The Apple Thread - Macs, iPods & iPhones!

So I come home from work at 11pm and find a iPhone 4 on my kitchen table! Turns out my sister got a contract from Orange yesterday. I had no clue so it was quite a pleasant surprise. I didnt use it much, just downloaded some apps for her and had a play around with the camera, safari, etc.
So far, the only thing I like is the higher resolution cuz it's brilliant for web browsing. Other than that, it's nothing special. I was planning on getting one soon but I can already see how the novelty will disappear in a matter of days, especially with previous iPhone users.
Oh and I tried a million different ways of holding it and I lost no reception. The phone had a silicone case which might have made the difference. But either way, it seems to work fine.
iOS 4.01 on Monday?


Just called Apple Care. The guy on the phone said that the signal problem is well known by the Apple engineers and it is a software problem for definite. He said the engineers are working on a software fix and they hope to have this out by Thursday.

I also asked about the yellow 'hue' that some people are reporting (including myself) and if this persists after a few days, a replacement phone will be issued.
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How do I unlock the sim ? The phone is asking for a pin, but I don't have any...

edit : problem solved, code was on my sim card.:COAT:
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I havent posted in here because I have been so busy with my lovely iPhone 4! I queued up for nearly 7 hours at the Apple Store and didn't even get the model I wanted! They ran out of 32GB's by 5 people ahead of me so I settled for a 16GB but I get to return it next week and exchange it for a 32GB. It's a hassle but I wasn't going to leave empty handed. It was quite a surreal day with all the queues outside the different mobile stores. There were around 350-400 people outside the Apple Store and it was taking ages to move because so many people were going for contracts and needed activation. Overall it was a nice day spending time with friends and I met lots of nice people!

Anyway the phone is amazing and I should know as I have gone through nearly every smartphone known to man in the last year! The first thing that strikes you is the superb build quality of the iPhone 4. It feels like a bar of gold in your hand. The black glass on either side and the flat surface make it slide into the pocket easily. The steel surround adds to the expensive feel as do the metal buttons. It just feels great and its so thin!

Then when you turn it on you finally get to see just how good the retina display really is. Its without doubt the most beautiful mobile display ever. The clarity of of graphics and icons is second to none but what truly is breathtaking is the level of detail in the text on web pages, apps and books. Even completely zoomed out everything is distinguishable. Its a pleasure to web browse now and i'm actually using my MacBook considerably less. My books and PDF's can be read perfectly and I look forward to purchasing more books through the iBooks store.

The camera is very good. Shots are vibrant and show a high level of detail. Colours are balanced however when using the flash in certain low light circumstances people photographed may come out either too pale or too dark. The HD video recording works brilliantly and runs at a smooth 30FPS. I purchased iMovie but have not yet tested it. The front camera is also surprisingly clear and FaceTime conversations should be pretty good on the iPhone 4.

Regarding iOS 4 there is no real difference between it on the iPhone 4 and the 3GS apart from it being slightly more quick in navigation and app switching. This is due to the 1GHZ A4 CPU and the 512MB RAM. The battery is a big positive too and is far better than the 3GS. The day I got it, the 24th, I used the phone from 5pm all the way until 11pm the next day (obviously the phone wasn't used while I was sleeping) and this was with heavy usage - web browsing, YouTube videos, taking photos, listening to music, fast app switching, reading books etc. All in all the iPhone 4 is a major upgrade over the 3GS. If all that was changed was the retina display then this would be a must have but with the new design and form factor, plus the improved battery, CPU, RAM and cameras the iPhone 4 is the most impressive phone available today. While the smartphone market is moving at an astonishing pace and competition is stiff from the likes of Google, Palm and Nokia, Apple have once again made an industry leading device.
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Regarding dropped calls I have had two with my iPhone 4. I sometimes had a similar issue with my 3GS due to the poor reception I receive from O2 in certain rooms in my house. However while its easy to blame the carrier it could very well be due to the construction of the phones and the effects of the radio bands against your skin. If this is the case then this could be a major defect for the iPhone 4. Hopefully this turns out to be a software problem that can be remedied with an update from Apple.
Something is definately wrong with iOS4 I reckon. I'm getting a full signal, try to make a phonecall and after about half a minute, the other person starts breaking up and then the call dies. Checking the signal strength and it's showing zero bars.

I'm also able to kill my signal enough to make it search for networks, but not sure if it's when I hold it a specific way or not.
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Something is definately wrong with iOS4 I reckon. I'm getting a full signal, try to make a phonecall and after about half a minute, the other person starts breaking up and then the call dies. Checking the signal strength and it's showing zero bars.

I'm also able to kill my signal enough to make it search for networks, but not sure if it's when I hold it a specific way or not.

Im 90% sure the reception issues are software related. I heard that Apple are about to release iOS 4.0.1 within the next week.
since they did not offer upgrading my contract i ordered a sim-free phone from apple uk, shipping to germany via borderlinx.

estimated delivery time by july 14th, can't wait
Just been into apple bluewater and they were either playing dumb, or genuinely didn't know about the free bumpers being given out. I will ring apple support tomorrow and see what they say...
Where most apps haven't been designed for the new iPhone 4's screen resolution, they look a bit crappy and pixelated :((.
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