The England Topic

ClassicD said:
What was the score the last time the teams met?


btw I don't hate the English, I don't even hate your team, I hate your media and 'Engerrlund' brigade who never fail to go over the top.

lol... yip would agree with u there Classic the media do give the english in terms of thier footi team a bad name and those :roll: we have a god givin right to win brigade.

the media hype them up too much then there the tv pundits god this summers going to be murder ( no not because scotland are not there:( ).

even the media have stuffed your current manager ok so he was nieve to get caught out but come on the media should hang thier head in shame about this.

i hope (now not from a scottish POV just incase u start) england have a very poor tourni because of this and the media get blamed for it they are just silly it not going to do the team any good.
Was surprised no-one mentioned the recent NOTW article on here.

I think it's a disgrace what the media did to him with the stitch-up. With antics like that there will be many top managers avoiding it like the plague.

Ain't gonna make a difference either way though, as England ain't gonna win the World Cup.

:: JJ :: said:
I reckon Mike Bassett will get the job. :lol:

No seriously that's what I think when I think of Fat Sam getting the job, it scares the shit out of me that muppet being in charge. We'd have Gerrard being dropped for Nolan!

I totally agree with you FD about the News of the World being a disgrace. Do they honestly think the English public want the team being disrupted when the manager has the team settled and we have a good chance of at least making the semi's. It must have been a Scottish features editor that came up with that idea ;)
Whats sad is that even if we had the best possible manager ever, this probably still would have happened.

This is one of the reasons England aint ever gonna win anything with all the talented players they have.
The question has to become who would be mental enough to want to job?

Having Moaning Cunt Allardyce and Boring Steve Mclaren as the favourites is a real worry
CWright said:
The question has to become who would be mental enough to want to job?

Having Moaning Cunt Allardyce and Boring Steve Mclaren as the favourites is a real worry

thats a very good point.

I heard Scolari was interested in taking the role some time in the future. :)
rockykabir said:
There aren't any decent English managers....taking one now will be a huge step back.

I blame the media and the FA...and of course Sven.

Actually, I blame everyone.
I dont blame Sven for anything. We're all human and he didnt do anything that any normal people wouldnt do. I'm glad he's going though cuz he doesnt deserve the crap he's getting right now.

Feel sorry for the next manager.
RuneEdge said:
I dont blame Sven for anything. We're all human and he didnt do anything that any normal people wouldnt do. I'm glad he's going though cuz he doesnt deserve the crap he's getting right now.

Feel sorry for the next manager.

Sorry, I kinda forgot to complete the end of my post....

Actually, I blame everyone....apart from the England players themselves :mrgreen:

everyone is fine with blaming everyone else other than the players themselves. Their poor performances in Northern Ireland and other places is entirely upon themselves...and just placed more pressure to do something about it (and calls to bring an England manager = typical tabloid response!)
I hope its Guus Hiddink that gets the job, the only English manger that I would pick for any shortlist is big Sam, and at that Id still hope Hiddink gets the job. The rest are either never going to be capable or are going to have to wait a few years to get there. Martin O'Neil will never be in for the job either far to much to go over for that one just dont see it happening. Id like to think that who ever it is , they take the team on from where Sven left them.
I blame the news of the world and english media for this whole crap. Its out of order imo. The media can now be proud since They got what they wanted in the end. If it wasnt for them doing their stupid prank setting sven up and damaging the unity of the whole englang camp, this episode jeopardizing englands chances wining the cup wouldnt of happened. I remember when it was annouced Santini coach of France was going to leave after the world cup 2002. Look what happened to france in the tournament. How on do they think the players are gonna react to being coached by someone who is set to leave afterwards. The FA are also partly to blame because they should of refuted all the media crap and stood by sven.

Why everything of Erikssons personal life should be documented is beyond me. His record for england in competetion is second to none, but the media they want to talk about that. Every coach that comes along the media always want to publicly shame and ruin his reputation. In stead of lookijng to positives on the field, everyone has to look at the bad side of things which got nothing to do with football. Lets be honest, england were a shambles before sven arrived. Now we are favourites going into every tournament. Sven should get alot of credit for bringin the team what we have now together.

Anyhow this should have been done after the world cup, why issue statement that he is leaving before is another mystery. Now everyone thinks some english manager is gonna do something special. Then the media will be on the next managers back complaining he is tactical inept or some shit.
Furthermore i dont know how the england postition is gonna attract top class like Hiddink who must now be put off by seein all the petty rubbish that comes along with the job.

I so hope erikkson wins world cup and we play with class and prove the media wrong. It was them who wanted sven out from day one because he wasnt english and shouting, jumping on the touchline in games.
Should Jason Roberts be in the England Squad. I think he is way better than that dangly crouch. See what he did to cambpell in Carling Cup Semis in Highbury , he battered him like a school boy. lol.
Sorry to day this, but I find your media (english) despicable. I never seen a coach humiliated in this manner, and even more considering he is the national coach. How are the players reacting?
Revan said:
Sorry to day this, but I find your media (english) despicable. I never seen a coach humiliated in this manner, and even more considering he is the national coach. How are the players reacting?
Agree. As for the players, paid too well to care...:(
I dont think many of us think that the next manager if he is English is going to do something spectacular far from it. WE have nothing to do with this , we have the most dispicable media in the world and there is nothing we can do about it which kills me. I just hope that the next manager is capable and learned from this how to deal with the English media, I dont think by any costs they should put up with this still Id like to think it wont be the thing to put them off.Short of not buying a tabloid there is nothing that can be done to control these idiots.
Yes the english media are twats, BUT it takes two to tango. It's not the first time Eriksson has been caught looking for another job while he's supposed to be comitted to the England job. He was gonna take the Man Utd job if Sir Alex had not extended his contract. Then he got caught red handed, no newspaper sting watsoever, with plans to take over at Chelsea.

Now he gets lured in to a trap by the News of the world, but it is him who starts the conversation on him taking over Villa. Then all the other things he's said about players which they've told him in confidence. Has he no common sense, surely after being caught once he would wisen up to the despicable English tabloid media.

I have no sympathy for him at all, if he's gonna play with fire then our tabloid press will humiliate him as they've done on more than one occasion now. I mean how passionate and comitted to the job can he be if he's looking everywhere for new job, and I believe he's been at it more times than he's been caught.

I mean the guy earns £3million NET a year ffs!! How the hell can anyone have sympathy for him when he creates most of the bad press for himself. But at least it's all out in the open now and we know for sure he's going, cos I'm sick of his lack of respect for one of the greatest jobs in football. But thats just it he has no passion for England to him it's just another job!

But previous international teams have gone into world cups knowing the manager is gone afterwards. Scolari with Brazil in 2002 and our own Bobby Robson had a great WC in Italia 90 with his exit confirmed before the tournament....I just hope we can do the same this time round.
Englands best strikers:



All Round-


I'd take these lot to the world cup though, if we're only allowed 4

chelsea_fan said:
Should Jason Roberts be in the England Squad. I think he is way better than that dangly crouch. See what he did to cambpell in Carling Cup Semis in Highbury , he battered him like a school boy. lol.

I think Jason Roberts is from Grenada.
So what does everyone think of the FA's *amazing* first month of trying to find Sven's successor? From what I can make out (seeing as the 3-man panel is letting the tabloids know every time one of them goes for a piss), Brian Barwick wants Martin O'Neil, Dave Richards wants anyone British, and Noel White wants anyone English, (so presumably by that excellent rationale I stand more chance than Guus Hiddink). Oh and then you have the numerous FA Council members who think they're all wrong and we should go for (shock!) the best man for the job.

I have several thoughts on this matter. First of all, why the fuck are those three in charge of deciding who should get the job when Trevor Brooking - an actual 'football man', has a top post at the FA. Why is he not leading the search? Secondly, if they are going to make the call then they need to stop paying heed to tin hat retards and xenophobic tabloids and quit with this "he has to be English" shit. It's absolute, utter, total rubbish.

Why on earth would an English manager be more passionate and loyal and less naive than a foreign one? It's as if Sven is some walking blueprint for non-English coaches, and Hiddink, Scolari and all the others will be prone to the same flaws he has. Did Chelsea recruit Jose Mourinho because he had supported them all his life and was inherently passionate about how they fared? No of course they fucking didn't. They got him because he was the best man available for the job. Why does the FA not do the same?
Please explain.

Many countries (Spain being the most obvious example) are much more interested in their club football than their national team.
I mean that an English person would have more passion for England's team than a foreign manager would. Not every foreign manager would be like Sven, and I'm sure there are English managers who have a similar, almost passive personality, but an Englishman is going to have more passion for his own nation than a foreigner will IMO. Club football is different, because there is no 'in-built' loyalty to a club in the same way there is to a country, unless the manager is a boyhood fan.

That doesn't mean an Englishman is the right man for the job, however. Passion is nothing if you are a tactical diddy.
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