Just filled out the PES 2012 survey. Do we have any clues about who manages these surveys? I'm pretty sure I gave some very good ideas and feedback, but it feels worthless because it's bound to end up in some feedback pile that Konami won't read.
I did mention a lot of the issues we have discussed in this thread, like the passing and shooting system not working properly, with either too much support or none, since there's no happy medium between the two.
Or the AI cheating in high difficulties with the scripting madness.
I also mentioned an idea about licensing classic clubs and national squads and have a mode similar do NBA 2k12's "Greatest Mode", but I doubt Konami gives a shit. Would be cool to relive some classic Champions League moments though and they even have the license to boot.
Also adding animation variety between highly skilled and lower skilled players and having much more variety in mo-cap actors. Everybody moves the same way in PES 2012, it's a bit ridiculous. FIFA is kind of venturing in this idea with their player-specific animation for Ronaldo sprinting.
Also mentioned how the feints/skill moves don't work properly, it's impossible to attack defenses like Messi does in real life. The game doesn't let you go past 3/4 players in succession. If you do happen to do it it's either luck or exploiting the animation system. It doesn't look realistic by any stretch.
Oh, well. Good feedback down the gutter. It's obvious they're more focused on WENB for feedback.
Pretty terrible feedback system. Everything is a yes or no, on a scale of 1-5 answer pretty much.
I'm at the bit where it asks
Q. Do you play online?
Then it won't let me continue without answering some questions about which modes i use online and how i feel about the experience of online

EDIT: I ended by telling them if they're really interested in getting decent feedback based on experience of users then they should check out this thread rather than using the pointless questions they provided in the survey.
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