The Random Crap Thread

In addition to the four dimensions we already know about, string theory predicts the existence of six more.

[Nerd Alert]

Mentioned this in another thread, ghost/afterlife one. A Horizon documentary was explaining this a couple of years ago, however the scientist came with a theory of eleven dimensions instead, the matchs worked better. 10 physical and one for time.

[/Nerd Alert]

Anyway, lets get back to Jay being sucked off by a huge black hole.
From that death countdown


It's being turned on today... in fact it was at 8am when they were doing the first test. But they're not colliding particles for another 6-8weeks. Until then they're just launching solo particles around and around and collecting the data.
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Ghost Poo:
You know you've pooed. There's poo on the toilet paper, but not in the
toilet. Where is it?

Teflon Poo:
So slick and easy you don't even feel it. No trace of poo on the
toilet paper. You have to look in the toilet to be sure you did it.

Goo Poo:
This has the consistency of hot tar. You wipe twelve times and you
still don't come clean. You end up putting toilet paper in your
underwear so you don't soil it. Permanent skid marks are left in the

Second Thoughts Poo:
You're all done wiping and about to stand up when you realise...
there's more to come.

Pop a Vein in Your Forehead Poo:
This is the kind of poo that killed Elvis. It doesn't want to come out
until you're all sweaty, trembling, and purple from straining so hard.

Weight Watchers Poo:
You poo so much you lose several pounds.

Right Now Poo:
You'd better be within thirty seconds of a toilet. You burn rubber to
get there and it usually gets its head out before you can get your
pants down.

King Kong Poo:
This one is so big you think it won't go down the toilet unless you
break it into smaller chunks. A wire coat hanger usually works well.
This kind of poo usually happens when you're at someone else's house.

Cork Poo:
Also known as "floaters." Even after the third flush it's still there,
floating in the bowl. My God! How do I get rid of it?

Wet Cheeks Poo:
This poo hits the water sideways and makes a bigger splash than the
launching of the QE2, soaking your starfish.

Wish Poo:
You sit there all cramped up and fart a few times, but no poo.

Cement Block Poo:
You wish you'd got a spinal block before you pooed.

Snake Poo:
This poo is fairly soft, about as thick as your thumb and at least
three feet long.

Morning After Poo:
Happens the day after the night before. Normally your poo doesn't
smell that bad, but THIS one... Usually you're at someone else's house
(normally a girl you're trying to impress) and they're waiting outside
to use the bathroom.

Mexican Food Poo:
Also called "screamers." You know it's safe to eat again when your bum
stops burning.

Boo Hoo Poo:
Makes you cry with pain and wonder whether your should risk the
stitches or go for the fuller figure.
Just read this quote in THIS article, and laughed out loud.

It's our club, not Mike Ashley's club, he might own it but it's not his club
Steve Hastie, Newcastle fan


I can see what he's trying to say but he's got it completely arse-about-face. If he owns the club, then it's his club, you dope!! :mryellow:
I noticed it's a Swedish site as well so it's a bit biased. I have no doubt you would find both kinds of people in both countries
There's an advert just come on, "What Do You Say UK?" - advertising holidays in New Zealand, I think.

The old guy doesn't half remind me of Gary Glitter!

EDIT: It's on YouTube. Here he is.

YouTube - What Do You Say UK? TVC 7

"I like the forests", hmmm, I wonder why... We know it's you Gary...
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The girl on that NZ advert does my head in - the one who says 'it's mind boggling'. I think it's a combination of her jazz hands, her wobbly eyes as she talks, that she gives no reasons and that she reminds me of the monster in Monsters Inc near the start of the movie when the child escapes who says 'The alien picked me up with her mind powers and shook me like a dawg'
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