- 2 August 2004
Great to see some of the oldies still here
don't take it offensively Nerf, DB,
I just meant old hardcore MLers 
And also some new additions, welcome Yoshiaki and Amadeus
I'll be back guys... real soon
thanks to my 2 months of hardwork now I have a data that I can just pick any team and have it be like real life. lOl.. Stringer, you should try having an Utrech ML with THIS data now.. lol million difference and Rajmocar has good consistency and Dwight Tiendalli created plus few others.
hehee.. i'm excited.
see ya guys later.
plus this time when I start ML, I'll be recording goals, key moments and shit like Prof used to do. by the way where is he? haven't heard from him and he's sure as hell one to enjoy my data.
Take care and hope to hear more of your stories

And also some new additions, welcome Yoshiaki and Amadeus

I'll be back guys... real soon

hehee.. i'm excited.
see ya guys later.
plus this time when I start ML, I'll be recording goals, key moments and shit like Prof used to do. by the way where is he? haven't heard from him and he's sure as hell one to enjoy my data.
Take care and hope to hear more of your stories