The Euro 2020 Thread

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There's only one sensible punishment and that's to expel England from this and all other future international competitions.
Fucking hell. We are so embarrassing. I want England to win, of course, because they're "my team" but... As I said weeks ago - if we lose, there will be a large part of me that's glad the morons who are guilty of all the above will have nothing to celebrate but their stupidity.

The laser thing is absolutely disgusting - but the "booing other team's anthems" thing has been an issue for a very, very long time. We have no respect for anybody. We even boo our own players if we're not winning... I often wonder if the players hate the fans.

Frankly, I'm ashamed to be English most days - and it's good to know that, even on the day we make the finals of a major international tournament, it will always be outweighed by the actions of the morons who call themselves fans.
Fucking hell. We are so embarrassing. I want England to win, of course, because they're "my team" but... As I said weeks ago - if we lose, there will be a large part of me that's glad the morons who are guilty of all the above will have nothing to celebrate but their stupidity.

There was that stoppage in extra time, when a message from a Danish player was passed on to the match delegate via the ref and the fourth official. It was kind of glossed over in the [awful, awful, awful] commentary. I assume that was the laser pointer being reported.
I tell you what i have noticed about England fans and other fans. We seem to have three camps of people (I am talking about most of the net and media call ins)

We have the middle ground who try to remain with their feet on the floor, and see things as they are.

We have the Doom mongers and Sneer's who would like nothing more than to see us fail. Every turn of this tournament we have made, i have heard "you are out, the next game" and such like.

Then we have the deluded who think that England will just turn up on Sunday and Win. I am sorry but this is going to be really tough. I predict that a single goal for either side will win it. I expect a cautious affair, with the first team getting on the score sheet to park the bus.

People have been saying that our performance was great last night. Maybe tactically yes, but play wise i felt we got lucky for our goals.

This final as we know is a monumental game, and not there for some half pissed "expert" to say we'll smash em. (most of them aren't old enough to have the scars we have) People will say this is "new" England. Yes i agree, and great progress has been made, but i also see potential problems, and this is football, if we have learnt anything, it's that anything can happen.
There was that stoppage in extra time, when a message from a Danish player was passed on to the match delegate via the ref and the fourth official. It was kind of glossed over in the [awful, awful, awful] commentary. I assume that was the laser pointer being reported.
Totally besides the point I know, but how Sam Matterface is employed by anyone is beyond me.

There was a point in the second half when he said something like "England are looking really", massive pause, "good". He provides no insight other than being able to tell who's currently in possession of the ball. He is the worst commentator I have ever heard in my life.

Meanwhile, Clive Tyldesley is sat at home.

Totally besides the point I know, but how Sam Matterface is employed by anyone is beyond me.

There was a point in the second half when he said something like "England are looking really", massive pause, "good". He provides no insight other than being able to tell who's currently in possession of the ball. He is the worst commentator I have ever heard in my life.

Meanwhile, Clive Tyldesley is sat at home.

His ramblings as the game drew to a close were astonishing. The "don't go to work tomorrow... This makes up for Covid" drivel. As I said on Twitter: he was going for his poetic, iconic Kenneth Wolstenholme moment but landed on Charlie Nicholas. It was absolutely incoherent nonsense. Comfortably the worst commentator I've heard during the competition, and Dixon isn't far off the worst co-comm. I really liked their coverage in the studio too. Despite Rio Ferdinand and Jenas or Murphy, BBC will get the nod for me.
Totally besides the point I know, but how Sam Matterface is employed by anyone is beyond me.

There was a point in the second half when he said something like "England are looking really", massive pause, "good". He provides no insight other than being able to tell who's currently in possession of the ball. He is the worst commentator I have ever heard in my life.

Meanwhile, Clive Tyldesley is sat at home.

Whatever happened to "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"

Change for changes sake/ageism got him the job.

It applies to Football games too. How often are good and well-liked modes and features just dropped, never to reappear or reintroduced as "new" features (but perhaps badly) later. I suppose it's unrealistic to expect a continual improvement year-on-year without any backward steps, but it's frustrating to think how often the older games are superior in many aspects, and to think how much better PES could be now, simply by including things that were there previously, and polishing everything to the limit.
People talk about the dive for the penalty like England stole the game, but the free kick which Denmark scored was arguably an even worse decision, never a foul. Take out goals coming from dodgy decisions and it's still 1-0 England.

This kind of feeling minimal contact and going down to bait the referee happens all over the pitch and it's cheating all the same. I'm not condoning any of it and wish it would all stop, but you see stuff like 6ft6 Vestergaard getting a little nudge in the back when pressured by Saka or Sterling and going down like a sack of potatoes, referee caving in giving a soft FK for them to clear their lines.

You can't engage in that kind of play and then complain when it happens in return, but moan more because it happened to occur in your box. Yeah if you spend the match camped in your own half/box then these soft fouls for dives/simulation given all over the pitch may end up happening once or twice inside your box.
@Chris Davies I know what you mean, he is just another that rambles on, i think they like the sound of their own voice.

Other irritants are the co-commentators who witter on & on, distracting you from watching the game. Unlike Danny Murphy who says what needs to be said, and shuts up as you know he is engrossed in what he his watching. The others like Jenas And Dublin and Keown cannot shut up, usually going into 4 or 5 sentences. A lot of the time the co and commentators, go off on one about something that isn't directly related to what's happening on the field. :RANT:
People talk about the dive for the penalty like England stole the game, but the free kick which Denmark scored was arguably an even worse decision, never a foul. Take out goals coming from dodgy decisions and it's still 1-0 England.

This kind of feeling minimal contact and going down to bait the referee happens all over the pitch and it's cheating all the same. I'm not condoning any of it and wish it would all stop, but you see stuff like 6ft6 Vestergaard getting a little nudge in the back when pressured by Saka or Sterling and going down like a sack of potatoes, referee caving in giving a soft FK for them to clear their lines.

You can't engage in that kind of play and then complain when it happens in return, but moan more because it happened to occur in your box. Yeah if you spend the match camped in your own half/box then these soft fouls for dives/simulation given all over the pitch may end up happening once or twice inside your box.
dont want to disect this in detail... but having 2 arms around a player, trying to stop him from moving is a foul in my book.
if we follow your comment then its 1:0 England, right, by a goal scrored by Denmark! ;)

the overall win for England is deserved, imo. how it all came together is another story.

a bit of a sad thing on the side is, that i looked proud (edit: still i'm looking proud) at the PL and how they "fight" cheater over there for years. from the fans in the ranks boooing when i player dops easily to the whole culture of being "a man about it" and keep on playing even when its getting a bit rougher! this is role model format!
and now, this stupid pen!

edit: what i dont get is the second ball thing. one time, at a throw in, its doing harm to the game and needs to get kicked of the pitch first. another time, when players fight the sides for a chance on goal, its not doing harm to the game. hm...^^
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Frankly, I'm ashamed to be English most days
Here's the thing - you shouldnt be.
And it has nothing to do with "i hAvE 2 sUPpORt mY cOuNtRy!!!"
You - and most of the lads in here - you should be fucking proud of yourselves that you can still see clearly and can differentiate right from wrong. And I'm not only talking about football here (but I presume neither were you when you wrote the above)

Its due to people like you - others can see that there are decent people in England. Sound, compassionate, friendly and fair.
Its due to people like you - im rooting for england to win it. The players themselves seems humble and nice as well.
Like you guys are here.

If anything - instead of feeling embarrassed, or ashamed - you should speak up more. Coz the more people like you - the bigger chance that the world will be a better place.
We do have some of the most childish and emotionally immature fans it seems. From the mocking of the German girl to the behaviour in the Denmark game for 2 examples, But even when we win and having something to be united in, people can't wait to turn into something violent and antisocial on the streets.

Have a friend who is half Italian and half English said she was suddenly getting abuse from strangers on her social media, telling her to "go back home".

Well, She is home...? She lives here. Said her Italian family have fell out with her because her half English son wore and England and Italian flag on his face and posted a picture of it on his socials last night. Pathetic.

You'd think there was some kind of political international tension or a world war breaking out with all this animosity between people who are born in a slightly different part of the continent to ours (Not that it's civilians fault even if it was war related)

It's one thing for a bit of banter like Scots cheering on Ukraine, that's harmless and funny. But literally taking a tournament so, so seriously and making football your whole identity you have to be nasty and nationalistic is just plain shit.
There was that stoppage in extra time, when a message from a Danish player was passed on to the match delegate via the ref and the fourth official. It was kind of glossed over in the [awful, awful, awful] commentary. I assume that was the laser pointer being reported

I wondered what that was all about at the time, makes sense it could have been about the lasers.

Then we have the deluded who think that England will just turn up on Sunday and Win. I am sorry but this is going to be really tough. I predict that a single goal for either side will win it. I expect a cautious affair, with the first team getting on the score sheet to park the bus

Or being football, with us having conceded only 1 and Italy having barely conceded goals in about 3 years, or even been behind in ages, it'll be a goal fest!:LOL:

His ramblings as the game drew to a close were astonishing. The "don't go to work tomorrow... This makes up for Covid" drivel. As I said on Twitter: he was going for his poetic, iconic Kenneth Wolstenholme moment but landed on Charlie Nicholas. It was absolutely incoherent nonsense. Comfortably the worst commentator I've heard during the competition, and Dixon isn't far off the worst co-comm. I really liked their coverage in the studio too. Despite Rio Ferdinand and Jenas or Murphy, BBC will get the nod for me.
@Chris Davies I know what you mean, he is just another that rambles on, i think they like the sound of their own voice.

Other irritants are the co-commentators who witter on & on, distracting you from watching the game. Unlike Danny Murphy who says what needs to be said, and shuts up as you know he is engrossed in what he his watching. The others like Jenas And Dublin and Keown cannot shut up, usually going into 4 or 5 sentences. A lot of the time the co and commentators, go off on one about something that isn't directly related to what's happening on the field. :RANT:

There was also that bit where he said about Denmark being down to 10 men because of an injury then never went in to any detail of who it was or mentioned it again! As for his bits at the end, frankly embarrassing and clearly written and rehearsed pre game. Mate, you are never going to beat an off the cuff They think it's all over... it is now! So don't even try.

Co-commentators drive me up the wall these days. From Sky you have Carragher who never fucking shuts up and basically tells you what you just watched after each bit of action. Dixon is awful. Jenas is ok but too matey about the players. The other one I found annoying in the end was Emma Hayes, clearly very knowledgeable and some good insight but again never shut up from first minute to last.

I really wish they would just have an option for crowd noise only. Imagine having some guy commentating next to you at the game?

I now nearly always turn the football on at kick off time, make a cup of tea at half time and turn it off at the full time whistle. The endless analysis is just boring now. It's a simple game at heart we don't need a two hour build up and an hour afterwards dissecting it.

Sam Matterface actually started on local radio commentary for Pompey games. Can't say I ever really listened to him as I was at the games but he was pretty young then, now he seems to think he's something special it seems.

This was his claim to fame. It was one of those moments at football that reminds you why you go.

video quality is crap but here it is

People talk about the dive for the penalty like England stole the game, but the free kick which Denmark scored was arguably an even worse decision, never a foul. Take out goals coming from dodgy decisions and it's still 1-0 England.

This kind of feeling minimal contact and going down to bait the referee happens all over the pitch and it's cheating all the same. I'm not condoning any of it and wish it would all stop, but you see stuff like 6ft6 Vestergaard getting a little nudge in the back when pressured by Saka or Sterling and going down like a sack of potatoes, referee caving in giving a soft FK for them to clear their lines.

You can't engage in that kind of play and then complain when it happens in return, but moan more because it happened to occur in your box. Yeah if you spend the match camped in your own half/box then these soft fouls for dives/simulation given all over the pitch may end up happening once or twice inside your box.

I agree re the players. They have no room to complain at all as they are all at it. As a fan however, I hate it and wish they'd do something about it, it really wouldn't be difficult. A few weeks of zero tolerance and loads of yellows, retroactive bans etc and it would be gone.

We do have some of the most childish and emotionally immature fans it seems. From the mocking of the German girl to the behaviour in the Denmark game for 2 examples, But even when we win and having something to be united in, people can't wait to turn into something violent and antisocial on the streets.

Then we had the days of smashing up anything that was in anyway related to the country we'd just lost to, such as German cars parked on the street etc. Absolutely pathetic. I'm sure other countries have people like it but we do seem to breed some right dickheads in this country.
Reviewed by who though? I wouldnt care if it was tokens or not, but decision making should not leave the pitch. It should never be some invisible "experts" outside the pitch. Apart from soul destroying delays it creates lack of transparency. From all we know - Bob and Jim in VAR room might be playing rock scissors paper to make decisions there.
Well, IIRC it's an official on the sideline that reviews the footage (and then communicate to the 1st ref the result) so even in this case it's not "100% on the pitch" like you mean it.
Images that were being seen by the "challenge ref" are also shown in real time in the arena on the maxiscreens and on TV if the match is broadcasted so at least we know that they haven't been playing rock scissor paper to decide.
Of course also the ref has the power to call himself for a challenge if he thinks video footage might help him change his mind.
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Fucking hell. We are so embarrassing. I want England to win, of course, because they're "my team" but... As I said weeks ago - if we lose, there will be a large part of me that's glad the morons who are guilty of all the above will have nothing to celebrate but their stupidity.

The laser thing is absolutely disgusting - but the "booing other team's anthems" thing has been an issue for a very, very long time. We have no respect for anybody. We even boo our own players if we're not winning... I often wonder if the players hate the fans.

Frankly, I'm ashamed to be English most days - and it's good to know that, even on the day we make the finals of a major international tournament, it will always be outweighed by the actions of the morons who call themselves fans.
I think most people can distinguish the morons from the football fans.
You're not alone having morons in stadiums.
(I recall going to a cup game where the opponents keeper was attacked by a "supporter", it was my last visit to a stadium)

But things getting a bit weird around your team because the English seem so overly eager to get that stupid trophy.
From outsiders perspective it looks like a crush blinded boy chasing a girl around who's clearly not into him. It looks weird as F
Things like that laser pen and the wembley orgasm against germany is working on people's nerves because there are only 10.000 fans able to support your opponents. It looks like you want that win so much that you guys are not really good with relativizing at the moment.

So in your favourable case the boy gets the girl to sleep with him, well... big deal, good for him ...
But outsiders saw him painfully humiliate himself in the process.
My point is that I would like you English "bringing it home" getting tired of these words but there you go.
I only feel that once you get it you're not going to be as happy as you thaught you're gonna be.
Because with the amazing talent you've got you've forgotten about the way of getting it.
That immense hype while Playing 7 defensive players in front of a almost english only attendence. well.

It's a bit like Ronaldo scoring the 4-0 with a penalty (during the '16 ucl final I believe)than showing his body to the camera's forcing his teammates to gentley stroke his niples for dramatic effect. The game is allready won but everybody is forced to go wild because its Cristiano who shot a ball in the net.
I think your obsession is much more innocent but its getting weird ; )

Please English cancel that final at all costs, just give it to Italy.
Take Southgate to a therapist and let him cry while being forced to watch his '96 penalty on repeat.
Let's be mindfull of the poor chap make him watch Gazza compilations for aftercare.
Make Gerard your manager while skipping the qatar tournament.
You'll win the 2024 Euro's in style and when it happens; this is key,
dont accept that trophy until Čeferin is carying it on his back while being on all fours wearing nothing but a rainbow colloured ribon.

All's well that ends well. It came home
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This incident isn't funny at all - it's disgraceful, and the England fans so shameful that I genuinely would support the final being behind closed doors. You can't make England fans behave. Not in the past, and not today.

That being said... I just near-died laughing at this.

For those who don't know, "Captain Tom" Moore is seen as a hero over here for raising money for the NHS. But some see his deification by a certain section of the public - i.e. the generations that seemingly love war heroes to an almost sexual degree, practically orgasming at the sight of a medal - as tragic.

Combine his war heroism with his raising money for the NHS, and the guy became English Jesus. His face was on every TV channel and in every newspaper for months - all using his image to sell the line of "this man's character shows exactly why we will thrive after Brexit", seemingly nobody in his fan club (half the population) realising what was going on.

Bear in mind our government have been dismantling the NHS for years, bleeding it dry of money, selling it off piece-by-piece, and offering its staff pay rises below the cost of living increase - making it impossible for some nurses to stay out of poverty. All the while, of course, boosting their own salaries and claiming they'd earnt it.

Suddenly, here was this national hero, raising some money for the NHS all by himself, and the government could say "look at this great man - you don't need us to fund it, you can all do it yourselves, plebs".

Had the government not needed a puppet to point to and tell us everything was going to be alright, he would have been anonymous. He even ended up getting an autobiography published...

Hence why it's so funny to think that certain people will truly think he's "up there" helping good old Ingerlund on their way...

I would bet £10 someone out there has made an England flag with his face on.
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This incident isn't funny at all - it's disgraceful, and the England fans so shameful that I genuinely would support the final being behind closed doors. You can't make England fans behave. Not in the past, and not today.

That being said... I just near-died laughing at this.

:D i just had a look for the Captain, cause i dont know him! i like the title of his autobiography! spot on; thats the spirit !! :D
Nowhere in Europe do I feel that nationality is politicised, weaponised and fetishised (see: Captain Tom) as much as it is in some quarters of England. And baselessly so. I'm not sure whether it's a siege mentality engrained from unfortunate historical events, or a sense of entitlement forged by generations from even further back in time, but the anti-establishment behaviour - and how it manifests itself within the England support - does the nation no favours, and undermines it for English people who feel differently. Such a fractured nation. And to further my Southgate love-in, the manager of the football team has awareness of that and a greater sense of how to unify than the person who is paid and has his flat refurbished to do so (when he's not hiding in fridges).

With you on the commentary front @mattmid. I've found Emma Hayes and Gary Neville to be the only pundits with any relevant tactical insight, and knowledge of the modern game and players. But the former is a little verbose for my liking. I'd take a video game-style icon with the player's name above his head when he has the ball*. Especially as I'm so out of touch with football that I don't recognise them on sight. And have an accompanying app/site with all the players details, stats, trivia etc - the kind of shite commentators would speak about**. Thank me later, BBC/ITV/BT/Sky.


**Not joking
@mattmid That's why i record MOTD nowadays and watch it with an half hour or so delay, so i can ff to the next game. ITV is worse, we are treated to snippets of punditry on a merry go round of adverts. Players come out to the anthems, then to a commercial break :RANT: FFS! if they must abide by ad time then put the penultimate break on for a bit longer. :!
Surprised not a single person has mentioned Kyle Walker who was motm for me. phenomenal for 2 hours.

Can’t believe we’re in a final … still hasn’t sunk in. Penalty Shmenalty. I left the room certain it would be overturned. But possibly frank lampard and Sol Campbell might have been in charge of VAR last night.
I fear Italy but anything could happen. It’s just great to know we will step out there with a chance.

How many teams have conceded 1 goal en route to a euro final ? And a phenomenal set piece at that.

Well done Gareth Southgate. Well done all the lads and what a day Sunday will be. England in a final AND it’s at Wembley !!!


P.s Sorry Christian Eriksen✌️😞
This incident isn't funny at all - it's disgraceful, and the England fans so shameful that I genuinely would support the final being behind closed doors. You can't make England fans behave. Not in the past, and not today.

That being said... I just near-died laughing at this.

For those who don't know, "Captain Tom" Moore is seen as a hero over here for raising money for the NHS. But some see his deification by a certain section of the public - i.e. the generations that seemingly love war heroes to an almost sexual degree, practically orgasming at the sight of a medal - as tragic.

Combine his war heroism with his raising money for the NHS, and the guy became English Jesus. His face was on every TV channel and in every newspaper for months - all using his image to sell the line of "this man's character shows exactly why we will thrive after Brexit", seemingly nobody in his fan club (half the population) realising what was going on.

Bear in mind our government have been dismantling the NHS for years, bleeding it dry of money, selling it off piece-by-piece, and offering its staff pay rises below the cost of living increase - making it impossible for some nurses to stay out of poverty. All the while, of course, boosting their own salaries and claiming they'd earnt it.

Suddenly, here was this national hero, raising some money for the NHS all by himself, and the government could say "look at this great man - you don't need us to fund it, you can all do it yourselves, plebs".

Had the government not needed a puppet to point to and tell us everything was going to be alright, he would have been anonymous. He even ended up getting an autobiography published...

Hence why it's so funny to think that certain people will truly think he's "up there" helping good old Ingerlund on their way...

I would bet £10 someone out there has made an England flag with his face on.
Where can I get one of these lasers that helps your gk save penalties?
Dun get it twisted fam no jibba jabba

its coming Rome 🐑

dont even think about it

sincerely an average calcio enjoyer

EDIT: this but on Sunday. The moment I switched sides and joined the Calcio Club. This very game!!

This incident isn't funny at all - it's disgraceful, and the England fans so shameful that I genuinely would support the final being behind closed doors. You can't make England
Where can I get one of these lasers that helps your gk save penalties?
I was just about to say, what is funny is the fact that Kane missed, he was most probably baffled and distracted by the glow on Schmeical's face.

I wonder if Uri Geller will take credit for this? :THINK:
Dun get it twisted fam no jibba jabba

its coming Rome 🐑

dont even think about it

sincerely an average calcio enjoyer

EDIT: this but on Sunday. The moment I switched sides and joined the Calcio Club. This very game!!

Loved that squad.
Saw that game being on vacation in Germany amung German supporters.
Pirlo, I hope he stops acting being a manager and becomes himself.
Missing that Pirlo.
@mattmid That's why i record MOTD nowadays and watch it with an half hour or so delay, so i can ff to the next game. ITV is worse, we are treated to snippets of punditry on a merry go round of adverts. Players come out to the anthems, then to a commercial break :RANT: FFS! if they must abide by ad time then put the penultimate break on for a bit longer. :!

It's not just me who does that then! :LOL: I said about not watching the live stuff but at least there is a point in that they have to fill the time, particularly half time. But highlights? Do we really need to have a discussion about five minute of highlights? No, we don't, stop it. The BBC pay list had Shearer at around 350-400k a year didn't it? Hmm, nice work if you can get it.

Watched four games on Ifollow last season (the EFL live match streaming service that you can usually only get abroad but was allowed here last season because of covid - oh and by the way where was the outcry at them charging £10 per game? League One and Two £10 a game, really? Big outcry when the Premier were going to charge but I heard nothing about the EFL) Anyway got 4 games free over the season as a season ticket holder so I watched those. During the games at certain points they had advertising on screen in the top corner and I thought, this is coming to sky and itv soon for certain.

I was just about to say, what is funny is the fact that Kane missed, he was most probably baffled and distracted by the glow on Schmeical's face.

I wonder if Uri Geller will take credit for this? :THINK:

If you watch carefully on the replay he threw a spoon at Schmeichel
Surprised not a single person has mentioned Kyle Walker who was motm for me. phenomenal for 2 hours.

Can’t believe we’re in a final … still hasn’t sunk in. Penalty Shmenalty. I left the room certain it would be overturned. But possibly frank lampard and Sol Campbell might have been in charge of VAR last night.
I fear Italy but anything could happen. It’s just great to know we will step out there with a chance.

How many teams have conceded 1 goal en route to a euro final ? And a phenomenal set piece at that.

Well done Gareth Southgate. Well done all the lads and what a day Sunday will be. England in a final AND it’s at Wembley !!!


P.s Sorry Christian Eriksen✌️😞
No it was a dutch referee/VAR team so i'll take my share of blame for it.
Hating the descision, accepting it cynicly. But still... to not review that moment and send the referee to that screen...
I'ts a F shame.
Can’t believe we’re in a final … still hasn’t sunk in. Penalty Shmenalty. I left the room certain it would be overturned. But possibly frank lampard and Sol Campbell might have been in charge of VAR last night.
This is what i couldn't help think of when people are complaining that it wasn't fair. Football isn't fair, even with technology and VAR, it still isn't fair sometimes and we just have to suck it up. Besides we've paid our dues in getting screwed over due to unfairness all these years. It's our turn for a change.
This is what i couldn't help think of when people are complaining that it wasn't fair. Football isn't fair, even with technology and VAR, it still isn't fair sometimes and we just have to suck it up. Besides we've paid our dues in getting screwed over due to unfairness all these years. It's our turn for a change.
I agree, but it guarantees us nothing.
But hey! i hear what you're saying lets celebrate being there. Just to see us walk out with the trophy there will be great.:))
This is what i couldn't help think of when people are complaining that it wasn't fair. Football isn't fair, even with technology and VAR, it still isn't fair sometimes and we just have to suck it up. Besides we've paid our dues in getting screwed over due to unfairness all these years. It's our turn for a change.

Yeah we all love a bit of whataboutery but in the end you just have to let it go and await the next controversy. If we traced back all the injustices you'd probably get to Henry Wintercock throwing a chicken at the Old Etonians goalkeeper in the 9-4 eighth round cup win for Clapham Rovers in 18-oatcake.
Yeah we all love a bit of whataboutery but in the end you just have to let it go and await the next controversy. If we traced back all the injustices you'd probably get to Henry Wintercock throwing a chicken at the Old Etonians goalkeeper in the 9-4 eighth round cup win for Clapham Rovers in 18-oatcake.
Exactly. We won in 1966 due to a phantom goal, As a Liverpool fan, If it wasn't for Luis Garcia's phantom goal in the semi final, Istanbul wouldn't have happened... Those are things that are out of a teams control and the heat should go on the officials & the rules. The players are never going to refuse a decision going their way as they know karma can just as well pay them back someday so you have to take them when you can.

It shouldn't undermine their performances throughout the tournament. Italy could well have had their goal against Belgium ruled out because of Immobile's theatrics and it could've been a different game but it doesn't change how ruthless Italy have played before and after.
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