The England Topic

July 1st - all will be revealed.

You'll either think 'cool 8)' or 'is that it? :x'

Either way, it's taking a lot of time to do and it's costed me £12.87 so far


o Sven has switched to a regular 4-4-2
o James is out, Robinson comes in
o Terry is out, Carragher comes in
o 10 Substitutions at half time
o No players have been dropped
o Scholes switches to left
o Gerrard and Lampard are in the centre

Seems strange to rip up the tatcic he has used in every game so far and switch to a 442 in this final game before the tourny. If it works then all in the garden is rosy but if it doesnt we will once again be wondering how we will fare against the French
I remeber when england played germany (5-1) there was a pub full of scottish people cheering germany on what the f**k is that all about?? half your scotland team are english any way (listen to their accents) they only play for you cause they cannot get in the england team.

I think this formation we are to use is better than the diamond, with gerrard in the middle.
how long before this topic gets locked because of "off-topic" crap????
JimJoeC said:
And even if you were you wouldn't get passed the first round!
How can you say this, I have every confidence we'd get out of the groups. Look at our record for example, we've never made it past the groups of a major tournament. Aaaah I see your lot's thinking now, winning the World Cup nearly 40 years ago and doing sod all since means you'll obviously win Euro 2004!!! :mrgreen:

Some people never get the message - we know we're shite, so constantly telling us this only humours us. You feel the need to sink down to a level where you bash a football minnow because your own side aren't as hot as you'd like everyone to think they are. Yes we bash you all the time, but we're shite, and at least we can admit it! :mrgreen:

Today England will win and you'll get a wave of optimism for the Euro, which will be great for your nation. And for us when you get pumped anyway.


pvfc_fan said:
how long before this topic gets locked because of "off-topic" crap????
What's off-topic, we're talking about England :eh: ? I take it you mean you don't want anyone winding you up, and this should be for the England 'fans' only? Your lot slagged us off when Holland gubbed us, any chance they could, so give a rest. This is all just pre-tournament banter, when it starts it'll get a bit better because there'll be games to discuss.
England obivously aint as good as some of the other teams (France and italy) but you cant say we dont have a chance of winning it. Ill be pleased if we got to the semis and theres a good chance we will.
SilverSpider said:
Your mad Fans havent started Rioting and trying to kill Innocent Europeans yet ! When that happens you might be Kicked out.

Theres no smoke without fire

It takes 2 sets of fans to fight u know. But as usual we start it for no reason apparently

And all this about "Self Confessed World Beaters" whats the point in going to a tournament and supporting the losers?

Wherever we go we wanna win, simple as that and if u scots cant see that we have a team capable of doin that then i can see why Scottish football is such a joke :)
foxtrot_yankee said:
According to the Daily Record today, 6/10 Scots will be cheering on England during Euro 2004.

Haha that paper must print more bullshit than News Of The World then
Matt123 said:
England obivously aint as good as some of the other teams (France and italy)
Tell that to the 20% of 105 people so far who think England will win it outright in the poll ;).

Funny how Coopz agrees with all of us Scots (bar FD, but that's a given :mrgreen:) think the Record talks pish. The survey didn't say everyone who took part was Scottish, I think it was just done in Scotland, so there could be a fair percentage of people who did it but aren't even Scottish!
fd why would i possibly take that bet when i can get much better odds at a bookies ?? england are roughly rated at 7-1 about (joint) 4th favourties, that sounds about right to me and im sure most england fans share the same view. no one here is saying we are without doubt were gonna win it, just that behind france and italy we have as good a chance as anyone. you say you never get it wrong but we managed to prove a few people wrong against argentina and turkey when we were supposed to have no chance as well.

i apologise that it offends some of you soo much that we believe that we could win it, but no self respecting football fan would think otherwise imo. the chances of you lot going to win away to holland were pretty low but personally i wouldnt have had any respect for a scots if they had just accepted that they were gonna lose. im sure you got stick for it but the differance is no one here has an anti scottish gospel that they want to spout out every 5 mins.

by the way lads, who do you think your kidding blaming it on the media and us being so arrogant and smug. (its even recorded in academic journals how a lot of scotland fans all bought argentina shirts because they were playing england - too the extent that they sold out). your entitled to your opinion and i dont expect you too like england but it goes beyond banter to a barrage of pointless comments that are just pathetic and boring. perhaps you lot arent too bad but some scots are just too obsessive about it. for example i went on holiday about a month after the world cup and some scottish guy next to us would sing theres only one ronaldinho evertime he went in and out of the hotel. first time i actually laughed but after a while it just made you think how pathetic he was, and this sort of behaviour isnt that uncommon in my experience. you might want to consider the fact that at this time the world cup was old news, we were actually proud of the team and no one holds anything against ronaldinho.

we get all this sh*t about how were definetly gonna get thrashed or definetly gonna get chucked out but just because we think we have a chance were told were arrogrant, ignorant etc etc etc etc etc. (classic, 'rivalries' are clearly to do with history).

theres nothing wrong with banter its just the majority of the posts are just freckin boring.

ps, im sure the scottish specific media dont show any bias towards scotland do they. if its such a problem i dont understand why scotland cant sort out its own media institutions (considering the % of english people in the audience they would be stupid to address the audience differently). if they cant even do that god knows why what they would be like if they got independance. funnily enough i actually saw a guy complaining about the lack of english football on the scottish highlights programmes recently.
20% = 1 in 5 chance which isnt to dissimilar from the bookies ;) . its not even as if people are serious when they vote in these polls half the time anyway.
Our highlights programmes died when ITV got the Premiership and BBC Scotland got SPL.

BBC Scotland decided to show highlights at 5pm on the Saturday for about 15mins.

It was good back in the day when it was the main Scottish match followed by other SPL matches then Premiership matches all on the one programme.

Sadly those days are gone and it costs £99 to watch SPL now.
faiers said:
you might want to consider the fact that at this time the world cup was old news, we were actually proud of the team and no one holds anything against ronaldinho.
No, there was just a barrage from all quarters England that it was a fluke :roll:.

faiers said:
we get all this sh*t about how were definetly gonna get thrashed or definetly gonna get chucked out but just because we think we have a chance were told were arrogrant, ignorant etc etc etc etc etc. (classic, 'rivalries' are clearly to do with history).
The English media are arrogant and ignorant, they think everything revolves around them and dedicate 25 minutes of a 30 minute program to themselves, the other 4 home nations might get a couple of minutes at the end before the final time is used to play extended credits with the England highlights in the background :lol:. ;).

faiers said:
ps, im sure the scottish specific media dont show any bias towards scotland do they. if its such a problem i dont understand why scotland cant sort out its own media institutions (considering the % of english people in the audience they would be stupid to address the audience differently). if they cant even do that god knows why what they would be like if they got independance. funnily enough i actually saw a guy complaining about the lack of english football on the scottish highlights programmes recently.
What the fuck are you on about, we don't have a choice what commentators we have to listen to when we watch a sporting event.
MrCoopz said:
SilverSpider said:
Your mad Fans havent started Rioting and trying to kill Innocent Europeans yet ! When that happens you might be Kicked out.

Theres no smoke without fire

It takes 2 sets of fans to fight u know. But as usual we start it for no reason apparently

No it takes your set of Fans to Fight and the Other set of Fans to Defend themselves !

A Fight is something that Happens due to a Misunderstanding, a Dirty look, a spilled pint in a Pub of Drunks (Etc)..............This on the other Hand is Planned Co ordinated Violence & Troublecausing regardless if anyone pisses them off or not - You cant call it a "Fight" !

Your Hooligans were even on the ITV News with Trevor McDonald last week saying in their own words "We are Determined to bring our Brand of Football Violence to Euro 2004 No matter what" in what the ITV News described as a Shocking report Apparently ?

It wasnt that shocking a report for me, I would have called it a "Confirmation Report" ;)
What the f**k is Ray Wilkings smoking?

"The keeper must have been poorly positioned as the shot looked a long way wide... yes it was, a long, long way wide" - talking about Beckham's shot which curled no more than a foot past the post.

"I hate seeing England concede goals, it really bugs me I have to say" - I know Ray, god forbid anyone should dare score against England. You've only just went 3-0 up but that's not good enough.

Great strike by Rooney, bit fortunate with the first one though. btw Scholes totally bottled challenging for the ball on Iceland's goal.
I was going to mention this earlier but it seems to have got better. Please could you put a stop all this anger between Scots and English, this is the England Topic to discuss the football side (squad, matches etc.). As a result of some rather rash remarks I have given cards out to metallica and Matt123 so please calm it down a bit.


Carlsberg - Official Beer England

Surely it should be the Danes "official beer"

And whats the deal with officialness these days?

Sainsbury's - Official England Supermarket
British Airways - Official England Airline
dunno what to say about this match

did we play well or are they shit?

Was our passing good or did they make it look good?

We cant win :)
A bit of both. We did play extremely well, they played extremely shit. And we got a little lucky :) but no one has to notice that.
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