The England Topic

Mickael Owen : (in french)

«Nous allons montrer beaucoup de respect envers les Français, mais nous n'avons pas peur», a affirmé Owen lors d'un point presse organisé au centre d'entraînement de l'Angleterre, à Cruz Quebrada, dans la banlieue ouest de Lisbonne.

«L'équipe de France est sans doute la meilleure du monde, meilleure que le Brésil, mais Sven Goran Eriksson nous a parlé et a insisté sur le fait que nous connaissions bien de nombreux joueurs français qui évoluent dans notre championnat, que nous avions souvent joué contre eux et qu'il ne fallait donc pas les surestimer», a poursuivi le buteur de Liverpool.

«Nous allons donc aborder le match en nous disant que nous sommes au même niveau qu'eux, nous ne voulons pas nous contenter d'un résultat nul», a-t-il ajouté. Le Ballon d'Or 2001 a en outre rendu hommage à l'attaquant français d'Arsenal Thierry Henry: «Dans sa forme actuelle, il n'a pas d'équivalent au monde. Mais j'essaie de le rattraper !»
"We will show much respect towards the French, but we are not afraid ", Owen at the time of a point affirmed presses organized in the center
of drive of England, In Cruz Quebrada, in the western suburbs of Lisbon.

"the team of France is undoubtedly best world, better than Brazil, but Sven Goran Eriksson spoke to us and insisted on the fact that we
know well many French players who evolve/move in our championship, that we had often played against them and that they thus did not have
to be over-estimated ", the striker of Liverpool continued.

"We thus will approach the match by saying to us that we are on the
same level as them, we do not want to satisfy us with a null result ", it added. The Gold 2001 Balloon moreover paid homage to the French attacker of
Arsenal Thierry Henry: "In its current form, it does not have an equivalent in the world. But I try to catch up with it!»
CWright said:
I have just passed a car in town with a Union Jack attached. Some people are missing the point arent they :roll:
i dont understand, please forgive my ignorance, isnt that a sign of patriotisim?
csaunders said:
CWright said:
I have just passed a car in town with a Union Jack attached. Some people are missing the point arent they :roll:
i dont understand, please forgive my ignorance, isnt that a sign of patriotisim?

The Union Jack stands for Great Britian, i.e England Wales Scotland and N.Ireland. And having a Union Jack on the car therefore shows your proud to be British or what have you.
But the general trend is to have the England flag (St. Georges cross) on the car showing your support for England in Euro 2004.

Theres not really a reason to have a union jack flying since there isnt a GB football team

That makes no sense when i read it back but i hope you understand what im saying anyway
The last time I went to see England, a couple of years ago it was on a High School trip. We were given out England flags and Union Jacks. I got a Union Jack. :|
So go on CW, slag me off. :)
Boro said:
csaunders said:
CWright said:
I have just passed a car in town with a Union Jack attached. Some people are missing the point arent they :roll:
i dont understand, please forgive my ignorance, isnt that a sign of patriotisim?

The Union Jack stands for Great Britian, i.e England Wales Scotland and N.Ireland. And having a Union Jack on the car therefore shows your proud to be British or what have you.
But the general trend is to have the England flag (St. Georges cross) on the car showing your support for England in Euro 2004.

Theres not really a reason to have a union jack flying since there isnt a GB football team

That makes no sense when i read it back but i hope you understand what im saying anyway
I completley understand now, thanks! Made perfect sense, i have yet again learnend something from this site :)
Evo said:
"We will show much respect towards the French, but we are not afraid ", Owen at the time of a point affirmed presses organized in the center
of drive of England, In Cruz Quebrada, in the western suburbs of Lisbon.

"the team of France is undoubtedly best world, better than Brazil, but Sven Goran Eriksson spoke to us and insisted on the fact that we
know well many French players who evolve/move in our championship, that we had often played against them and that they thus did not have
to be over-estimated ", the striker of Liverpool continued.

"We thus will approach the match by saying to us that we are on the
same level as them, we do not want to satisfy us with a null result ", it added. The Gold 2001 Balloon moreover paid homage to the French attacker of
Arsenal Thierry Henry: "In its current form, it does not have an equivalent in the world. But I try to catch up with it!»

I love it!!!!!!!!!!! LOL LOL LOL LOL

Someone PLEASE tell me where this translation site is!!!!

I bet The Gold 2001 Balloon moreover Michael owen is a drinking partner of Bastian pig riser
I'm affraid english hooligans are gonna fight in some city in Portugal with the result that the England team will be banned from the tournament.. :)
yes what a shame that would be, i think it would be good if it happened because it would make the FA realise that there is a SERIOUSLY SERIOUS problem, that a section of England fans are bald,fat al murray lookalike hooligans
For those who can't see this 'arrogance' that we Scots accuse the English media of, did anyone see the French press conference on Sky Sports News yesterday? All we got on the news was English journalists asking Patrick Vieira what he thinks of this England player and that England player, drudging up comments made a while back that Vieira thinks Gerrard was better at that age than he himself was. The final icing on the cake was "Do you think England can win it?", this was at the bloody French news conference. That's a fucking insult!
I listened to a radio show the other week and a foreign reporter was on it. Basically he said that the press in Britain (England he was saying, but I see some stuff in Scotland like this) the media are messing around with foreign interviews and taking them out of context. He said practically all the players talking are just saying the same stuff that the usual British player says, and the media then distort it.

So I wouldn't take too much notice of what players are allegedly saying.

He failed to meet the friday deadilne. Sportscentre claimed King would get the nod over Carragher. Sure hope so. Also hope Desailly will play as hes past it.
classic hows that an insult, hes merely doing his job. its not even as if you dont see journos asking questions about the opposition in press conferances or programmes for normal league games. they have to sell papers, and the best way for them to do it is by writing about england, get over it.

kings a superb player but hes not in the same class as terry, ferdinand or even woodgate unfortunately. this has really hurt our chances of a win imo. our cant see us defending solidly as we did against argentina etc, which was the key in those games.
Now that Terry will be back, would it be a good idea to get rid of King?
King arguably was our best player.
King should play on, we need to find a worthy partner for Rooney! lol
stesh said:
King should play on, we need to find a worthy partner for Rooney! lol

Owen was just invisible today/. I still think he's a top notch striker mind just he was outplayed.
faiers said:
classic hows that an insult, hes merely doing his job. its not even as if you dont see journos asking questions about the opposition in press conferances or programmes for normal league games. they have to sell papers, and the best way for them to do it is by writing about england, get over it.
Nonsense, that's all the English journos do, it's like "oooh validate us, validate us!" at every tournament, "tell us we're good please, oooh just say we can win it!". Show some dignity FFS there's more than just England in the tournament, is what I say.
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