The Mobile Phone thread

I did at first, definately, but I'm used to it now. Great phone :)
I dropped my phone down the toilet on Monday morning and it will still not turn on despite only being down there for literally 2 seconds.
Open it up completely, look for tools on the eBay and let it dry.

And last resort, return it to your manufacturer, just say it stopped working.
The manufacturer will know you got it wet, they put something inside phones which changes colour if it becomes wet due to so many people claiming "random" breakages.
don't forget to clean the smelly gadget because that may be a offense on your part
Thanks for the advice guys, I forgot I'd posted this!

Well it still won't turn on. One encouraging thing though, if I plug the charger in the flash for the camera lights up permantently so there is still life in it!
I always thought there was something wrong that I never got 3G access on my phone. Just dug a bit deeper and looked online, turns out I need a 3G-enabled simcard to get onto 3G!

Just spoke to O2 and they're sending me a new simcard out now :TU:
For N95 users:

So, as we all know, Handy Taskman is, in my opinion, hands-down the greatest S60 application on the planet. I realize that’s a big statement, but I believe it wholeheartedly. This may leave you wondering, ‘Well then, Guru, what’s the 2nd greatest?’ I’m glad you asked. It’s Mobbler.

What is Mobbler? Mobbler is a free little application that ties into your Last.FM account (which is also free, though *very* worth paying for) and keeps track of the music you listen to by ’scrobbling’ it. There are countless ways to scrobble your music from various players, both desktop and mobile. Previously, Mobbler simply functioned in the background on your S60-powered handset, quietly reporting your listening habits back to HQ.

Today, Mobbler has gone from the background to the forefront, solidly placing itself as the 2nd Greatest S60 Application available. Mobbler now offers streaming music, with several custom stations to choose from, all personalized on the spot:

1. Artist/Tag - With this option, you can simply enter in an artist or tag (for example, Counting Crows or ‘reggae’) and then tune into a streaming internet radio station customised around that entry. Brilliant.

2. User - This is a station that Last.FM creates based on your listening habits, customised to you.

3. Loved Tracks - As you use Last.FM, you can love or ban certain tracks, depending on whether or not you like them. This station consists of all the tracks you have ever marked as ‘loved’ (Note that this station is only available to subscribers).

There are a few others that are available, but I’ll let you install the application to find them for yourself. Album art is automatically fetched and displayed during playback, and you can even skip to the next track, if you don’t like the current one.

So, is there *anything* negative about this applicaton? Sure, I can dig up one or two things. First, you cannot currently love or ban tracks directly within Mobbler. Hopefully that comes later. Also, Mobbler is an internet radio application. That means it uses a constant stream of data. If you use Mobbler with your cellular data connection, be sure you have an unlimited plan, or just use WiFi instead. Neither nor the Mobbler gang are responsible if you use the application all day and then get a huge bill from your carrier.

That’s it. Now what are you waiting for? Sign up for Last.FM (go ahead, it’s free), and then download and install Mobbler, and love your S60 device even more.

Sounds pretty good!

Also, LOADS of applications here:
Last edited by a moderator: sucks, hardly any of the music I want to listen to on there

unless im doing it wrong
I think it's got better lately, Joe. I never used to get decent results but I'm finding a load of new artists these days! Seen a few others saying they're getting better results recently too.
I really got to get that option on my contract then to browse unlimited, but I cant find how to do it, (is it like a Bolt-on?)
Yeah, I got it negotiated as a free bolt-on when I renewed my contract. Otherwise it's a few quid a month?
Or get 200 less minutes making it 600 minutes and the unlimited web bolt on, great for iPhone since its 3G :)
I can upgrade my phone in October and I've got my heart set on the N96, does anyone have an idea of how much it'll cost?
How long have you been with your supplier? You might get it for free if you've been with them a while and say you want to cancel and go with someone else?

I was supposed to pay £99 for my N95 8GB but got it free because I said I was thinking of leaving O2 and going to Vodafone instead.
I'm on an 18 month contract but I was originally with dot mobile but they recently went bust so everyone got moved to Vodafone. I've read that the phone will be out on every network other than O2 so I could threaten them and see what they say.
I think its flattering that they have stolen most of the interface from Apple ;))
Jack Wong promised us something big in August, and here it is, the first video from a M8 in action. I have waited so long for this to be released. Phone looks real nice..

YouTube - Meizu M8 Operation Video Captured by J.Wong(CEO of Meizu), Aug 31, 2008

And here is the link to download the video in a better quality:

Oh and please no apple fanboy posts complaining about the Meizu M8.. :)

That still aint out yet??

That was due out when i was looking at clones months and months ago
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