The Mobile Phone thread

whats the price looking to be?

still about £150-£200?

Yeah I think 8GB will be about £200 maybe bit less. Heard there maybe a 4GB version also coming out that would go for £130-£150.
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Behave yourself again. If the iPhone is shit then why do all these phones keep copying it?

Because thats what sells. Now I love my iPhone to bits and I wouldn't change it for the world but its definately missing alot of simple key features, I'll be the first to admit.

But Apple are marketing kings. The sale figures for the iPhone show just that. So copying its GUI and design are just gonna make other devs much better off!
Getting an N95 8gb tomorrow on 3 network and been googling all the stuff you can do and get on it... bit mindblowing for me as I normally have 'basic' phones.

If anyones got any info ;)) about N95 apps, then please PM me!
:lmao: iPhone wannabe

what about this. It will crush your beloved iphoney:-pp

Meh, it's running windows and I'd rather have the MAC OS :)). Does look nice though.
windows is cracking OS. do you use a MAC OS at home?

edit: the specs

* Windows Mobile 6.1 Professional
* Qualcomm 7201A processor @ 528MHz
* 512MB ROM / 256MB RAM (+32MB on processor)
* WVGA!!!

Update: Additional specs...

* 115mm x 62.8mm x 12mm
* 'In stores for Santa'
* GPS / HSDPA etc. etc.
* 5 Megapixel camera (no flash)
* No Dpad or scroll wheel, does have a stylus wink.gif
* microSD slot
* 1350mAH battery
* 3.5mm headset jack on the top!
Are there any buttons on it?

I don't like the look of the phone personally, the HTC Touch Diamond looks nicer.
I have Windows XP on my computer and laptop and I like windows for PC, but for mobile phone, and iPhone especially, the MAC OS runs perfect :)).
Err...I gotta go now...

That new HTC phone is basically the Touch Pro but without the keyboard. Its still pretty good but I'm not so sure about it. I'd still rather stick to my Xperia which should be out any time now...
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why would i have to explain?

he just does and they will and i wanna no if they can be unblocked :)

It's illegal to unblock them.. because if they are blocked they are most liley stolen. The blocks are placed by the mobile phone operators.

But yes, you can unblock them.
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