The Random Crap Thread

Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

"the Ordinary Boys are rubbish"
At least you talk sense :)

That reminds me, anyone see Never Mind The Buzzcocks the other night? :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Simon Amstell said:
Coming on a gameshow to get on TV and find a wife, imagine the desperation, Preston
That cracked me up, and that bit when he was reading extracts from that daft bint Chantelle's book :mrgreen:
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Does it do any harm to have over 100% of your RDA of vitamins?

I've started taking multivitamin tablets, seeing as I can never seem to manage five fruit-and-veg a day. But since taking them, I've had the flu - twice in the space of two weeks - and this got me thinking.

It lists the vitamins and minerals included in each tablet, and each one has 100% of your RDA of everything included (supposedly every single vitamin going). So if one day, I have two plates of brocolli and seven apples, what is going to happen? Will I be healthier, or will the exceed in dose render the tablets null-and-void?

Sorry if it's an incredibly stupid question, but I would appreciate some enlightenment!
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Very strange question mate. I don't know the ins-and-outs of how they work, but I've taken vitamins all my life, while eating a good amount of fruit and veg to boot. It all helps I'm sure. At the end of the day they are only recommended amounts. I doubt that the tablets you take will be rendered null-and-void if you eat a lot of greens that day. I'm no doctor, but the tablets would be absorbed by the body quickly, and get to work faster I would of thought? While eating well alongside them gives you the benefits of natures goodness.

Apologies if this has failed to enlighten you. But I am pretty certain it will only do your body good. Though as they say - everything in moderation...
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

The reason I'm a bit worried is that RDA is "recommended daily allowance" (or "recommended dietary allowance"), rather than "recommended daily amount". "Allowance" seems to say to me that "you should only be allowed 100% of this recommendation, if you go over it then you will have problems"...

I'm such a woman.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Current tv adverts that annoy me...

The new Dominos pizza ad with that big gobbed cow from Big Bro who briefly dated the guy with Tourettes til he came to his senses.

The latest Halifax ad with some fat munter wailing at me to "Think..."
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Neither of them are a patch on that Frosties Kid :lol:
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

I think both could give him a run for his money if they carry on in their respective advertising campaigns. Especially the fat munter.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Every time that Halifax ad comes on I change channel.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

argh it seriously makes me feel sick when i see that halifax advert, even when I mute it, I still end up bloody singing it in my head
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

That's because you're weak, branyik :mrgreen:
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Yeah I agree about that stupid Halifax and Dominoes advert. I also find the ebay one very annoying. Or the advert with that Jamaican guy... i think its a gum commercial.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Anyone seen that advert for "Build the Bismarck"?

140 issues at five quid a throw, just to make some model of a sunken ship. That's £700 in total. I could raise the fucking wreck for that amount of cash!!

I bet just like other magazines where you build a model issue-by-issue, the publishing company goes bust halfway through the run, so all you'll get is a half-finished ship! :lol:
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Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

An email I just received from "ebay"

If you win all three auctions, then I will just charge $12 to ship all three (plus whatever the auctions end at). I wouldn't feel right selling these in a buy-it-now, since someone else has already bid as well and there are other watchers. If you are trying to collect all of the princesses, I also have Kathleen (one of the triplets) and Princess Genevieve available, but haven't had time to list them yet. Let me know if you are interested in them as well. The Kathleen stands in a wind-up and then twirls and twirls dancing on the floor (very cute). I would sell the Genevieve for $10 and the Kathleen for $8 (shipping for one is $6.75, shipping for two is $9.75, shipping for three is $12, if you want all 5, then I won't charge additional shipping - cost will still be $12) Hope the long email makes sense, please let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks, Samara

No, thank you Samara
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Coke Zero, and all the other Zeroes, are disgusting.

They should be banned from saying "same great taste" when it's clearly fucking not.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Coke Zero is fucking vile. I wouldn't even clean my drains with it. Even Roller Cola tastes better, and that's warm crap pop!
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Thank God, I just realised that I'd made three consecutive posts in this thread without reply. I thought I was a sad bastard there for a minute.

...Shut up.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

And on the subject of vile fizzy drinks, how the fuck can anyone like Dr Pepper? Its revolting stuff.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Sorry Jack, I did the quiz but forgot to reply.
Ultimate Game Quiz - Give it a blast if you've got a spare five minutes!

(My score was 90% by the way...)
My score was a poor 63%. I thought I would do better to be honest...
Coke Zero, and all the other Zeroes, are disgusting.

They should be banned from saying "same great taste" when it's clearly fucking not.
Agree. How do they get away with that blatant lie. Zero, Diet, Max - they all taste shit in my opinion.

And on the subject of vile fizzy drinks, how the fuck can anyone like Dr Pepper? Its revolting stuff.
I love Dr Pepper. BTW anyone who shops in Morrison's should try their own ripoff version, Dr Pop. Tastes very similar for a much cheaper price. 2 for a quid, get in there!
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Do you know what Ad, I'm going to get some of those.

On the subject of Cola, everybody (yes, all two of you) has to try "Fentimans Curiosity Cola" (I got mine at Tesco). I saw this bottle on the shelf and read the rather interesting label, which said that Cola used to be a medicinal drink - made with various plant extracts and different things, then left to ferment for ten days (which causes alcohol to form - only 0.5% vol though, don't go getting excited). Apparently, Fentimans is a company that is dedicated to making all of it's drinks (Curiosity Cola, Ginger Beer, Victorian Lemonade, Mandarin & Seville Orange Jigger, Dandelion & Burdock, Shandy) the old-fashioned way, with absolutely no modern changes to this or that. They're all confirmed to be vegetarian as well, bar the shandy.

It even says you should tip the bottle upside down for a few seconds before pouring. Well, that was the clincher. I was intrigued (I'm easily pleased), and so I bought one.

I'll tell you what, it's GORGEOUS. It tastes like melted-down Cola bottles (the sweets that is). You can taste some of the individual ingredients - you get a hint of ginger in the aftertaste - and it's so nice. TEN TIMES better than Coca-Cola.

I want to try the rest of the range now - shame that Tesco only had the Cola. :(
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

Next time I'm in Tesco's I'll have a look for it. I find Coke a bit watery for my liking, yet when I was over in America I found their Coke tasted a LOT NICER than over here.

I used to like Pepsi Max, til I found out how much shite they put in it. Put me right off!!!

The most blatant use of chemical crap I ever experienced in fizzy drinks had to be that TAB Clear - don't know if anyone remembers it from the early 90's but basically, it looked like lemonade, tasted like coke, and made you burp like fuck!
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

I remember that - I was only a kid at the time and so the very thought of something that was clear but tasted of Cola was, again, too intriguing. I loved that stuff. Is that why it disappeared, because of all the crap that's in it?

On a side-note, both myself and my girlfriend get headaches within an hour or two of drinking anything diet. They all seem to have phenylalanine in common - and there was a bit in the paper about that a few months ago, saying that if you have too much, it will kill brain cells, basically.

Even so, with the amount of radiation I'm getting off my mobile phone, the amount my eyes are burning from looking at a monitor for 14 hours a day and the amount of crap that is pumped into everything, I don't suppose it would make too much of a difference overall...
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

I'll look out for those too when I next go to Tesco. I love the old style Lemonade, Ginger Beer, etc, etc. Great stuff. Much better than most of the crap they produce these days.

BTW, I'm a big Cherry Coke fan. Love it.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

I was about 12/13 at the time of the "clear cola" craze but TAB Clear was a very poor seller, quite possibly the second biggest flop of the Coca-Cola company after that tap water they charged us a bomb for.

I avoid diet fizzy drink as well because of all the sweetner shit and as you said, phenylalanine, cos it doesn't agree with me either, hence why I've just gone totally off fizzy pop lately. You should try lager, after all there is scientific proof that it does NOT kill any brain cells - only problem is that too much of it will make you break out in fights. :lol:

Oh and Cherry Coke...... ugh, anything with cherry in it is vile, had very bad experiences with anything with cherries in it, especially 2 years ago. Vile vile vile.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

I'll look out for those too when I next go to Tesco. I love the old style Lemonade, Ginger Beer, etc, etc. Great stuff. Much better than most of the crap they produce these days.

BTW, I'm a big Cherry Coke fan. Love it.
Probably my second-favourite fizzy drink, next to Cherry 7UP. It's more "special" as well when you get a Cherry 7UP, because (here, at least) you can only get it from a dodgy petrol station and a sandwich shop in the middle of nowhere.
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

On the subject of Cola, everybody (yes, all two of you) has to try "Fentimans Curiosity Cola" (I got mine at Tesco). I saw this bottle on the shelf and read the rather interesting label, which said that Cola used to be a medicinal drink - made with various plant extracts and different things, then left to ferment for ten days (which causes alcohol to form - only 0.5% vol though, don't go getting excited). Apparently, Fentimans is a company that is dedicated to making all of it's drinks (Curiosity Cola, Ginger Beer, Victorian Lemonade, Mandarin & Seville Orange Jigger, Dandelion & Burdock, Shandy) the old-fashioned way, with absolutely no modern changes to this or that. They're all confirmed to be vegetarian as well, bar the shandy.

So the cola has copious amounts of cocaine in it?
Re: Random Crap III - As Authorised By The Man

7UP these days is so rare to find, think the only shop that sells it around here is the open all hours shop run by some bloke who looks a tad like Apu off the Simpsons. You don't even see it for sale in chippy's any more when I go 'round there for my chippy tea :(
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