The PES4 Master League Thread - YEAH!

It sounds alright to me. They are not a brilliant team quite average since, even more so that Baggio is not there.
Nice to know about your own set of rules 1860. I respect that!! I respect that your club doesn't have ENOUGH money... and you could ony buy 3 and the real hassles and limitations that clubs in real life face... now imagine your star player gets injured for 30 weeks as well :) that'd make the game super fun. :D

Anyways... yes i'm aware of Bellamy and all other transfers that have happened this month... i write them all down + players that i needed to create.. and go and update my game every 3 days or so with all transfers... so right now its very updated... but by the way Bellamy deal isn't done yet... the club haven't SPOKEn to player or agreed terms yet.. however Newcastle has accepted a $6 million Pounds offer from the Blues, I hope he moves there anyways... it makes me even more inclined to NOT having a FAV Premiership team but having a MOST DISLIKED team by far which is currently Birmingham... i hate them.. and this will make me hate them just more :D
lol Di Biaggio is also a few years past his best... i think he's even playing as CB nowadays instead of the tough tackling solid DMF he used to be.

Brescia.. i wouldn't ... i just DONT like that team.. lol.. i like a lot of smaller teams but not them.. probably one of my most disliked teams in italy.. they're boring and TOO CRAP hahaha...
yeah it is dude... i was jus sayin my own personal opinion.. i dont LIKE the team... so i can't pick them and turn them from CRAP club to good one.... :) I'd feel better doing that for like Livorno or Atalanta... but anyways its up to you..
LOL I understand you dont like the colour blue just joking!
Well I might go for Palermo.
Having played my last ML on 6 stars, i was considering playing the next on 5. I do feel as if on 6, while the computer tries harder to close you down, it is easier to counter and score. The com puts so much effort into closing you down, that if you just pass a long ball downfield, they'll often be caught short.
I've been playing some exhibition matches on 5. It naturally feels fresher as i'm using just random teams, but i've been monitoring the gameplay, and it appears a better balance.
Well i've mever tried but maybe I will try it like you proffesor.
But what kind of diffrence?
Professor, i find 5* much better... i had my LAST ML on 5* and it makes game harder because cpu closes you down less and so less prone to counter-attacks... i think i'll be using 5* from now on forever.. until new game comes out.. game is much more balanced and nicer on 5* even though its still not perfect and CPU still CLOSES you down Way too much..

i find due to 5* and cpu being less attacking minded though, quite a few matches can end 0-0 and 1-0... but if you play on 15 mins like i've recently started doing... game is as balanced and perfect as it can get in PES4. I find its not TOO Long and you'll see less 0-0s which can happen on 5* compared to 6* which i used to beat CPU 3-0s or so in quite a few matches...

so 15 mins is the best in my opinion combined with 5*.. not only is game HARDEr.. but it stops all the 0-0s and also the INJURY time at the end of halfs.. is LONG enough for somethign to happen like it does in real life... :D

p.s. Juventus11, no in fact my fav colour is blue and i like Brescia's kits.. its their squad and lack of flamboyancy that i hate about them... and i wouldn't pick Palermo simply due to their pinkish natures lol ;) and also i dont think it'd be that hard.. since their squad isn't that much worse than someone like Udinese who's very good anyways... so game wouldn't be hard enough but anyways their PINK so i wouldn't choose them but you can if you want ;)

p.p.s SEeing as how you're italian and I assume a big fan of Serie A, i'm wondering have you updated your Italian league to the max? created many players that need to be created like Di Natale, Nicola Amoruso, Contini Bucci and many others for Parma?
or do you not care that much and left database like it is?
Hmm i think opposite about 5 stars and 6 stars. I tried playing 5 stars, but ended up thrashing them AI each game around 2-0, 3-0 or 4-0 without letting them score at all.
Oh i FU****KKKin care my actual PES4 game is toatally updated I already put ALbrertini at Barcelona and i put Delveccio at Brescia, I put Legrotaglia and etc.
I really dont like the game when its not updated!
Maybe I could be Siena,Parma,Livorno,bologna,Lazio what do you think but im thinking of being Lazio what would you think my friend PLF Or PRoFF.
PLF said:
p.p.s SEeing as how you're italian and I assume a big fan of Serie A, i'm wondering have you updated your Italian league to the max? created many players that need to be created like Di Natale, Nicola Amoruso, Contini Bucci and many others for Parma?
or do you not care that much and left database like it is?

Since hes my brother he uses my disc. Its not completely updated, but most players are done. Vignaroli, Cozza etc. I havent done too many missing players as honestly i dont use those teams or play them very often.
shit you guys are brothers lol?? i never knew.

anyways Juventus11, yeah those discs aren't fully updated... but i'm interested in getting a list of players that need to be created for Serie A as of today to see who i haven't created yet so i can do so before starting new ML as its only a few days away.. perhaps you can help.\

Nice to see that buffon avatar by the way ;) he's just absolutely AMAZING!!!!

As for those weaker teams you mentioned, Siena, Livorno, Bologna, its up to you bro... i'm probably gonna go for Siena as i fancy playing with Enrico "Legend" Chiesa before he gets too old and retires :D and beside their squad really is CRAP... i mean look their striker partnership is too oldies so it'll be really nice and hard :D

Livorno is alright too but i probably wont pick them cuz i get pissed that fuckin Lucarreli has SHIT FK stats in the game but he's brilliant in real life and we can't edit for ML unless u burn new DVD which i wont :(

Lazio is still TOO GOOD in my opinion... Parma is much weaker squad with many youngsters playing in 1st team who haven't proven themselves or DESERVE to be there.. just playing cuz they sold shit load of people... Lazio is still like Palermo though.. their squad isn't that bad... and plus i HATE that club so won't pick them :).

Bologna while it'll be a BIG challenge since they're really crap nowadays.. i simply dont LIKE the club like Brescia and their squad is REALLY old... apart from Meghni and one or two other ones... they barely have anybody under 25.. lol.

In Italy i'm thinkin of following:

- Parma
- Siena
- Lecce

Although Lecce have many good players that i look forward to playing with and perhaps their first-team is REALLY strong i mean Eremenko, Bojinov, LEdesma, Cassetti are just 4 players that culd probably play in ANY Of the bigger 4 clubs.. and their other players like Konan, Babu,Bjelanovic or Vucinin aren't bad either so i'm thinking maybe it'll be TOO EAsy with this team and this time i really want a CRAP team.. so i struggle badly with starting players and Lecce have lot of good players so maybe not.
I thought I give you an update of my team Porto Santa FC


Wilfried Sanou

I agree not impressive stats expect his accerlation and speed. And let that be the reason why this player is great! Put a some technical players around him who can give the ball in the deep for him and I assure he will be first to pick up the ball. Only shame he hasnt good a good shot, you really have to place him in a good position for a reasonable shot. But so far, great FW.

Sylvain Monsoreau,

I know he is already in my team for the 3th season now but I thought I mention him again cause this guy turns out into the new Jaap Stam. When I bought this 23 year old defender he was a good stable player, ideal player who never would score a 9 but also never a 5 or 4. But now he is 25 and his stats are ''amazing'' I dont think I can hold him after this season cause he is far too good for my club ''Santa Porto FC'' Definaltely a must buy for you people!

My team is now (3-5-2):



--------Paulo Assacuno--Hangeland-----
Sibum---------------------------Mark Gonzalez

------------Sanou---Yakubu Aiyegbeni


Why don't you lot create a super league with bayern, pana, porto, celtic, Lokomotiv, anderlect, psg, ajax and other of does teams and make a itlian, spanish and english league. Yhay probally would be good, thats what i am going to do after 10 to 12 seasons with 1860 London. Oh yeah in that super league i would be benfica.

PLF you know that rule about signing 3 players a season what if you loan a player does that count. I mean if you loan 2 players does that mean you,ve got 1 more player you can sign. Also can you confirm to me that Ikedia (Nigerian Int'l) has gone to AZ.
1860 London those rules are just what i set for myself and encouraged others to use to add longevity to the game and make teams more realistic by having many of their real life players in squad even in 3-4 seasons so if you're asking about my opinion yes... they do count as one whole player because i dont want to see more than 3 NEW faces in the squad each season and if you bring one on loan.. its still a new face so i'd count it as one. Can't say i've used the loan option many times though... only a few times when i didn't know if the player was WORTH the MONEY... so I loaned him to see if he'll be good enough and have huge potential and if performed welll... then sign him temporarily.. i also did it once with Candela as i needed a backup for my DL once and it was last negotiation period before start of new season... didn't want to buy him as i knew at 32 he'd most likely be going downhill... but he'd prove good cover for a season until I can secure a more long-term move.

1860 London, I dont like the idea of superleague because in my opinion thats unrealistic and its what WEFA cup and Master is for anyways... i dont want to fight with many teams from different nations in my league.. maybe i'd do a La Liga with the 3 portugese teams for example... to make it more challenging or an EPL with Celtic and Rangers in it to make more challenging but in General.. NO i'm against it and probably won't do it.
Juventus11, thanks for the comment ;).

so anyways you're from Milan but support neither Inter or AC ?? ;) lol... and you support their biggest rivals???? didn't think there'd be too many Juve supporters in Milan of all places. lol. how do you get along in school and with friends???

@Milanista, out of the players you mentioned none are really that QUICK.. the likes of Locatteli and Belluci are old.. but have DESCENT speed for a forward but nothing special... and Meghni while young is like Zidane.. he wasn't fasteset player and I dont know how Nervo or Zagorakis can be called quick. Anyways they've got some descent players but so does every other team... and by the way Locatelli moved to GALATASARAY... so he's no longer in Bologna but they signed Marco 33 year old Ferrante ex. Torino man for 6 months yesterday i believe. :D

As for GFK, Sylvain Monsareau was one of the stars of my original Sochaux team and one of the reasons i started the game with them. I was looking forward to playing with local talents like Monsareau, Mathieu and foreigners like Santos and Zairi.

Anyways Monsareau is very solid player but i dont think your comparison of him to STAM is very relevant. The reason for that is to me Monsareau has got much more technique than your average CB and is much faster and a little bit attacking minded which is reasons he can play as LB like Maldini while STAM was an amazing OLD-school CB. Not good going forward... not much technique. but a tall TOUGH-tackling CB who did ONLY CB's job... but Monsareau is more like Rio Ferdinand... or Maldini... due to his other qualities beside just defending. Not to mention he's nowhere near as good in DEFENDING as Jaap Legend STam :D

anyways very solid player though and by 25 his stats are pretty amazing especially if you've done pre-season with him for 2-3 years like I did :D
As my next ML is in France, i've been concentrating on missing players, transfers and appearances there. eg Helder & Pancrate @ PSG, Fauconnier @ AC Ajaccio, Ilan @ Sochaux, Nilmar at Lyon etc...
I've created quite a few for France i think Prof.. including Nilmar, Ilan, Menez but I just looked and Helder and Pancrate are already there for me and i dont remember CREATING them... Helder might be in Benfica.. look there.. maybe you just haven't transferred him. Anyways i can help you with ones i've creted and Fauconnier.. i haven't created so i'm gonna go get his info now......
what ML?

i haven't started one yet.. remember.. i said not until transfer window is closed... but i surely won't pick Lazio ;), their squad quality is nowhere near it used to be but they're still good enough for a top 6-7 finish... and would be too easy for me.

I'm picking a crappier club plus i'd never pick Lazio anyways cuz i Hate them.... and i dunno how you can be them if you're a Juve fan.. you should've picked Parma :D after all half your players played in Parma once... and there is no real big rivalry/hatred between the 2 clubs and their squad is much weaker than Lazio right now.. so a more challengin game.
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