepperoni around yet, the bastards). They're quite textured inside as well - they are the ones I use for the baked potatoes because they're slightly peppered as well and it just adds a bit more flavour. They do better things - their Country Slices (mince, onion and other veg) are so nice.

The Quorn sausages are my favourite sausages, though. Big, thick, meaty ones, and full of flavour - but they're a tiny bit rubbery. Inside, though, you can see the chunks of onion etc... Lovely. Perfect for Sunday lunch, with a pair of Yorkshire puddings.

Don't go making too many cock and tits jokes now. If Dermot sees this post he'll have a field day.

Quorn bacon is the best though. My dad walked past the oven while I was cooking their Streaky Bacon last year and said "God, that smells delicious". Well, the week before he was going on about I must be a poof to be a vegetarian, it's all a load of crap and I'll be passing out through a lack of meat. So I thought, right, let's do an experiment. I put some on his plate on the way out of the kitchen, and five minutes later I can hear him saying "this is the best bacon I've ever bloody had".

The flavouring tastes like the same used on smokey bacon crisps... God it's nice. No messing about with saltiness or fat, just the taste.

The Quorn chicken pieces/fillets are perfect, as well. I didn't used to eat chicken because I didn't like the tissuey texture and how dry it was (my mum could never cook), but the Quorn stuff is perfect. I'm living off Uncle Ben's sweet and sour sauce mixed with Quorn chicken pieces and Uncle Ben's Chinese Style Rice at the minute, with the odd baked potato thrown in and a roast on Sundays.

I'm hungry now, damn.
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Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

I never knew vegetarians had so much choice when it comes to meat like substitutes. I've never tried any of the stuff (not surprising as I'm a meat eater). Interesting to hear your passionate response for the Quorn range though. Putting the non meat part aside, it seems like a pretty healthy option. And from what I have seen of their food, it doesn't look too bad either.

Can I ask why you decided to become a veggie JB? Not a critical question, just interested.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

I hate veggie stuff, its a lot of processed shit with loads of E105, E151, E259, etc. etc. thrown in. Need a sick bag!!
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Can I ask why you decided to become a veggie JB? Not a critical question, just interested.
Two reasons mainly, addiction and disgust. When I was 13/14/15, I literally lived on McDonalds. Every day I would go to college and go to McDonalds on the way back, and I was getting sick of killing myself. I was that young and I was getting chest pains. But what finally sealed it was that, one day in Birkenhead (the shopping area of my little city), a truck pulled up next to a butchers and opened it's back doors. There were whole pigs, and various other animals and organs, hanging upside down, and some rabbits hanging inside out. I just thought, if I was part of an alien race, I would want them to have more mercy on our stupidity than to say "what does it matter" and turn them inside out. And so from that day I became a vegetarian.

I don't even like animals that much to be honest; if it wasn't for the girlfriend I'd never really see them again. I hate all pets (they make people, especially women, turn into jibbering 3-year-olds, "idgygidgybooboobahhh!!"). I can stand cats and cows (an odd combination I admit). But I wouldn't wish what happens to them on my worst enemy; literally.

I hate veggie stuff, its a lot of processed shit with loads of E105, E151, E259, etc. etc. thrown in. Need a sick bag!!
Oh I don't know, there's not too many in the proper Quorn stuff, and Cauldron (who make the best stuff, but it's twice the price) barely use anything but mushrooms and other bits and bobs. Bear in mind that the reason I can't eat half of the sweets, yoghurts and all that is because of E-numbers that involve dead animals in some way!!
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

When I first went to Uni. I went out shopping and stumbled upon Farmfoods. Everything in the fucking shop appeared to be a pound so I was well up for some of that. Saw some Quorn sausages for a quid and thought they were normal sausages so presumed they were alright.
Got back, banged them on George and his Lean Mean Fat Reducing wasn't doing any fat reducing at all. All of our house was baffled by it. They were just white and they weren't doing anything. Then someone noticed they were Quorn and informed me they were vegetarian.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Interesting reasoning with the alien stuff JB. And the addiction to McDonald's side of it. You must of been in a right state if you ate that shit every day. The sooner I give up the occasional McDonald's (very occasional) the better. Though I do want to try those new chicken strips they have.

Did anyone see that BBC3 programme Kill it, cook it, eat it? If so, did it change any opinions or perceptions you had? I was amazed at how quick and professional the whole process was.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

I hate Maccy D's full stop, ever since the day I had food poisoning from some Chicken McNuggets I avoid the place like the plague.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

And from this moment on I am now Scottish, so stop throwing me those inflatable sheep. :(
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