The Random Crap Thread

I have absolutely no idea. I didn't like my old one, so I got a weird image of a mug and plate set temporarily (which was seriously crap) and then I cant remember what I typed into google images but I found this and thought it was nice. I'm trying to be more positive. :DD
Good lad; I picture you being like Rex since you said you thought he was alright. Positivity is the way forward.


Does anyone know what those black bordered images with text under are called?
Either "motivationals" or "motivators".
Somebody posted this on the forums of ebid, apparently it's true...

An acquaintance of mine, who is not all that computer-speak savvy, actually thought that 'LOL' meant 'lots of love'.

A friend of hers lost her husband suddenly, and she thought it was a good idea to send an email with condolences....

"I was SO sorry to hear of XXX's passing so unexpectedly - letter follows - LOL"
I'd love to see dad do that on FIFA, he'd shout "I GOT THE BALL REF, OH MY GOD, I FORGOT YOU AREN'T ALLOWED TO TACKLE IN THIS GAME".

I wish my old man played computergames, sadly he's too much of a tech dinosaur. Getting him to use the internet without swearing at it is a challenge :D
My dad used to play fifa on the mega drive with us and used to tilt his pad around in the air when shooting and used to have to look down at his pad before pressing buttons.

Then he got into Pro Evo at around the 07 days and ended up playing his own master league with Everton and then went onto the fifa 08 last year and had his own season going there as well. He's a bleeding pro at it now.
My dad used to play fifa on the mega drive with us and used to tilt his pad around in the air when shooting and used to have to look down at his pad before pressing buttons.

Then he got into Pro Evo at around the 07 days and ended up playing his own master league with Everton and then went onto the fifa 08 last year and had his own season going there as well. He's a bleeding pro at it now.

I wish I could play footy games with my dad. :((
Mine is on his 22nd season on PES6 with Barcelona. The only game he plays, with Fifa from time to time with me (but never alone, "it's too slooooow"). And point n' clicks on PC.

I remember very well Rodriguez's tackle. It was very shocking.
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My dad's given up on football games. He had a stint on FM last year, but got annoyed at his team. Now he sticks to PC games only, mainly strategy and adventure games.
Its even more amusing how Liam tries to be hard, goes for a punch, realises he can and then pulls back and then goes after the guy, probably shouting "hold me back, hold me back" :D
I don't think anything will happen - they say a black hole can only devour as much matter as what caused it - so 2 particles colliding would mean the black hole swallows 2 particles and then poof - a big bang spitting those 2 back out.
In addition to the four dimensions we already know about, string theory predicts the existence of six more.

Some physicists even think the existence of these extra dimensions could explain why gravity is so much weaker than the other fundamental forces. Perhaps, they argue, we are not feeling its full effects.

This might be explained if its force was being shared with other dimensions. If these extra dimensions do exist, the LHC could be the first accelerator to detect them experimentally.

At high energies, physicists could see evidence of particles moving between our world and these unseen realms. For example, they could see particles suddenly disappear into one of these dimensions.

Alternatively, particles originating from an extra dimension could suddenly appear in our world.


According to some physicists, the LHC can operate at high enough energies to generate mini-black holes.

However, the vast majority of particle physicists say there is no need for alarm. If any should be created, they should evaporate quickly.

A recent report dealing with the collider's safety acknowledged the possibility that the LHC could create these primordial black holes.

The report says: "If microscopic black holes were to be singly produced by colliding the quarks and gluons inside protons, they would also be able to decay into the same types of particles that produced them.”

The suggestion that black holes could be made in the LHC has stoked fears that one of these micro-black holes could swell in size, swallowing up the Earth.

In March, plaintiffs requested an injunction in a US court stopping the LHC from switching on.

However, physicists stress that any such phenomena would be short-lived and thus would pose no threat to our planet.

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