The Apple Thread - Macs, iPods & iPhones!

BillyBoy said:
Video calling has to be the worst thing on any phone

Who the fuck uses it?

I have been using it extensively since I have had my iPhone 4. I ring my family and get to see my niece and her reaction is brilliant! I have always loved video calling and I use Skype with over 50 of my friends so the ability to video call them on my phone now and on the move with 3G is a big benefit to me.

I thought video call is only done in wifi for the iPhone 4
Does anyone else have any problems with emails on the iPhone?

I delete my messages then 10 minutes later it says i have new emails again

Anyone know how to sort it out?
No they are ones i deleted beforehand

It was all running fine until a couple of days ago
Something is very wrong with iPhones. If I put my 3GS in the dock stand, it gets a full strength 3G signal. Once I pick it up, it completely loses its signal and, once it starts to pick it, only goes to a maximum of one bar.

Did numerous tests with and without being placed in the dock and it's definately the case that the dock gives 3G with good speeds, whereas out of the dock I can't even connect to the App Store and the internet.

Very shoddy.

Edit: Someone else has picked up on it, a good few months ago so not an iOS4 issue:
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I have a feeling it's to do with the jailbreak/unlock (aside from the obvious distance from a 3G antenna/whether indoors or outdoors arguments etc). With my old 3G I used to get varying speeds on the 3G connection on O2 PAYG, in certain parts of the house I only had a few bars showing whilst other areas showed full bars. Then when I upgraded to the 3G S it was even worse, I averaged 2/3 bars wherever I was.

However, since I've gone legit upgrading to 4.0 WITHOUT jail-breaking or unlocking, these issues have completely disappeared. I don't think this is a coincidence.

p.s. for the sake of argument I also don't see any difference whether in the dock or not.
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My phone isn't jailbroken so it can't be that.

I'm in work at the moment and using the official Apple dock (at home I used the Griffin Aircurve) and it's exactly the same here. Full bars when docked, pick it up and it drops right down in signal strength.
No, but this photo was taken of me last night. Maybe a part of the problem?

I used to have problems but that was with T-Mobile and since they have merged with Orange i have had no problems at all so it wasn't the phone that was bad here
My phone isn't jailbroken so it can't be that.

I'm in work at the moment and using the official Apple dock (at home I used the Griffin Aircurve) and it's exactly the same here. Full bars when docked, pick it up and it drops right down in signal strength.

Is it an issue with it being upright then? Have you tried standing it up without the dock?
I'll give it a try, I've just picked up the phone and turned it on, getting "No Service" :ROLL:

Edit: No, I can take it out of the dock and it keeps the signal if I place it down immediately, vertically or horitzonally. As soon as I touch it, the signal drops right down.

Colleague has just picked it up and it dropped right down too, put it back in the dock and full signal.
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I caved in and ordered an iPhone today, should hopefully have it within a week.

What did you boys do about insurance / warranty? I'm not paying an extra £13 a month to Vodafone for it!
Would it be wise to invest in a bumper (if so, where's best?). I'm a lefty as well so likely to encounter the antenna issue...

Also, are there any apps that are essential / recommended? I've had an iPod Touch for the last 2 years so already have some.

Ta very much
Was about to ask the same thing about insurance. I'm probably going to get a bumper eventually, I think they look very nice. I've got an invisible shield coming (£14.99 + 2nd half price @ carphonewarehouse).
As for insurance, look into your parents / your own home contents insurance. It'll more than likely be covered and if its not, you can pay a small price to add it.

My brother had his 32GB iPhone 4 stolen on Saturday night. By yesterday, our insurance company had made the £600 transfer to my mums account with a £50 excess.

Pretty good going I'd say!
Mine is a little bit like that but I'd rather have it on. I went in CPW again yesterday to see if they had any bumpers, he said no and they are £40 at Apple? I checked when I got home and they are still £25. The stupid bastard.
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