The Apple Thread - Macs, iPods & iPhones!

Right, just rang O2. The guy said that if you register on the O2 site that you're interested in the iPhone 4 and are thinking of buying it at launch, then they will be sending out a micro SIM to you. He said this micro SIM contains no information until you activate it, which you do by going to and then you can register it to your account. Then it will have your current tariff on the new micro SIM.
I send about 600 per month.
Scratch that, I sent 1007 last month! :CONFUSE:

And I used 220MB of data. So I guess that 500MB wouldn't be a problem. Hopefully I'll be able to stick with my current tariff and stay unlimited though.
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500MB would probably be enough for most people currently.

But Skype allows you to make calls over 3G which would use alot of data. And Apple are in talks with carriers to allow FaceTime over 3G which I imagine would use a LOT of data too.

It just seems like we'll be using mobile Internet more and more in the future so being tied down to a limit of 500MB a month for 18 / 24 months where, if you go over you don't get any sort of warning, you just get charged extra, just seems a bit shit.
Vodafone price plans (and phone prices) here -

Same price as the 3GS was for each plan :)
Prices out for PAYG... £499 and £599. More than people were expecting, or better?

Still waiting for O2 contract prices...
And an extra 8GB. That's really poor pricing, not likely to shift their old stock.
The white one looks shite anyway. Trying to reserve a black 32GB at the Bluewater store, but it won't work on my netbook mobile broadband!!! Gonna ring them now.
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