The Apple Thread - Macs, iPods & iPhones!

The only problem with this and Infinidock is that when you connect to iTunes and click the app tab where you can organise your icons, iTunes doesn't realise you have either installed so just chucks the icons in the folders all over the place

Its fucking annoying having to move them everytime

Yeah but it doesn't mess up anything on your iPhone so its all good :)

Just got given MobileMe for free for life. Well chuffed!
SPMC; said:
how the heck u manage that? :CONFUSE:

I'm not quite sure haha my friend who has MobileMe text and asked me If I wanted it for free for life. I of course said yes and he signed me up. It says on my account that it's a friends and family account or something, so I guess it's something to do with that?

He also works for Apple but I'm not sure if that's got anything to do with it.

Sean said:
Looks like I'll be purchasing unless a new one is due out soon?

The dev for it posts on the SIGames forums. I think he mentioned something about a new version being released around the time the PC game is released. Not 100% on that though but check the SIGames forums if you wanna know.
I'll wait for them to release one that uses the retina screen for a more hi-res display.
I'm not quite sure haha my friend who has MobileMe text and asked me If I wanted it for free for life. I of course said yes and he signed me up. It says on my account that it's a friends and family account or something, so I guess it's something to do with that?

He also works for Apple but I'm not sure if that's got anything to do with it.

damn nice! 
RuneEdge said:
I'll wait for them to release one that uses the retina screen for a more hi-res display.

Yeah I remember he did say that there won't be any more updates for this FM but the next version will be Retina display / multitasking / iPad compatiable when it launches.

FM on the iPad would be ridiculously good.
applied my leftover 3gs anti glare power support foil to the 4, there is a slight size issue on the borders, but it is perfectly covered up by the little rubber lip of the speck hd case, so basically it is protected all around now. very happy. :) oh and yeah the front cam is covered up but i never use facetime so i do not really care
There's a PDF patch on Cydia now for people who have Jailbroken and dont want to update to 4.0.3 for the fix
apple are fucking twats sometimes. Why not just publicly release the Magic Mouse drivers so that it works fully with Windows?! :BRICK:

It's getting returned at this rate.
But releasing drivers and making it compatible with Windows would make them much more profit as it's opening their target market by a HUGE amount.

Can't get hold of these fucking drivers anywhere. They all keep pointing back to the same website, which has had them removed (probably by apple).
My uncle has bought a Macbook Air and a Macbook Pro off the refurb before. The people in-store said that most of the time they are returned bulk orders from corporations that are completely unused - all they miss is the original packaging. If you have any friends that are university students, or have access to a university network, you can get something like 15% off any Mac, including £50 for Apple Care instead of the usual £100-something.

Ok got a friend at uni who's willing to do this for me and also benefits me cos then i can get an ipod touch for like £20.
Thing I'm worried about is he'll have to buy it under his name... does that mean when/if I need to get it repaired by Apple, will I have any problems due to the fact that its not registered under my name or even at my address?
I had to turn off sky effects and it ran pretty well, can't remember if it was 100% smooth, but it was good enough for me to actually sit and watch. I THINK i turned off stadiums because they looked unrealistic and ridiculous.
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