The Apple Thread - Macs, iPods & iPhones!

Not that interesting, but the Apple page saying big announcement coming tomorrow from iTunes.

Widely expected to be The Beatles back catalog finally going on iTunes.

Told you it wasnt interesting...

My only option at the moment is streaming because it's £30+ to get those channels on top of my current Virgin package. £6 a month is great though.

The composite iPhone cable looks really good on a larger screen. It's not HD quality but it's good enough standard definition.

EDIT: Am I right in thinking the price goes up after New Year though? From £6 to £35 p/month - I just want the iPhone one.

All I have heard is that it is £6. Nothing about it going up to £30+. that would be silly as nobody would buy it on their iphone.

If the link to the TV is good then I will definately be getting it if I get an iphone ;))
All I have heard is that it is £6. Nothing about it going up to £30+. that would be silly as nobody would buy it on their iphone.

If the link to the TV is good then I will definately be getting it if I get an iphone ;))

Yep, did a bit more research and it stays at £6 from now until whenever. It doesn't change next year.

I took the plunge and signed up. Have to say it's great quality for the iPhone, no stuttering or anything on the wifi connection. It's also quite good on the 3G connection, but as Tim says sometimes it loses sync it also stutters now and again - but it's a lot better than say TVCatchup on 3G.

Bought a TV Out cable aswell - it's a 3rd party £12 one off eBay, but should do the trick.

TVOut2 Mirror or Landscape TV apps on a jailbroken phone will do the trick.

YouTube - Landscape TV Out for iPhone working with Sky Mobile

YouTube - Sky Mobile Player on iPhone working on a full size TV
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Not that interesting, but the Apple page saying big announcement coming tomorrow from iTunes.

Widely expected to be The Beatles back catalog finally going on iTunes.

Told you it wasnt interesting...

Pretty big buy for Apple. They're going to be the first digital retailers offering the Beatles in that much depth. I can imagine many legal music listeners buying the collection.
Yep, did a bit more research and it stays at £6 from now until whenever. It doesn't change next year.

I took the plunge and signed up. Have to say it's great quality for the iPhone, no stuttering or anything on the wifi connection. It's also quite good on the 3G connection, but as Tim says sometimes it loses sync it also stutters now and again - but it's a lot better than say TVCatchup on 3G.

Bought a TV Out cable aswell - it's a 3rd party £12 one off eBay, but should do the trick.

TVOut2 Mirror or Landscape TV apps on a jailbroken phone will do the trick.

YouTube - Landscape TV Out for iPhone working with Sky Mobile

YouTube - Sky Mobile Player on iPhone working on a full size TV

Looks brilliant, cheers mj :DD
I have Sky mobile free till January as well and it is pretty good

The picture on WiFi is very good but on 3G it goes into low res so looks blurry but its still watchable

Its pretty handy as well if your out and want catch up with the footy or are just bored when your out and want watch a match
Just had a quick google search, people are saying that about 1min of a decent quality video clip could be anything from 5-15mb?

Taking into consideration alot of service providers are caping the unlimited mobile internet to 500mb. If you watch one match your whole allowance would be nearly gone (if it was 5mb a minute) if it was 15mb per minute, you would have nearly gone over triple your allowance!

So what's the deal? is the information I googled correct? and if so does it apply to the system sky will be using?
fairwell to this thread from my side!

getting rid of my iphone 4 :) had a good time. time for you to leave ! :( ;)
Anybody use the iphone sky sports £6 a month package?

Just wandering how good it is? you get all sky sports channels (including news) and ESPN for £6 a month.

If you have, how good is it when you hook it up to the tv? is the picture good?

Thinking of getting an iphone and this would be brilliant, as I don't have sky.

Bit late to the game but I have it and it is a cracking little app. Best one I have tbh. I signed up when I had Sky Sports but cancelled mine 6 weeks ago and I still haven't been charged for having it on my iPhone.

I'd like to connect it to my TV but I don't want to JB my phone as I paid for it outright and don't want to break it so I'll carry on just watching it on small screen. Doesn't bother me at watching on small screen tbh.

I only watch when on wi-fi though. I did watch some of Spurs v Man City (1st game of season) when waiting for mrs in hair dressers but it was data heavy. To be honest though, if I'm out, I'm out and don't want to watch TV anyway. wi-fi in work so I have it on under my monitor a lot of the time too.

Pic looks decent on the TV though Matt. Fair play. But as mentioned, I'm too worried about JB'ing!
Bit late to the game but I have it and it is a cracking little app. Best one I have tbh. I signed up when I had Sky Sports but cancelled mine 6 weeks ago and I still haven't been charged for having it on my iPhone.

I'd like to connect it to my TV but I don't want to JB my phone as I paid for it outright and don't want to break it so I'll carry on just watching it on small screen. Doesn't bother me at watching on small screen tbh.

I only watch when on wi-fi though. I did watch some of Spurs v Man City (1st game of season) when waiting for mrs in hair dressers but it was data heavy. To be honest though, if I'm out, I'm out and don't want to watch TV anyway. wi-fi in work so I have it on under my monitor a lot of the time too.

Pic looks decent on the TV though Matt. Fair play. But as mentioned, I'm too worried about JB'ing!

So you can't hook it up to the TV without Jailbreaking? I thought it would be a standard feature?
So you can't hook it up to the TV without Jailbreaking? I thought it would be a standard feature?

Nope. Not as far as I know anyway. TV out switched off or something like that. Can you blame Sky for that though? I don't.

Watching on small screen isn't a problem as I'm the only one who watches sport in my house anyway.

So £6pm instead of £20pm plus ESPN chucked in with the £6pm is a right bargain. Happy days.
But you do if you want to watch Sky Player or view everything on your phone on the screen etc for gaming or other apps ;). You can still view videos and photos without jailbreaking, but you're very limited.

Got my cable through today. Works great.

For anyone out there who wants the ideal solution get Resupported4 (if on the latest JB iOS4.1) and TVOut2. The Resupported4 app basically makes the majority of 3rd party cables compatible as if they were the expensive £40 Apple cable. TVOut2 has the best connection with no detectable lag.
Good old auto correct on the iPhone :LOL:

Changes the orientation lock on the iPad to a mute button (lock is now on the double-tap tray).

Has NOT gone down well. Especially as some apps dont recognise it and sound still comes through.

Just a quick iTunes question

I have all my music saved on my C:, which is all simply dragged and dropped into iTunes. Iam now thinking of getting a new external HD to hold all my media. Now here's my problem if I cut all my music from my C: and paste it to the new drive, my iTunes will no longer be able to find all the music. Anyone know a magical way where I can just move all my music and for iTunes to detect it

Thanks in advance!

You can just change the folder it finds the music from can't you?

The file directory/file names will still be the same, just with whatever your external drive is instead of C: so when you click play the files should automatically change without a hitch?

I could also do with finding this out, have 75GB worth on the laptop hard drive and wouldn't mind shifting it to an external to free up some space/have a backup.
After moving the tracks I'd probably start with a clean library again in iTunes - control [or command] +a to select all the tracks and then delete them and just point it to the new drive using the "Add to library" option.
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