The England Topic

Well we beat Iceland in a competitive game last year, so they're not up to much. It was a pretty good performance from England, although set-piece defending will be a problem I think.
2 great finishes from rooney and Vassel. As the commentators said it's a good morale boost.
ClassicD said:
Well we beat Iceland in a competitive game last year, so they're not up to much. It was a pretty good performance from England, although set-piece defending will be a problem I think.


Poor Iceland though. They're not as shit as they looked today.
'Lampard would have scored if he was wearin a blue skirt'

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
ClassicD said:
"I hate seeing England concede goals, it really bugs me I have to say" - I know Ray, god forbid anyone should dare score against England. You've only just went 3-0 up but that's not good enough.

:mrgreen: LOL..................I thought that was a classic myself. Yeah Ray, I was doing cartwheels when Porto scored their third in the UEFA Cup Final. Oh Brilliant 'Ruud, Ruud, Ruud' get into those Scottish twats............what a fanny!!

Iceland are pish, let's be honest, they even tried playing Eidur Gudjonsson in an attacking midfield, think he better play in attack as he's pish trying to be a playmaker, think Vinny Jones could rival him there. Mind you England will be feared now, it ain't every week you play against players from Watford, Stoke and Reading................grrrrrrrrrrrrr, ya bastards!!

Pires7 said:
'Lampard would have scored if he was wearin a blue skirt'

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

:mrgreen: haha.........that was a beaut from old Slappy, his weekend activities caught up with him there.

ClassicD said:
What the f**k is Ray Wilkings smoking?

"I hate seeing England concede goals, it really bugs me I have to say" - I know Ray, god forbid anyone should dare score against England. You've only just went 3-0 up but that's not good enough.

I think he means he hated seeing england concend a slopy goal when we are on a high, but he did say some stupid things. Wheres andy gray??

Good result i feel confident we go far in this competion
Yes! back to basics, the simpe 4-4-2 worked extremely well IMO, i was a fan of the diamond but now i think Sven should keep the flat midfield for the simple reason that it suits our players far better than the diamond. However Iceland made us look good, thought they would have given us a bigger test, i mean think about it they have some good players in there.
In response to earlier posts, some Scotland fans arent Scotland fans they are who ever England are playing fans! ;) lol
Today it all worked very well, was it because we have raised our game or was it that their goalie couldnt have stopped the ball hitting the back of the net unless it was beach ball size

I am not getting my hopes up yet as France will be a different task altogether
I think the 4-4-2 in the first half is much better for England. Scholes playing on the left did well and he came inside and played some good balls into Owen. It doesnt matter that hes not a winger that provides crosses, coz Becks can do that. Scholes could do for England what Pires does for Arsenal.
He has to play 4-4-2 really next week

Scholes, Lampard and Gerrard did fuck all in the diamond but in the flat 4 they all played very well

especially Scholes who looked more like the Scholes we are used to in an England shirt

This match Just confirmed the diamond is shit for me :) and that we have some useful players on the bench
England looked really good in the flat 4-4-2 against iceland, I think they should use it in the tournament. They have to be careful against France though because they will not have any cover in the middle of the park if gerrard and lampard both push up. They will also leave more space for zizou and pires to do damage. Against any other side they'll be okay. Play it safe against france and you'll get into the next round. By the way Rooney needs to be at a bigger club in my opinion. He's wasted at Everton, i know he's young but he is not going develop like he should if he stays at Everton. He's just a different player when surrounded by quality talent.
He seems to of developed ok so far wouldn't you say?
stesh said:
He seems to of developed ok so far wouldn't you say?
sorry my man, i noticed you are an everton supporter. i don't know, he's on another level when he plays with the national squad. Maybe its time for Moyes to build a squad around him, he's that good. You guys had a rough campaign last year, the last thing you can afford to do is go down. You'll lose him for sure. By the way why doesnt the scottish kid Mcfadden get more time on the first team.
Rooney is so different for England, but then hes playing with better players, just lol. I think Moyes is trying to protect him too much. I would love to see Mcfadden play more, aint got a clue why he dont.
ClassicD said:
faiers said:
you might want to consider the fact that at this time the world cup was old news, we were actually proud of the team and no one holds anything against ronaldinho.
No, there was just a barrage from all quarters England that it was a fluke :roll:.

faiers said:
we get all this sh*t about how were definetly gonna get thrashed or definetly gonna get chucked out but just because we think we have a chance were told were arrogrant, ignorant etc etc etc etc etc. (classic, 'rivalries' are clearly to do with history).
The English media are arrogant and ignorant, they think everything revolves around them and dedicate 25 minutes of a 30 minute program to themselves, the other 4 home nations might get a couple of minutes at the end before the final time is used to play extended credits with the England highlights in the background :lol:. ;).

faiers said:
ps, im sure the scottish specific media dont show any bias towards scotland do they. if its such a problem i dont understand why scotland cant sort out its own media institutions (considering the % of english people in the audience they would be stupid to address the audience differently). if they cant even do that god knows why what they would be like if they got independance. funnily enough i actually saw a guy complaining about the lack of english football on the scottish highlights programmes recently.
What the fuck are you on about, we don't have a choice what commentators we have to listen to when we watch a sporting event.

actually most people said if it was any other person it would have been a fluke but because it was ronaldinho you couldnt be sure. most people actually blame seaman (you cant blame ronaldinho for scoring for his country) and most fans over here love him for his skills. by barrage from all quarters do you mean sun journalists by any chance ?

classic surely you have to accept that if most people in england want to see the england game then thats what there gonna show. most people want to see the likes of arsenal, chelsea and man u so i have to accept that there given 30 odd mintues while spurs are given 30 seconds. if i cant stomach the arsenal/henry fan club i will happily not watch their part and fast forward till spurs are on, its not that hard. how are they arrogant and ignorant for catering to a largely english audience, i really dont understand. i could understand if you didnt get to see your games at all (i presume their shown live) but surely that isnt the case ?

can you please explain to me which over partriotic sections of the english media are so unavoidable in your daily life. surely your not complaining about the use of english commentators in the coverage of english games are you. can you please explain to me how the scottish media or the coverage of scottish games differs please.

i apologise for the tone of my original message btw. im not trying to cause offence, just discussion so if anyone finds any of it offensive just say and ill edit it out. cheers
if sven does go for that against france we might just get away with it as scholes wont have an out and out right winger to stick too. I wouldnt blame sven if he tried to fit butt in there somewhere though.

cant wait for the torny to start now
Does anyone know if it's possible to view England goals online? Specifically from the last two matches, now that I'm an English "exile" it's not possible to watch England friendlies on TV :(
Has anybody else in England noticed an explosion of cars with England flags on the radio antennas or hanging out the windows etc (mini ones)?!

Driving down the main road next to me today a line of cars passing ALL had these damn mini-flags on, and when I got to the ASDA car-park every second car had one on!!

Have they been giving them away free in The Sun or something?!?!
I have also noticed this outbreak. I dont think they are free, they are just really cheap lol. I saw one car the other day who forgot that if the window is lowered then they fall out! lol anyway it was going about 40mph and the flag flew out! lol, but on a serious note im pretty sure they can be deadly!!
how long will it be before u see

"England flag causes pileup" in the papers :)

Them flags have been round here for weeks now and i think they look shit
Why does Sven not want a player to mark Zizou? i think its a good idea anyway... if u mark him man 2 man... that leaves gaps for Henry, Pires, Vieira, Trez to roam around! Sven is a smart man...
Has anybody else in England noticed an explosion of cars with England flags on the radio antennas or hanging out the windows etc (mini ones)?!

Yeh there all over the place where I live and saw 1 car the other day with about 6 on the back windows :shock:

I have just passed a car in town with a Union Jack attached. Some people are missing the point arent they :roll:
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