The Random Crap Thread

Makes me laugh everytime

A GREEN-FINGERED three-year-old grew a cannabis plant in her back garden with seeds bought from a Merseyside supermarket.

Lois Williams wanted to be just like her father, 31-year-old Danny Williams, who grows his own potatoes, peppers, tomatoes, beans and fruits.

She planted some seeds from the packet of organic health food seed mix bought from Asda, in Huyton, in the garden of her family’s home in Aldwark Road, Dovecot.

Two months later, Mr Williams noticed a pungent smell coming from his vegetable patch and was shocked to discover the seeds had blossomed into a full-grown cannabis plant.

The former DJ, now a full-time carer, said: “Lois loves her healthy food and rather than snack on chocolate and crisps, she has seeds and nuts from the supermarket.

“She wanted to plant something of her own like I do, so we just chucked some seeds into the soil.

“Two months on and there was a cannabis plant in my garden. I could not believe it.

“Lois has eaten half the seeds from this pack and anyone could be sitting at their desk in work, thinking they are being healthy when really they are eating cannabis seeds.”

On the back of the 100g packet, sold for £1.60, it clearly says the seeds contain, among other ingredients, hemp, which is legal to grow in the UK with a licence from the Home Office.

A police expert told the ECHO the plant could be one of three varieties of cannabis, all of which are illegal to cultivate.

Since contacting the ECHO, Mr Williams has destroyed his cannabis plant. He has also sent the rest of the packet back to Asda for testing.

Asda today confirmed its seed mix contains 15% hemp seeds from the cannabis sativa plant, part of the cannabis family, but stressed it is different to hemp or cannabis associated with recreational drug use.

A spokesman said: “Asda takes measures to ensure traceability of its products and the suppliers of these seeds are authorised growers under licence.

“This variety of hemp seed is grown for its nutritional properties and fibre content and the product is sold for consumption.”
What is your avatar all about Revan? I keep meaning to ask.

And yours as well Jumbo, come to think of it!
What is your avatar all about Revan? I keep meaning to ask.

And yours as well Jumbo, come to think of it!

The guy punching is Pinto da Costa, president of FC Porto and the guy getting the infinite beating is Luis Filipe Vieira, president of SL Benfica. They are each other's nemesis. :EASY:

Wikipedia said:
DJ DOC was also a popular contributer to . However after spending too much time with Mike Greggs, A.K.A. PlanM, things went sour and he was subsequently banned for life. They were apparently in a romantic relationship at some point, however it has not been confirmed. This all happend after a traumatic experience with fellow member JayGrim. After their encounter DJ DOC was never the same positive, hetrosexual, poster he was before that incident. When asked about the incident Jay anwsered: "I just had to do it. He was there for the taking eating a Greggs sausage roll".

He now contributes news updates on FSB ( His videoreviews and features have been the highlight of his new found journalistic career. They have mostly recieved a muted response. This hasn't deterred DJ Doc and he continues to send videos to FSB. He is also an budding DJ, hence the nickname. He started out his DJ career in Uplifting Trance clubs across the country. After the problems described above he went for a darker, harder sound which left his fans in dispair and his following diminished. He is likely to stay a budding DJ due to lack of DJ-ing skills and the Traumatic Anthems he now produces.
Hahaha that's quality!

What is your avatar all about Revan? I keep meaning to ask.

And yours as well Jumbo, come to think of it!

I have absolutely no idea. I didn't like my old one, so I got a weird image of a mug and plate set temporarily (which was seriously crap) and then I cant remember what I typed into google images but I found this and thought it was nice. I'm trying to be more positive. :DD
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