The England Topic

JimJoeC said:
SulphuricX said:
Okay okay, now thats just stereotypical, im sure that no one on evo web had anything to do with that :roll:.

Anyone know the formation for the game against Iceland?

Hopefully he'll drop that fu***** diamond formation, it's proven wank.

He'd be much better off playing a flat four in midfiled or even 3-5-2 with Bridge and Cole as wingbacks.

I dont like the 3-5-2 formation. i saw Spurs use this way to much under hoddle and its become a tired tactic.

The dimond works for me. we dont have a natural wide man on the left so it makes sence to put that Formation into place.
The diamond formation leaves us too exposed when the midfield all go froward, because you've got Scholes in an advanced position it doesn't take a lot to expose the defence. And with Cole/Bridge and Neville getting forward as much as possible it leaves us vulnreable.

I'd go with a 4-4-2 formation with Bridge and Cole on the left wing.

Mind we have a very bad habit of playing heavily on the right wing. When Thompson come in for a game it wasn't that he was crap he rarely got the ball as we are so used to playing without the balance. Bridge and Cole would give us a lot more balance.
Personally I would have liked to see him give 3-5-2 a go as we only have 1 left footer who's going to start.

Obviously Sven is a 4-4-2 man all the way so what the hell - play it just like the starting line up against the Japs and see what happens. Its adventurous but it accomodates all of our best talent so give it a go.

Who knows! By the semis Lampard might have got the knack of this holding midfield gig.
haha...........old Armando, another flash from the past, nice to see you again.

If your on for England's time at Euro 2004, you'll be here for about a week then? :mrgreen:

Dyer is a bit inconsistent for me, however, when he is good he certainly is quality.

Jenas is in a similar mould and defo one for the future.

Interesting news about the French coach, bit of unrest in the national side just before a major tournament. Think if it was Svennus!
Dyer has had a shit season.

It should be like this. 4-3-1-2

That's not bad but I'd move Lamps and Butt around and Put Gerrard up front and put Joe Cole on the left wing.

Cole has played a couple of times for Chelsea in that position and looked pretty dangerous.
Owen hasn't had the best of seasons. neither has Rooney. And butt has only played half a season if that.

It may be a master strok if it works. Dyer has pace, Skill, and energy. he can score and most importantly can open up defences. if we were not so close to the Eurosi would give him a go at least. see what he can do
Players like Rooney and Owen live for the big games.

They always play up depending on the opposition. I've got a good feeling about the France game. I think Rooney will be the player of the tournament.
Dyer is shite, about 4 of my mates are mags and one of whom has a season ticket

he says not one person he knows in that stadium wants Dyer at the club, hes Shite
I dunno about shite, i think it's just that he gets injured alot.
IT'S OFFICIAL- Sven is not going to play the diamond formation tomorrow.
We all know what's coming here now, don't we?

England will convincingly beat Iceland (not hard is it?) and it'll be 'See we don't need the diamond formation, look how well we played!!'.

super mick mcarthy said:
I dunno about shite, i think it's just that he gets injured alot.

na mate hes Shite

Heres a chat with me mate on msn (who is a mag)


Describe Kieron Dyer in one word



:mrgreen: LOL! ok ill take your word for it!
fd1972uk said:
We all know what's coming here now, don't we?

England will convincingly beat Iceland (not hard is it?) and it'll be 'See we don't need the diamond formation, look how well we played!!'.


Do you fancy England or something you always going on about them, give it a rest you ginger wanker
Matt123 said:
fd1972uk said:
We all know what's coming here now, don't we?

England will convincingly beat Iceland (not hard is it?) and it'll be 'See we don't need the diamond formation, look how well we played!!'.


Do you fancy England or something you always going on about them, give it a rest you ginger wanker

:lol: =D> :lol:
our celtic cousins on evo web seem to have just become caricatures of themselves recently. its hard to take them even the slightest bit serious now.
we are playing this tommorrow

G Neville --- Campbell --- Carragher --- A Cole
-Beckham --- Gerrard --- Lampard --- Scholes-

with everyone being subbed at half time except maybe robinson and carragher

personally id put Ashley Cole where scholes is with bridgey at LB or other way round.
faiers said:
our celtic cousins on evo web seem to have just become caricatures of themselves recently. its hard to take them even the slightest bit serious now.

Okay then take this serious, I bet you my £200 to your £100 that England don't win it. CW can hold the bets. And if you want to raise another £100 each the loser donates it to Evo-Web. Have you got the balls Faiers?

Or if the 21 people who voted England want to bet me £10 each, I will and I'll donate £50 of my prize to Evo-Web. 21 Takers?

You think I just bull everyone because I'm a Scot, well I don't think your good enough, put your money where your mouth is if you think I'm jealous.

Money has nothing to do with being jealous, it just means instead of being a jealous fool your a jealous fool with money! lol ;)
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